Properly cultured eggs have a very pleasing sweet/musky egg odor. From this state you can develop a very good lure or bait beginning with this base.A well cultured egg material is not what most associate the odor is with aged eggs.It is a good bait just as it is without any other ingredients.Certainly a mild odor but none the less attractive to predators.Formulate other ingredients such as glands, musks etc. you will have some good bait or lure.
The consistency of cultured eggs is a heavy mayonaise type consistency if worked and aged to term.When you add eye appeal to this odor or use some egg shells its potential is even more attractive.I did many years of testing with eggs and egg cultures and finally worked up what I have today.
To answer your question, in my experience cultured egg material is much more attractive then fresh broken egg yolks and whites.
Eggs are a prime food opportunity if found by predators of most any specie.Coons, fox, coyotes, skunks, opossums,crows and snakes to name a few all will seek out nests of ground and tree bird species.For eggs or newly hatched young.
For cage trapping eggs are great eye appeal just as empty shells. But add an odor to the presentation and you have a great combo opportunity for most animals on the prowl.
Here is our egg cracking day.It takes a few hours for two men to crack a few thousand eggs and separate shells from the meat.One of my buddies is shown helping out with this process.