
New CWD info

Posted By: corky

New CWD info - 01/09/20 12:53 PM

Posted By: wetdog

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 12:56 PM

You guys don't really believe that CWD bullcrap do you?
Just follow the money.
Posted By: Guthrie

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 01:32 PM

I had a pretty reliable person in the deer industry tell me that CWD was nothing more than a politically made up disease.
Posted By: Muskrat

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Guthrie
I had a pretty reliable person in the deer industry tell me that CWD was nothing more than a politically made up disease.

And there it is folks, nothing to worry about. It's just a politically made up disease.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Rhino7

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by wetdog
You guys don't really believe that CWD bullcrap do you?
Just follow the money.

Follow the money? You ever seen deer with CWD? Pretty sure that wont make you any money.
Posted By: wetdog

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Rhino7
Originally Posted by wetdog
You guys don't really believe that CWD bullcrap do you?
Just follow the money.

Follow the money? You ever seen deer with CWD? Pretty sure that wont make you any money.

No will not make you money, but look at the laws they put in place to take your money, if you don't follow obey them.
Do you really think all those zombie deer articles were put out for you're safety
No thy were put out by ANTI HUNTING GROUPS. PERIOD! !!!!!!!!!
Posted By: wetdog

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:02 PM

And no I haven't seen one. They say they found 2 in my county over the summer.
And try as I might, they will not release the necropsy.
I guess my next step is file a FOIA
What are they hiding?
Posted By: warrior

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:07 PM

Dang, I need to work for the guvment. Just think I can get paid for make believe moon landings, alien crash landings, and deer diseases and never have to worry about being found out because we all know everything is fake but nothing anyone can do about it.

You idiots that refuse to accept reality based on whatever schizophrenic notion hits you are to be pitied.
Posted By: danny clifton

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:08 PM

Another hypothesis, he said, is the disease might have crossed species. CSU was conducting scrapie research on domestic sheep and the sheep and deer were together in pens at times.

I am not alone in thinking that penning up deer with sheep that had scrapie is where the disease came from. The research BTW was being done in concert with USFWS. It wasn't funded or initiated by the college

Posted By: Ole

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:25 PM

If I follow the money, it leads back to some in the domestic deer industry that don't want their market impacted by science. 26 states have documented CWD. Yep, they are all in on "it". However, if I was a deer rancher, I would want to know how to protect my investment and livelihood.
Posted By: Muskrat

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Ole
If I follow the money, it leads back to some in the domestic deer industry that don't want their market impacted by science. 26 states have documented CWD. Yep, they are all in on "it". However, if I was a deer rancher, I would want to know how to protect my investment and livelihood.

Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Muskrat
Originally Posted by Ole
If I follow the money, it leads back to some in the domestic deer industry that don't want their market impacted by science. 26 states have documented CWD. Yep, they are all in on "it". However, if I was a deer rancher, I would want to know how to protect my investment and livelihood.


Posted By: Foxpaw

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:36 PM

Is mad cow even remotely related to CWD? I don't think the cattlemen would have went along with the idea mad cow is not real if there wasn't enough evidence.

Maybe lyme is just a made disease to keep people out of the woods?

And if this is headed toward the climate change debate, then I say we can't change solar flares but we can thwart disease!
Posted By: M.Magis

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:45 PM

It's amazing how people react to something yet make little attempt to understand it. CWD didn't "come from" anything, it's a natural disease that was found in wild deer over 70 years ago. And no, it's not the same as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (mad cow disease).
Until they determine how, or IF, the disease can spread from one animal to another, these studies aren't providing any useful info. Considering how long they've been researching the disease and the fact they still can't find evidence that it's contagious, we need to consider the possibility that it's not contagious. For some reason, CWD was made into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. People should be much more concerned with EHD.
Posted By: Catch22

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by warrior
Dang, I need to work for the guvment. Just think I can get paid for make believe moon landings, alien crash landings, and deer diseases and never have to worry about being found out because we all know everything is fake but nothing anyone can do about it.

You idiots that refuse to accept reality based on whatever schizophrenic notion hits you are to be pitied.

I applaud wetdog, if for anything his just skepticism. If you don't think the anti's have successfully infiltrated DNR's, DOW's, F&G's, then I don't know what to tell ya. I don't know enough about CWD to know if it's real or not, I'm not a sponge that sits and soaks up everything and calls it truth. I do know to be wary of, and do my best to not allow "reality" to be a subjective term.
Posted By: Redknot

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by 330-Trapper
[quote=Muskrat][quote=Ole]If I follow the money, it leads back to some in the domestic deer industry that don't want their market impacted by science. 26 states have documented CWD. Yep, they are all in on "it". However, if I was a deer rancher, I would want to know how to protect my investment and livelihood.



Posted By: Squash

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 04:14 PM

What I do know, in northern NY because of the deep snow pack, people fed deer during winter for decades, and we never heard of CWD.
Then a few years ago 1 deer tested positive for CWD at a enclosed deer herd. A taxidermist had penned deer and routinely let his fawns run free inside his taxidermist shop where he mounted western mule deer and elk. That’s where they figure it came from.

After thousands of wild deer were killed around this guys area, and tested , no other positive CWD were or have been found.

Now it’s illegal to feed wild deer in NY because according to the government experts, it helps spread CWD by concentrating deer in one area ??
Have you ever heard of a wintering yard ?? Deer naturally concentrate in winter at least here, and have been doing it forever.

My question is, NY has not had a positive case of CWD for now almost 2 decades, how is the disease spread by concentrating them, if it does not exist here ?

In the meantime in NY more deer are dying of malnutrition during winter than ever died of CWD.
Posted By: Foxpaw

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by M.Magis
It's amazing how people react to something yet make little attempt to understand it. CWD didn't "come from" anything, it's a natural disease that was found in wild deer over 70 years ago. And no, it's not the same as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (mad cow disease).
Until they determine how, or IF, the disease can spread from one animal to another, these studies aren't providing any useful info. Considering how long they've been researching the disease and the fact they still can't find evidence that it's contagious, we need to consider the possibility that it's not contagious. For some reason, CWD was made into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. People should be much more concerned with EHD.

Could you please elaborate on the connection non-connection between cwd and mad cow. Take your time I won't be near wi-fi for a few hrs.
Posted By: tlguy

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by Squash

In the meantime in NY more deer are dying of malnutrition during winter than ever died of CWD.

If the deer are dying from malnutrition, there are too many deer to start with. Artificially propping up the population with winter feeding might make people feel good, but it's not good the environment.
Posted By: QuietButDeadly

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 04:51 PM

One thing is pretty easy to understand. Just look at a map of all the locations where CWD has been confirmed. Real easy to see it did not spread by natural animal movement. There was some trucks involved.

There is also a level of it being contagious because it does spread but the experts still are not sure all of the ways it can be transmitted. They do know that the prions do not just go away and they know they are difficult to destroy (takes extremely high heat, much above any temps in cooking). They have also removed all animal from and enclosure, cleaned it up the best they know how and waited several years before putting deer back in the same area only to have the new deer have CWD.

There is no test to detect in in a live animal. There is no known treatment once a deer shows symptoms. Only after they die or are killed, can CWD be confirmed.

They also do not know for sure if it is transmissible from cervids to other species, ie., humans.

The learning curve seems to have been pretty slow and that is likely because there is not a lot of money to fund the research. Where is the potential return on investment for the researchers? Follow the money or the lack thereof.
Posted By: M.Magis

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Foxpaw
Originally Posted by M.Magis
It's amazing how people react to something yet make little attempt to understand it. CWD didn't "come from" anything, it's a natural disease that was found in wild deer over 70 years ago. And no, it's not the same as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (mad cow disease).
Until they determine how, or IF, the disease can spread from one animal to another, these studies aren't providing any useful info. Considering how long they've been researching the disease and the fact they still can't find evidence that it's contagious, we need to consider the possibility that it's not contagious. For some reason, CWD was made into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. People should be much more concerned with EHD.

Could you please elaborate on the connection non-connection between cwd and mad cow. Take your time I won't be near wi-fi for a few hrs.

Honestly, it's above my head. They're similar, but not the same.
Posted By: M.Magis

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by QuietButDeadly
One thing is pretty easy to understand. Just look at a map of all the locations where CWD has been confirmed. Real easy to see it did not spread by natural animal movement. There was some trucks involved.

There is also a level of it being contagious because it does spread but the experts still are not sure all of the ways it can be transmitted. They do know that the prions do not just go away and they know they are difficult to destroy (takes extremely high heat, much above any temps in cooking). They have also removed all animal from and enclosure, cleaned it up the best they know how and waited several years before putting deer back in the same area only to have the new deer have CWD.

There is no test to detect in in a live animal. There is no known treatment once a deer shows symptoms. Only after they die or are killed, can CWD be confirmed.

They also do not know for sure if it is transmissible from cervids to other species, ie., humans.

The learning curve seems to have been pretty slow and that is likely because there is not a lot of money to fund the research. Where is the potential return on investment for the researchers? Follow the money or the lack thereof.

You're jumping to the same conclusions that a lot of people are. You can't use positive test locations as evidence because testing is new and not evenly distributed. At this point, no one can say it's not genetic or random. I'm not saying it is or isn't, but there's a lot of bad info out there.
Posted By: Squash

Re: New CWD info - 01/09/20 05:39 PM


If the deer are dying from malnutrition, there are too many deer to start with. Artificially propping up the population with winter feeding might make people feel good, but it's not good the environment.[/quote]

my area is a unique situation, we have great spring summer and fall range, but every few years we receive in excess of 300” of snow. The deer herd is decimated, and then it takes several years of average winters for the deer herd to recover to normal carrying capacity.

So what you say may be true , but come here and tell it to the area deer hunters, that supplemental feeding is propping up the deer herd beyond carry capacity.

From what I read in hunting mags., see on outdoor tv, and on the internet, everyone and state is propping them up. Food plots, baiting, minerals, more and more Ag crops, etc..

All we want is a few more fawns to make it through the winter. In NY if a deer eats from your bird feeder you can be ticketed.
Posted By: nate

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 03:27 AM

You guys need to read what Larry dablemont has recorded on this disease he has a outdoor journal and has interviewed people on this. I myself will.stick to eating organic beef.
Posted By: 52Carl

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 04:40 AM

Try this on for size.
In 1890 there were an estimated 300,000 White-tailed deer nation wide!
Today there is an estimated population of 30,000,000.
That is 100 times as many deer!
Adding to the one hundred fold increase in deer population is the huge change in habitat which they are forced to live in compared to the habitat which they lived in earlier times (prior to the 1800s, where population was around 20,000,000).
Of course something is going to go wrong. CWD fits that bill perfectly.
We need to eat more deer. Lots of them!
Posted By: midlander

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 11:16 AM

Well, based on this theory, I guess cancer must be a fable. After all, there is a lot of people making money off research and they still dont have it all figured out yet. Many other diseases for that matter. Good grief, send me your pm and Ill send you a roll of tinfoil to shape your new hat. Better yet, volunteer to eat a few of these positive deer in the name of science....nothing to worry about, right?
Posted By: danny clifton

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 11:28 AM

52Carl, said:

We need to eat more deer. Lots of them!

52Carl ,when I called the KS dept of Wildlife and Parks to complain about the high cost of deer and turkey tags, I was told people hunting for food was not acceptable in the modern world.

When CWD was being talked about in the 70's, I knew a lot of people who suspected USFWS purposely exposed those deer and elk to scrapie. Their theory was that it was a way to remove the need for human predation. The same goes for reintroducing wolves. People who think predation by humans is morally wrong and they want to stop it.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by danny clifton
52Carl, said:

We need to eat more deer. Lots of them!

52Carl ,when I called the KS dept of Wildlife and Parks to complain about the high cost of deer and turkey tags, I was told people hunting for food was not acceptable in the modern world.

When CWD was being talked about in the 70's, I knew a lot of people who suspected USFWS purposely exposed those deer and elk to scrapie. Their theory was that it was a way to remove the need for human predation. The same goes for reintroducing wolves. People who think predation by humans is morally wrong and they want to stop it.

I don't know if this pertains, but I can tell you in the last decade while doing coyote research with several of our leading universities, I was astonished to have students in the biology departments "ride along"... grad and under-grad both, who had NEVER done much outdoors????? No fishing, no hunting, no trapping, nada. But they are going into wildlife management education programs? And most were woman. Very few guys.

Much has changed since I was in these studies in the 1980's.
Posted By: Diggerman

Re: New CWD info - 01/10/20 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by M.Magis
It's amazing how people react to something yet make little attempt to understand it. CWD didn't "come from" anything, it's a natural disease that was found in wild deer over 70 years ago. And no, it's not the same as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (mad cow disease).
Until they determine how, or IF, the disease can spread from one animal to another, these studies aren't providing any useful info. Considering how long they've been researching the disease and the fact they still can't find evidence that it's contagious, we need to consider the possibility that it's not contagious. For some reason, CWD was made into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. People should be much more concerned with EHD.

C-Jacobs is the human form, Scrappie is the sheep form, Mad cow is the cattle form, CWD is the deer form. When it evolves to jumping species is when it gets interesting.
Posted By: DaveP

Re: New CWD info - 01/11/20 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by M.Magis

Until they determine how, or IF, the disease can spread from one animal to another, these studies aren't providing any useful info. Considering how long they've been researching the disease and the fact they still can't find evidence that it's contagious, we need to consider the possibility that it's not contagious. For some reason, CWD was made into a MUCH bigger deal than it is. People should be much more concerned with EHD.

Methinks you're a little behind the times.
Although US CDC says differently.


Macaque monkeys contracted chronic wasting disease after eating meat from CWD-positive deer, according to Canadian researchers.

The findings are the first known transmissions of the prion disease to a primate from eating diseased venison and have heightened concerns of human susceptibility to CWD.

“The assumption was for the longest time that chronic wasting disease was not a threat to human health,” said Stefanie Czub, prion researcher with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, in remarks published Saturday in The Tyee, a Vancouver, British Columbia, magazine. "But with the new data, it seems we need to revisit this view to some degree."

Czub is leading the project, which began in 2009 and is funded by Alberta Prion Research Institute at the University of Calgary.

Eighteen macaques have been exposed to CWD in various ways to study the transmission potential of the disease.

Three of five macaques that were fed infected white-tailed deer meat over a three-year period tested positive for CWD.

The meat fed to the macaques represented the human equivalent of eating a 7-ounce steak per month.

Macaques that had the CWD prion injected into their brains also contracted the disease.

Those that had infected material rubbed on their skin — designed to simulate contact a hunter might have while field dressing a deer — have not contracted the disease.

Czub presented the results May 25 in a talk titled "CWD Transmission into non-human Primates" at the Prion 2017 conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The finding of oral transmission of CWD to a primate through eating of infected meat is most troubling to scientists and conservationists.

This study does not mean people will get CWD. But it means people need to be considering that possibility.
"This study does not mean people will get CWD," said Dave Clausen of Amery, a veterinarian, deer hunter and former chairman of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board. "But it means people need to be considering that possibility."

Wisconsin hunters and their family members likely have more contact with CWD each year than those in any other state or province.

The contagious disease, caused by a misfolded prion, or protein, is found at prevalence rates exceeding 30% in parts of deer-rich southern Wisconsin.

Last year, 442 of 3,758 deer submitted for testing in the southern farmland zone were CWD-positive. But more than 10 times as many deer were killed in the zone and not tested, many of which likely carried the disease.

According to the Alliance for Public Wildlife, a Canadian-based wildlife conservation organization, hunting families in North America consume between 7,000 and 15,000 CWD-infected animals every year.

Chronic wasting disease is fatal to deer, elk and moose. Since it is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and in the same family as two diseases known to be fatal to humans (mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob) researchers and health officials have long wanted to know more about the potential for interspecies CWD spread.

Based on the macaque study, Health Canada issued an updated CWD risk advisory.

"While extensive disease surveillance in Canada and elsewhere has not provided any direct evidence that CWD has infected humans, the potential for CWD to be transmitted to humans cannot be excluded," the advisory states. "In exercising precaution, (Health Canada) continues to advocate that the most prudent approach is to consider that CWD has the potential to infect humans."

From the World Health Organization to the federal Centers for Disease Control to state agencies, health officials are united in their recommendations to avoid eating meat from a CWD-positive animal.

Since 2003, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has issued a warning against consuming CWD-positive venison. The Canadian research reinforces the agency's position, said Jennifer Miller, DHS communications specialist.

"The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is aware of the study involving macaques contracting chronic wasting disease after being fed meat from deer infected with CWD," said Miller. "The department will continue to encourage hunters to have deer tested that were harvested from areas of the state where CWD is known to exist."

Miller said the department will also continue to discourage the consumption of meat from deer harvested anywhere that showed signs of illness — for example, deer that appeared emaciated or that acted abnormally.

The agency's recommendation states "venison from deer harvested inside the CWD Management Zone should not be consumed or distributed to others until CWD test results on the source deer are known to be negative."

The Wisconsin guideline says venison from multiple deer should be kept separate and labeled before freezing so any meat from a CWD-positive animal can be discarded.

"Some might call the recommendation overly cautious," James Kazmierczak, DHS state public health veterinarian, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in a July 2015 interview. "But the CWD prion has been found in muscle tissue. So from a public health perspective, the safest path is to test your deer and not consume meat from a CWD-positive animal."

In its Deer Hunting 2016 Pamphlet, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also advises hunters to not eat the eyes, brain, spinal cord, spleen, tonsils or lymph nodes of any deer; to wear rubber or latex gloves when field-dressing carcasses, and to bone out the meat from the animal.

The Canadian study will likely wrap up in 2018, Czub said.

The preliminary results have already caused many to take notice.

"Research on prion diseases is unveiling new findings all the time," Clausen said. "This latest news confirms its wiser than ever to get your deer tested and follow the precautions."
Posted By: Snowpa

Re: New CWD info - 01/11/20 10:20 PM

Find it doubtful ,Insurance companies lobbied for a reduction in deer numbers in Se MN. and Twin Cities area
Posted By: 52Carl

Re: New CWD info - 01/12/20 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by midlander
Well, based on this theory, I guess cancer must be a fable. After all, there is a lot of people making money off research and they still dont have it all figured out yet. Many other diseases for that matter. Good grief, send me your pm and Ill send you a roll of tinfoil to shape your new hat. Better yet, volunteer to eat a few of these positive deer in the name of science....nothing to worry about, right?

Who said anything about eating "positive" deer?
Many diseases are dependent on high population density. Is CWD one of those? There are studies which indicate that it can be.
My answer is to thin the herds in general to reduce the spread.
Send me a PM with your mailing address and I will explain this further on elementary school paper with crayons of different colors to keep you better engaged so you can pay better attention.
I will also send you some of those big fat crayons so that you can hold them in your fist, (surely your preferred method), so that I will be able to read what you are writing.
Posted By: cat_trapper_nv

Re: New CWD info - 01/12/20 04:44 AM

CWD is a real thing. Where the false info comes from is the “hype”. It was not brought in by Europeans, it had always been here and always will be. Humans have never, and will never get it. Most deer that have CWD die from predation (from wildlife and humans) before CWD kills them. We see more and more cases of it because we have more white deer than we have ever had. In fact records from early Europeans shows that our declining mule deer populations are still higher than they were when Europeans first got here (very little record of Europeans or natives hunting mule deer). So high animal populations means quicker transmission (like all diseases). This hype is being used as a way to get federal funding IMO.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: New CWD info - 01/12/20 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by danny clifton
52Carl, said:

We need to eat more deer. Lots of them!

52Carl ,when I called the KS dept of Wildlife and Parks to complain about the high cost of deer and turkey tags, I was told people hunting for food was not acceptable in the modern world.

When CWD was being talked about in the 70's, I knew a lot of people who suspected USFWS purposely exposed those deer and elk to scrapie. Their theory was that it was a way to remove the need for human predation. The same goes for reintroducing wolves. People who think predation by humans is morally wrong and they want to stop it.

I believe thats on the Anti's agenda.
Posted By: Kirk De

Re: New CWD info - 01/13/20 03:54 PM

I learned yesterday Florida is making there DNR biologists, law enforcement, and others qualify on their range so just in case there is an outbreak of CWD they can contain it. They have set guidelines for containment that would make seal team six hard if not impossible to achieve unless the weapons and rules of engagement were the same.

It is as if they have never been in isolated areas of Florida.

Just a way to expand that area of government for control and spend more taxpayer money.
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