
Did FDR Know?

Posted By: Finster

Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 02:29 PM

I'm not much for conspiracy theories but I have always thought that FDR know about Pearl Harbor. He wanted in the war, that is not really disputable. However America, with the horrors of WWI still fresh in peoples minds were adamantly against it. What better way to join the entire country to a cause than to have America attacked especially back then when the generation was actually patriotic and loved their country much more so than today. Their is quite a bit of evidence that he did know. here is a tidbit.

Posted By: warrior

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 02:55 PM

As much as I despise the socialist and his raw deal I can't buy into FDR having advance knowledge of an attack on American forces. Nor can I fault him on his ability as a war leader and willingness to fight though he failed to properly conclude the peace in caving to Stalin.
Posted By: Art S

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 04:11 PM

FDR might have not known , But the British did . They broke the Japanese code in 1940 .
That's how we got so " lucky " at Midway .


History is written by the victors .
Posted By: Catch22

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 04:25 PM

I believe he knew.
Posted By: Art S

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 04:36 PM

" Lucky " our carriers weren't there .

" Remember The Maine ! "

Maybe the carriers were in the Gulf of Tonkin ,
or delivering WMD' s to Iraq ?
Posted By: HobbieTrapper

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 04:45 PM

Hearing it and believing it are two different things. I believe there may have been some chatter but “surely the Japanese would not be so foolish.”

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 04:56 PM

From what I remember FDR did not want to get involved militarily. He definitely didnt care about the concentration camps in europe and wasnt above making his own...
Posted By: Steelflight

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:00 PM

It's worth pointing out. That regardless of whether FDR himself new or someone else. The Japanese did send a letter a good amount of time I had of Pearl Harbor. But thanks to poor typing habits the letter was not deciphered and Rewritten in English anywhere near quick enough. That much we do know in history. They did this because of their code of honor they still live by then. Which dictated that you kick your enemies pillow before killing him in his bed. That way he did have some chance to react. Any other way was to be like a ninja which was in their eyes.
Posted By: warrior

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:16 PM

I have no doubt our intel services and that of our allies did intercept "chatter" beforehand. But nothing said in the clear with specifics. It was an open secret that conflict with Japan was coming.
Much like 9/11 in hindsight you could go back in the days and weeks prior and assemble the fragments and snippets of intel and make sense of them knowing what had just happenef
Posted By: Donnersurvivor

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by warrior

Much like 9/11 in hindsight you could go back in the days and weeks prior and assemble the fragments and snippets of intel and make sense of them knowing what had just happenef

Israel seemed to know 9/11 was going to happen right down to the when and where. Two Mossad agents along with Three other Israelis were caught filming the planes hitting the towers and celebrating, once back in Israel they said they went to the U.S to "film the event". Google Dancing Israelis for the story, not much news coverage.
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Steelflight
It's worth pointing out. That regardless of whether FDR himself new or someone else. The Japanese did send a letter a good amount of time I had of Pearl Harbor. But thanks to poor typing habits the letter was not deciphered and Rewritten in English anywhere near quick enough. That much we do know in history. They did this because of their code of honor they still live by then. Which dictated that you kick your enemies pillow before killing him in his bed. That way he did have some chance to react. Any other way was to be like a ninja which was in their eyes.

That Letter was delivered to the President after the attack. It was their declaration of war. It was delayed by the Japs on purpose. In fact, they had a meeting with the President that morning and delayed it until after the attack I believe. It has been awhile since I actually dove into this so I may have a few subtleties wrong.
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Donnersurvivor

Israel seemed to know 9/11 was going to happen right down to the when and where. Two Mossad agents along with Three other Israelis were caught filming the planes hitting the towers and celebrating, once back in Israel they said they went to the U.S to "film the event". Google Dancing Israelis for the story, not much news coverage.

Any proof if this garbage or did you get this on MSNBC?
Posted By: turkn8rtrapper

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:43 PM

I don't believe he knew. FDR wanted into Europe but doubt anyone thought Japan was coming.
Posted By: Donnersurvivor

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Finster
Originally Posted by Donnersurvivor

Israel seemed to know 9/11 was going to happen right down to the when and where. Two Mossad agents along with Three other Israelis were caught filming the planes hitting the towers and celebrating, once back in Israel they said they went to the U.S to "film the event". Google Dancing Israelis for the story, not much news coverage.

Any proof if this garbage or did you get this on MSNBC?

Dismissed as garbage without even Googling the simple keywords I recommended, you really think MSNBC would run a story like that? For years the story was dismissed as a conspiracy theory but when the new evidence supporting it came out the media was silent. I honestly dont know if its true or not but I highly suspect it is, what are the chances of Mossad just happening to be there high fiving as the towers fall...

Edit- It could be a really elaborate hoax but no one has bothered debunking it.

Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 05:57 PM

By the time Japan bombed pearl harbor it should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain cell the U.S. was going to have to get involved.

It should also be obvious the U.S. could have heeded Germany's warnings and stayed out of WWI. Europeans had killed each other into a stalemate. The U.S. turned the tide. I don't believe its coincidence at all that we had the same president when the federal reserve bank became a reality, as we had when American passengers were allowed to board ships that the Germans told us would be sank. WWII would never have happened if the Europeans would have been forced into a different truce other than Germany's unconditional surrender. We may have still had to defeat Japan but I think probably not. It was getting allied with Germany that caused Japans leadership to think they had a chance.
Posted By: warrior

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by danny clifton
By the time Japan bombed pearl harbor it should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain cell the U.S. was going to have to get involved.

It should also be obvious the U.S. could have heeded Germany's warnings and stayed out of WWI. Europeans had killed each other into a stalemate. The U.S. turned the tide. I don't believe its coincidence at all that we had the same president when the federal reserve bank became a reality, as we had when American passengers were allowed to board ships that the Germans told us would be sank. WWII would never have happened if the Europeans would have been forced into a different truce other than Germany's unconditional surrender. We may have still had to defeat Japan but I think probably not. It was getting allied with Germany that caused Japans leadership to think they had a chance.

WWI was inevitable when Germany went to the unrestricted uboat campaign. As a neutral party our shipping should have been completely off limits and free to trade with any nation. Even though the bulk of our trade was with belligerents on the allied side that still did not remove our neutrality.
Posted By: squacks

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 06:25 PM

The C-A developed the term "conspiracy theory" during the Kennedy assassination. If you notice, it is used in about everything that "SOMEBODY" doesn't want anybody looking into. It works. Once an idea is labeled a "conspiracy theory" everybody stops listening and starts sneering. Kind of a Pavlov's dog response.
I ,myself, am a conspiracy "analyst".
I would agree that the Dec. 7 event is suspicious. Why should we not be suspicious? How bout 9-11? Swallow that whole thing? When I add them ALL up, I get a sinking kind of feeling....then..wait for it
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by Donnersurvivor
Originally Posted by Finster

Any proof if this garbage or did you get this on MSNBC?

Dismissed as garbage without even Googling the simple keywords I recommended, you really think MSNBC would run a story like that? For years the story was dismissed as a conspiracy theory but when the new evidence supporting it came out the media was silent. I honestly dont know if its true or not but I highly suspect it is, what are the chances of Mossad just happening to be there high fiving as the towers fall...

Edit- It could be a really elaborate hoax but no one has bothered debunking it.


Two completely erroneous sources.... Good grief..... Hey, moving slightly off point here, I own a bridge in Brooklyn NY. I'm looking to get rid of it cheap. It's a great money maker. You interested?
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by squacks
The C-A developed the term "conspiracy theory" during the Kennedy assassination. If you notice, it is used in about everything that "SOMEBODY" doesn't want anybody looking into. It works. Once an idea is labeled a "conspiracy theory" everybody stops listening and starts sneering. Kind of a Pavlov's dog response.
I ,myself, am a conspiracy "analyst".
I would agree that the Dec. 7 event is suspicious. Why should we not be suspicious? How bout 9-11? Swallow that whole thing? When I add them ALL up, I get a sinking kind of feeling....then..wait for it

The reason I believe that FDR knew is that with everything needed to coordinate that attack, All of the people involved, literally thousands, not one leak? I find that a might hard to believe and most of the evidence I have seen in years past don't support it. The reason I do not believe 9-11 is because there were a lot less people involved. Much easier to keep that hush hush. Not the only reasons but a pretty large stumbling block.
Posted By: Donnersurvivor

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by Finster
Originally Posted by Donnersurvivor

Dismissed as garbage without even Googling the simple keywords I recommended, you really think MSNBC would run a story like that? For years the story was dismissed as a conspiracy theory but when the new evidence supporting it came out the media was silent. I honestly dont know if its true or not but I highly suspect it is, what are the chances of Mossad just happening to be there high fiving as the towers fall...

Edit- It could be a really elaborate hoax but no one has bothered debunking it.


Two completely erroneous sources.... Good grief..... Hey, moving slightly off point here, I own a bridge in Brooklyn NY. I'm looking to get rid of it cheap. It's a great money maker. You interested?

Hilarious, you complain about traditional media then discount alternative media.
Posted By: KeithC

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 07:03 PM

We were already unofficially fighting Japan before Pearl Harbor. It was inevitable that we were going to end up in WWII. The Flying Tigers, though technically part of the Chinese military, were created by FDR out of entirely American soldiers, well before Pearl Harbor in 1937, to shoot down Japan's fighters and bomb Japan. They had their first official mission 12 days after Pearl Harbor. They were unofficially active years before.

We still unofficially send dismissed soldiers all over the world to do work we don't want to be officially involved in today. Most mercenaries of US origin, though no longer officially affiliated with the US Military, are still working for the United State's interests. Our military pays private contractors and foreign governments, who pay the former US soldiers and other well trained Americans, to do what needs done. These unrecognized men are some of the best and most important men the US has working for her.

Posted By: Pike River

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Finster
I'm not much for conspiracy theories but.....

Hey brother.....many of your posts tend to be of the run foil hat, conspiracy kind.
Posted By: Boco

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 08:51 PM

Some people will believe anything.Just look at how many believe the moon landing was real and not hollywood.
Posted By: DelawareRob

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
Some people will believe anything.Just look at how many believe the moon landing was real and not hollywood.

Or that the earth isn’t flat.
Posted By: squacks

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 09:04 PM

My father always told me, Son, Don't believe ANYTHING you hear and only HALF of what you see".
Posted By: walleyed

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
Some people will believe anything.Just look at how many believe the moon landing was real and not hollywood.


You really are a jack-arse !!!! laugh
Posted By: Fisher Man

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 09:15 PM

FDR was far from the hero that many thought he was. He wanted to get us into the war in order to get the country out of the depression.
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 09:25 PM

Revisionist history.
Posted By: BigBob

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 09:38 PM

Ever heard of "Coventry" a small town in England?
Posted By: BillyTraps

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 10:22 PM

Did FDR believe prime fur was caused by weather?
Posted By: goldnut

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by BillyTraps
Did FDR believe prime fur was caused by weather?

WHAT? It isnt??
Posted By: Boco

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 10:47 PM

Fur will prime up more if you leave it in the freezer for a couple weeks after skinning.
Posted By: Blaine County

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 11:13 PM

Two completely erroneous sources.... Good grief..... Hey, moving slightly off point here, I own a bridge in Brooklyn NY. I'm looking to get rid of it cheap. It's a great money maker. You interested?

I'm not watching your video or his but ALL YOU DO IS POST YOUTUBE VIDEOS.
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 11:16 PM

Originally Posted by Blaine County

Two completely erroneous sources.... Good grief..... Hey, moving slightly off point here, I own a bridge in Brooklyn NY. I'm looking to get rid of it cheap. It's a great money maker. You interested?

I'm not watching your video or his but ALL YOU DO IS POST YOUTUBE VIDEOS.

You sound upset. I suggest you don't look at my posts. Problem solved and I promise I won't lose any sleep over it.
Posted By: Blaine County

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/14/19 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Finster
Originally Posted by Blaine County

Two completely erroneous sources.... Good grief..... Hey, moving slightly off point here, I own a bridge in Brooklyn NY. I'm looking to get rid of it cheap. It's a great money maker. You interested?

I'm not watching your video or his but ALL YOU DO IS POST YOUTUBE VIDEOS.

You sound upset. I suggest you don't look at my posts. Problem solved and I promise I won't lose any sleep over it.

It solves itself because I don't have all day to watch YouTube.
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/15/19 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by Blaine County

It solves itself because I don't have all day to watch YouTube.
Or an adult to tell you what it meant.
Posted By: warrior

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/15/19 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by BigBob
Ever heard of "Coventry" a small town in England?

Historians have studied that one in depth as it highlights one of the conundrums of secret intelligence. Specifically if one has knowledge of your enemy's future actions and one acts in an obvious way to counter are you not telling your enemy you're reading his mail?

Conclusion, while Churchill knew from intercepts a large raid was scheduled none of the intercepts identified a specific target or time. Had he known city Y at exactly X time and made sure city Y was evacuated on time without any other plausible explanation of foreknowledge the luftwaffe would have known to change their codes and all future knowledge would be lost.

The US faced a similar dilemma later in the war when they intercepted traffic detailing Admiral Yamamoto's itinerary. To provide plausible cover the US staged a ruse where a reconnaissance plane appearing to be on a recon mission "stumbled" onto Yamamoto's flight and called in the calvary.
Posted By: warrior

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/15/19 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by Fisher Man
FDR was far from the hero that many thought he was. He wanted to get us into the war in order to get the country out of the depression.

Agreed, FDR was an evil man and his wife was worse but I don't think and history doesn't show he had specivic foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor.
Posted By: upstateNY

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 02:18 AM

Originally Posted by Finster
Originally Posted by Blaine County

It solves itself because I don't have all day to watch YouTube.
Or an adult to tell you what it meant.

Hahahaaaa laugh
Posted By: AKAjust

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 02:36 AM

Just like every president, except this one, they get their information from others. I believe it was common knowledge the Japanese would do something but what and where was the question.
Did he know? Probably knew something was going to happen but what and where.
BTW my parents lived it.

Posted By: danvee

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 02:39 AM

Sounds like a bunch of poppy (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) to me. If they knew it was coming they could have mounted a defensive attack or even an offensive once the Japs entered a secured air space and achieved entering the war because of the attack, saved lives and maybe scored a victory. These conspiracy theories blow my mind! this one is about as good as last weeks post on the 13th amendment conspiracy. Maybe we should have a contest once a year for the biggest whopper. Lets see Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis and Kennedy are all alive and well in Columbia with Hitler and Butch Cassidy.
Posted By: squacks

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 03:58 AM

Jeffery Epstein killed himself. Sure he did...They told us so. We totally believe it too. right? Or, are you a conspiracy theorist?
Just a humble opinion of mine but a people that believes everything the government tells them can be led into places that they would not go otherwise.
The term "false flag" was coined for a reason.
Posted By: keets

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 12:39 PM

Anna Nicole married for love
Posted By: Foxpaw

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by danvee
Sounds like a bunch of poppy (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) to me. If they knew it was coming they could have mounted a defensive attack or even an offensive once the Japs entered a secured air space and achieved entering the war because of the attack, saved lives and maybe scored a victory. These conspiracy theories blow my mind! this one is about as good as last weeks post on the 13th amendment conspiracy. Maybe we should have a contest once a year for the biggest whopper. Lets see Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis and Kennedy are all alive and well in Columbia with Hitler and Butch Cassidy.

Sounds like Jones running for rep near Chicago may be running for whopper of the year with "no Holocaust happened"
Posted By: upstateNY

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by keets
Anna Nicole married for love

Love of money smile
Posted By: Jarhead620

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 11:56 PM

Three pages of nonsense. What a waste of my time.

Posted By: Catch22

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/16/19 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by Jarhead620
Three pages of nonsense. What a waste of my time.


How many pages lol.
Posted By: Finster

Re: Did FDR Know? - 12/17/19 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Jarhead620
Three pages of nonsense. What a waste of my time.


As is your post.
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