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As I wander in the timber here in the mountains late May through August I here this bird singing "heebe jeebe jeebe . Drives me nuts to see one and learn what it is called ! I do see some Juncos in the woods but not singing ! In conifers at 4500 to 6000 feet . Any ideas ?
You can ride a fast horse slow but you can't ride a slow horse fast .
Keith and Danny I don't think it is those . I did see one Chickadee near this sound . I am familiar with their early spring song and it could be a new one for later . I will get the Merlin app . Thanks to you all .
You can ride a fast horse slow but you can't ride a slow horse fast .
Re: Elusive Heebe Jeebe bird
[Re: g smith]
#7870313 05/23/2301:15 AM05/23/2301:15 AM
As I wander in the timber here in the mountains late May through August I here this bird singing "heebe jeebe jeebe . Drives me nuts to see one and learn what it is called ! I do see some Juncos in the woods but not singing ! In conifers at 4500 to 6000 feet . Any ideas ?
Tufted Titmouse.We have them at our feeders.They do sound like Heebe,,,,Heebe,,Jeebe.
Last edited by upstateNY; 05/23/2309:07 AM.
the wheels of the gods turn very slowly
Re: Elusive Heebe Jeebe bird
[Re: g smith]
#7870447 05/23/2309:43 AM05/23/2309:43 AM
Yup.Years ago before I figured out what they were,,,I even called them "heebe,,,,jeebe birds". That's why I knew right away what the OP was referring to.
Yote trapper and upstate ,no that is not the right sound . The habitat is lodgepole pine ,doug fir and ponderosa pine ,the bird obviously likes the trees as I have never heard it in the openings . Thanks for helping . I listened to every common bird song on merlin that I see in this area and so far ------ .We are wood cutting for 2 days late this week so I will report .
You can ride a fast horse slow but you can't ride a slow horse fast .