
1890 Cabin

Posted By: OhioBoy

1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 01:56 AM

1890 Cabin

Attached picture F51CE892-BF11-4CF9-B2F1-C22739D2C9E2.jpeg
Posted By: brewer

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 02:08 AM

That's neat
Posted By: warrior

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 02:32 AM

The house my Dad was born in was built around that time, my g grandfather bought it from his cousin. It's still standing today.

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 02:42 AM

the house my grandmother was born in is still in the family her grandpa built it in 1888.

the dining room used to be the bedroom so my great aunt would wait till mid meal and turn the conversation to my grandma was born in this house, yup right about there and point to the middle of the table .

yup that kind of sense of humor just runs in the family I guess.
Posted By: warrior

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 02:57 AM

Ours is still in the family. I have a photo of Dad as a baby in front of the house taken in the fall of '42 and the house at the time had yet to see its first coat of paint and still had its original shake roof. Dad tells of going to sleep at night able to pet his dog under the house through the floorboards and see the stars through the shakes.
I once asked Dad why Make (short for Malcom Clem my g grandfather) was considered well to do considering the condition of the house. Dad said but he owned it and sixty acres free and clear not everyone could say that.
Originally four rooms around a double limerock fireplace with a porch across the front. A leanto kithen was added on the back when the first cookstove was bought (but summer meals were still cooked in the backyard). Later the front porch was enclosed and everything wrapped in aluminum siding and a tin roof (that now has who knows how many coats of cool seal) put on.
It'll fall to my brothers and I to decide what to do with it.
Posted By: Railroader

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:30 AM

My wife and I’s first home was built in 1900. Still had the original lath and horse hair plaster walls, wallpaper, windows, and woodwork in most of the house. Talk about a cold ol house in the winter! Electrical had been updated but you could still see the knobs from the old knob and tube wiring in the basement. The exterior had been updated over the years and carpet was installed. Apparently it was built in the floodplain and years later moved to town but had to ford the Neosho River en route. Really cool to own an old house with a lot of history but sure glad i dont live there anymore! Here is a pic of it when we lived there about 10 years ago. Wish i could see a pic of what it looked like in 1900.

Attached picture IMG_2024.PNG
Posted By: Pike River

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by OhioBoy
1890 Cabin

Nice notches
Posted By: white17

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:45 AM

That's an interesting valley on the main roof Railroader
Posted By: Railroader

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by white17
That's an interesting valley on the main roof Railroader

Indeed it is. The interior was pretty interesting as well. Wish i still had pics of wallpaper and interior side of the windows.
Posted By: flash

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:00 PM

love old cabins. we owned a house in brookyn center minnasota 1896. everything was built with walnut, studs and all. after all those years them were like steel. the winter of 96 i think was the year it got to -65. that old place was make some crick`in and creak`in sounds like you wouldn`t believe. back in the day she was a farm right along the upper mississsippi, had 2 mile frontage. hated to leave that place and state. but uncle sam had other ideas.
Posted By: pcr2

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:08 PM

lost ours to a pipeline a few years ago.cattle underneath,main floor and slept upstairs.
Posted By: Wright Brothers

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:25 PM

Had my hands in 33 of those in my life. Most were oak, 1 poplar, the coolest was all American Chestnut.
It came from here local and we moved it to Cheat Lake, WV where it became an antique shop.
The 1 I have is 1850, 20x24.
PCR I coulda helped you move it.
Posted By: Wild_Idaho

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:28 PM

I have a thing for old buildings, old pictures and well things long-forgotten. I really was born way too late. Thanks for sharing.
Posted By: pcr2

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 03:28 PM

same here
Posted By: warrior

Re: 1890 Cabin - 02/09/19 05:08 PM

Down here in the deep south those that have survived are almost always old longleaf heart pine. Termites eat every thing else. Heart pine is so dense and full of rosin termites won't touch it. Downside is the rosin is flammable as all get out. Along the coast you find cypress, usually used for the exterior cladding and trim. Like pine the old stuff is far superior to what you get today.
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