
Small/Low budget gun safe

Posted By: eli from mo

Small/Low budget gun safe - 08/17/21 02:22 AM

Any recommendations on a gun safe that holds about 10 long guns for under 400 bucks?

Re: Small/Low budget gun safe - 08/17/21 02:41 AM

a pair of these https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/stack-on-18-gun-beveled-edge-safe-gcm-1918-dx

they aren't fire protection and they aren't going to keep a person with knowledge and tools out , but if kids/grandkids and criminals with out tools are what your looking to keep out.

if you need a 10 gun you probably need a 20+ gun because they are like tents the manufacture stacks then in like sardines to get that number

you can always start with one and see if it is enough room

remember to secure it to the wall and floor with screws/lags and big fender washers

if you can put it in a closet or build a closet around it that can offer some fire protection, as well as making it more difficult to get to the sides and such with pry tools.
Posted By: minklessinpa

Re: Small/Low budget gun safe - 08/17/21 03:41 PM

old upright freezer. put a hasp and lock on it. add a goldenrod for moisture. make some holders inside and your done.
Posted By: adktrap

Re: Small/Low budget gun safe - 08/17/21 05:59 PM

I have a job box loaded with ammo in the bottom and guns across the top. Heavy as can be with all that ammo and doesn't scream "guns in here". Can get one off craigslist cheap sometimes.
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