I am pretty much out of the ADC business (I was doing it part time, but now my wife is treating cancer), however, I did keep one account. In exchange for trapping beaver, otter, and muskrat on his pond I get year round access to some of the finest crappie fishing in the area. The pond is just under 10 acres and was made by damming 2 creeks at their convergence, this year beavers have taken up residence on one of the creek arms. It is about a 50 minute drive (one way) out to the pond.
Note: I know there are a lot of posts in the archives on this subject, but I wanted to get input from folks on this forum who understand that I need to get this done quickly and efficiently.
I normally use 330's for beaver (MO has a 2 day check for body grip traps), in the past I have had good luck placing traps along the "cut" (see pic). However with the drought the pond is down a couple feet and using the 330's has not proven effective. So I bought (4) #4 jump traps off ebay and I am using sets as shown in the pics. There is a 3 - 4ft shelf that used to be the old creek bank, water depth is only 6 - 8 inches along the shelf, that falls off into the creek bottom which is 3 - 5 ft deep. So far in 3 trap checks I have 4 misses. 2 instances where it appears a beaver was caught in the trap but pulled slack in the cable and then pulled out of the trap, and 2 instances of the traps be tripped, but no evidence that it connected.
So obviously I need to add more weight, I used the concrete blocks because I have a bad back and 25lbs is really all I can handle, so do I simply add a 2nd concrete block? Is it advisable to somehow try to stake the block in place?
What other suggestions might you have? Crappie fishing is starting to get good, so there will be more people in and around the pond, I need to get this done and get my traps out of there.
Many thanks.