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I have lots of pictures of the doe. Even won a new camera from cuddeback from pictures of her in the past. This is the first year that she has had a white fawn. Here is another picture taken that same time.
Here is a little buck we call spot. Had a pretty bad injury that appears to finally be healing up.
The fawns have really started to be more visible and showing up on camera in the last week and half.
Last edited by WIMarshRAT; 06/23/2407:33 AM.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain!
Nothing too special yet. Hoping one of the two bucks turns into something. Curious how old folks think that coyote is? This years pup? Looks to small to be last years but had to be born about mid February or beginning of March to be this years.
Diggerman, those blue marks are the property boundary between our land and county forest. We had a survery done last winter after a dispute with the county over a few trees we cut on county land. We did a survey and it turns out one of our lines was actually supposed to be 90' further out into county land, so they had been logging 90' of our land the full length of a 40 for decades. They didn't seem too worried about a few trees after that.
Diggerman, those blue marks are the property boundary between our land and county forest. We had a survery done last winter after a dispute with the county over a few trees we cut on county land. We did a survey and it turns out one of our lines was actually supposed to be 90' further out into county land, so they had been logging 90' of our land the full length of a 40 for decades. They didn't seem too worried about a few trees after that.
Thanks, I see marks like a blue line, 2 blue hashmarks and some orange I believe. I thought the blue ones were boundry, there were some around our fourty but didnt really follow the line, I thought.
Generally 5.5+ year olds before rut are 200+. After the rut they could be as low as 150. I’m hoping that one deer I posted in the field is the buck I passed from last year. I was really worried he had run himself down too much. He looked rough after the rut. I keep peanuts or peanuts/corn out year round. I’m hoping those peanuts act as a protein supplement.
I would have thought that they would have been on the lighter side that far South. Our SE VA deer run a little bit smaller. You hear folks talk about +175 lb bucks around here until you see scale weights. Not that there aren't any... just ain't overly common.
WannaBe is in a unique area in Georgia that was restocked with deer in the 50s and 60s mostly from Wisconsin. Most other areas in the southern half of Georgia don't have as many mature bucks that will reach 200+.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Dang Swamp, making me jealous! Not wanting hogs, but now that I’m equipped to handle them, I’m missing them. I don’t miss the destruction We did some clear cutting of timber that I never could walk through, it was THICK, when we had a dry spell last Fall. When they removed all that, it was the main area the pigs hung out. It’s great for the property, but sucks for the hog dogging and hunting. Our coon hunter that comes to run dogs ain’t been back either, lol. It knocked out a lot of predators.
Dang Swamp, making me jealous! Not wanting hogs, but now that I’m equipped to handle them, I’m missing them. I don’t miss the destruction We did some clear cutting of timber that I never could walk through, it was THICK, when we had a dry spell last Fall. When they removed all that, it was the main area the pigs hung out. It’s great for the property, but sucks for the hog dogging and hunting. Our coon hunter that comes to run dogs ain’t been back either, lol. It knocked out a lot of predators.
I need to get back up to Turner County......and try out the .300AAC.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Looks like she had a normal fawn and I’m guessing that’s her yearling still with her. Based on the other comments I’m guessing y’all have a population of them and they’re off limits to hunting?
That’s her white fawn from this year. I think she is 8 now and is always the first to fawn every year. If I had to guess, that brown fawn is likely her daughter’s fawn.
There was a brown doe with a white fawn at the camera last night. Guessing they both just have their fawns on that ditchbank with all the water we have had recently.
This part of county only has a couple white deer, but we have lots of it in genetics. We get a white buck to move in and our numbers will explode. Two miles away, it is not uncommon to see 8-12 white deer in the field and maybe 1-2 brown ones. They are protected. That said, if we get a white buck to move in, there is strong incentive to make sure it disappears.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain!
That’s a huge fawn if that’s this years. She must have given birth in February, lol. That’s a yearling size here. That brown deer is definitely this years fawn. Now there may be a miscommunication here too. I consider a deer born this year a fawn all year. Next Spring it will be a yearling. The following year it’s a 2.5 year old by the time hunting season rolls around. Regardless that’s pretty cool. I’ve only seen one in the wild while trapping another property. Unfortunately it ended up becoming road kill. We do have an occasional piebald and have a little buck that I saw as a fawn and is now a 2yr old. Hoping he lives to get to 5.5 just to see what he may become.
That fawn was likely born last month. If you look at the first page of this thread, I posted a few other pictures. Give a better idea on its size. It’s big, but not crazy big. Single fawns tend to grow really fast and this year was extremely helpful with early green up and lots of water.
It’s not uncommon for our single doe fawns to reach the 60 lb threshold and be breed before they are a year old. This year we will likely see that happen a little more.
I like those pictures of bucks. Nothing that developed here on camera, but I also had bucks carrying until April this year. The big ones usually push out into the ag fields to get away from the others as well.
Last edited by WIMarshRAT; 06/26/2401:18 PM.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain!
Wasn't aware of them being over there. They are a big problem here. They are right across the river from me. So far haven't seen any on the east side yet. Am hoping not. Being protected. It doesn't take long for those bucks to become dominate, With all the complaining about them. It seems to fall on deaf ears. Doubt we will see ever see a season.
Big problem here too. They were even limited some in dispersal by 2 major highways (10/45)and the wolf river. They made it across both now. Would be even worse but guys have started taking matters into their own hands. They have made it to Outagamie county and are closing in on Waupaca. They are as far east as Neenah and south to Oshkosh.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain!
My trail cam in my backyard died after four years use. Here is couple of the last pics from January this year. We have a small acreage and I dump 50# of corn in a pile in the back corner and keep the pile full throughout the year. Quail, pheasants, deer, fox, turkey, geese, coon, possum, coyote, you name it I’ve got a pic of it on my cam. We get lots of visitors in our backyard at the corn pile. Way more fun than a small scale bird feeder.
Going to replace my camera this year and would like your input on best model.
Last edited by jabNE; 06/27/2405:28 AM.
Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Last years shed measured 72”. If he gets lucky this year we’ll see how much he’s grown or lost, lol. Those pics put him near where he “should” be hanging out come Sept. There’s a big ragweed field he practically lives in that makes his direction of travel so unpredictable. Last year my son got lucky and found his most consistent trail and got to eyeball him in person and that’s when he decided to give him one more year. It’s always a gamble letting one walk. Someone else could shoot him, he could get hit by a vehicle, or even suffer some sort of injury. But when you catch them on camera a few months before season it gets you excited and planning stand sites!
Problem existed b4 we started hunting that property 3.5 years ago (Turner County). It continues. We've killed only 21 hogs in that time. I could've killed 100+ alone .......but I was either turkey hunting or after a mature no unnecessary shooting.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Most of the bears are denned up when most of the trapping occurs. This was an issue with our September and October wolf trapping season, but I used no bait or food lures. Only lures I used early season were gland lures and pee post/scat sets and blind sets. That alleviated the problem for me, I know a couple guys who just figure turning bears out of traps is the price of doing business but I prefer to avoid them. With small traps for smaller animals if the are anchored solid they will generally just pull out, but any trap that will reliably hold a wolf will hold a bear.
Most of the bears are denned up when most of the trapping occurs. This was an issue with our September and October wolf trapping season, but I used no bait or food lures. Only lures I used early season were gland lures and pee post/scat sets and blind sets. That alleviated the problem for me, I know a couple guys who just figure turning bears out of traps is the price of doing business but I prefer to avoid them. With small traps for smaller animals if the are anchored solid they will generally just pull out, but any trap that will reliably hold a wolf will hold a bear.
Gotcha, didn’t know if they were as curious as deer or not. I’m with you, that’s one problem I’d prefer not to have to deal with!!
My feed areas are natural feed areas. Both oaks and Beauty Berries. I’d put up cameras to see what was using the areas and then decided it was worth starting to supplement feed the spots. My hog spot was picked just because of location and we’ve seen hogs travel through there. It’s a lower area which gives me a higher vantage point for sniping. Plus my spots in the drains are a lot cooler than the open pines, lol!!
And yes, feed peanuts about all year. I will throw corn out every now and then, but mainly when hogs show up. I figure the protein in the peanuts would be a good supplement for the bucks and does alike. Already getting pics of fawns feeding. Fast fit fawns outrun predators, lol.
I left this camera set over the winter aimed at our sauna building. This is just a sample of what came by. Lots of bears and fox. I particularly like the flock of six ptarmigan. I think there might be a couple of wolves also.
Here’s one for y’all. They saw this buck last year and figured maybe an injury so they passed him up. They found a shed of the deformation and thought no way he’d survive based on the amount of bone that was lost.
But, apparently it’s genetics because he survived.
WB, That was caused by an abcess in the antler pedicel and surrounding skull area.....sometimes due to excessive antler rubbing characteristics and then bacteria infecting the buck's skint up pedicel area.
It's not genetics.
It will get progressively worse each time he sheds. It will be that buck's doom.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Probably not…we’ll pattern him and set up a ladder stand for a kid to shoot him. Or anyone that hasn’t shot a buck yet. May save him for CJ, but he’s already shot a couple bucks. Contrary to some beliefs that we’re “raising deer” for antlers, kids pretty much have free rein, anything from spots to 200” is fair game when it comes to kids.
Victor…am I seeing that first pic correctly? That’s a bear walking towards the camera right? If so, its head looks as big as a small car!! Good Lawd that thing is huge!!
Not alot of cool ones for me yet. I use several of my cellular transmission cameras to keep an eye on water tanks on cattle pastures 30 miles away. These little dudes visit too often. kinda funny.
I thought that was a Caribou. I always wish for a Caribou picture on trail camera. I never get one though. My fault For not putting cameras where the caribou are when they are out there.
I thought that was a Caribou. I always wish for a Caribou picture on trail camera. I never get one though. My fault For not putting cameras where the caribou are when they are out there.
Heck my initial look I thought cool, a caribou!! Then I got studying the antlers and thought WOW that’s gonna be a huge elk!! Great pics man! I like the wolf as well!!
We’re still bewildered how it survived. Guess that’s some tough seed. Prior to planting we had rain. Planted and none for 3-4 weeks…only moisture it got was from the dew. We thought for sure it was a dead field.
I had a lot more wolf pics from this pack, as it’s grown. I will try trapping them this Winter. Had pics of the female this Spring with big nipples. So there’s pups this year and this pack is putting a lot of pressure on the deer in this area.
This doe was hit by a car while carrying a fawn. Looks like she made it but no sign of the fawn Pictures are from my cell taking the picture of computer screen
Cool but not cool pic. I mean that’s a one in a million shot, but it would even be nicer if the fawn made it. If the dates are right I’m guessing that was real early and the way she looks I bet she didn’t make it either.
Top picture is the same doe taken last week She was in rough shape for a while and thought she died giving birth. Just showed up again. No fawns following her.
We have no recollection of this deer. I went back through some of last years pics and my son did also and were drawing a blank. Be interesting to see if he sticks around.
I've yet to get a pic of a big velvet buck this summer. Only have 2 cameras out 100 miles north of my residence on the 1000 acre tract.
But, I'm about to set up a camera survey on my 400 acre property here in my home county. Beginning in August, will set up 8 cameras (1 camera/50 acres) on evenly located pre-baited sites. Run em for 14 days. Then, total up the info for bucks per doe, fawn recruitment, deer/sq mile, deer/acre, age structure, number of mature bucks, etc.
Haven't ran a complete survey on this property in over two decades, so looking forward to seeing results. This property was almost completely logged in the past 4 years (pine and hardwoods). Only 85 acres out of 400 that was too wet for a skidder to stand up on that wasn't logged. Neighbors have logged some of their's in past few years also. Deer movement patterns have been greatly disrupted, but as more regrowth is occurring, deer are responding well.
Half of this tract is river bottomland. Half is upland sand ridge. Plantation pines planted 3 years ago on half of property. Other half is site prepped and will be planted in pine this winter.
Should have some good pics of better bucks soon. I saw 7 bucks together a couple weeks ago on this tract...3 of em were very nice.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Yeah, last years clear cut is greening up very nice. Our pines 2-3yrs have enough cover for good bedding and even hiding deer. We’ll get that clear cut cleaned up and planted next year I believe. Have they planted y’all’s yet? Or are they going to? Our loggers left some areas that had creek drainages and a few lone hardwoods standing that would be a rifle hunters dream out of a climber or even a ladder stand. We’ll be doing nothing but archery hunting bucks, but will probably break out the rifles to thin does. I would’ve swore we wouldn’t have seen many fawns this year with all the does we took last year, but those little jokers are running around everywhere. I went and got a camera this evening to move to a different property that had some pigs show up, and I jumped a fawn. That joker ran about 100 yards one direction, then ran straight back and past me for 100 yards then ran back towards me about 50yds and blew at me!! If you’ve never had a fawn blow at you, it’s almost comical. He just watched me walk on down the trail and then watched me get my camera and walk back past him. I hope it’s a little buck cause it ain’t gonna last long acting like that if it’s a doe!!
Best buck I've gotten a pic of so far this year. I'll keep a bachelor group around, but seem to pick up my best deer in September (not complaining). I can generally start to gameplan around that time.
Nice buck, he gonna get to 10 by the time he’s done growing!
Don’t know if you’re using a computer or phone, but with the phone after it downloads, you can move inside that little box to the right and you can rotate that way. Left/Delete/Right.
Yeah, that’s after he rebaited it. He found some sign and put up a camera and some corn. The pigs found it last night so he rebaited to see if they come on back. May be shooting tomorrow night. And I thought that was a fawn, lol.
Had a landowner send me this saying my services were needed, lol.
I went and stuck up a camera and some sweet corn on the cob husks and cobs (wife made creamed corn today) and gonna see if I can get some pics. Would really be nice if they’d come in a little earlier so I could be on time for work!!
We’ll see, lol. Had an opportunity last year but thought he was too young. They don’t get that old by being stupid. He’s definitely 5.5yrs old this year, so I suspect he’s not gonna be on a daylight schedule too long after he sheds. Got a pile of does and young bucks that come through before he shows. Right now he’s stopping by on his way to the millet field and then the peanut field beyond that. We’ll burn the millet and have 2 dove hunts before I can hunt him and his pattern will change. I’ll find his trail to that spot and set up a lock-on or climber.
Is this a serious question? If so, yes sir. Planted peanuts get hit hard, but they’re eating the “green” plant. Once harvested they’ll eat the peanuts off the ground. My son has access to peanuts year round and brings me bags and in some cases he’ll back his truck up and they’ll load the bed. I bought sealable 55gal drums to store them. Peanuts are pure protein for deer. With that said, at my son’s plantation they will not touch them, lol. Mine flock to them. I have videos of deer, hogs, coyotes, coons, and possums all eating peanuts. I even have deer and coyotes eating together and possums and coyotes eating together, lol.
Yeah, I figure it is. Those pictures are only 400 yards apart as the crow flies. We have been mostly watching the bears this summer, so imagine my surprise when I saw that pop up on the camera!
I've gotta make a trip upstate soon to move these 2 cell cams. Hogs, does amd fawns, small bucks, and a few turks ain't what I'd like to see this time of year.....
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
The rest of the sounder from July 4 showed up early this morning. I’ll add some food and set the alarm for 0530 in the morning to see if they’re there and I can make a stalk on them.