
New website

Posted By: ritrapper

New website - 01/26/13 10:47 PM

here is my new website,built by Robb Russel
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: New website - 01/27/13 05:16 AM

Steve doesn't know it but I added another three hours adding original content tonight and still working on it. Index page is right and will be working on the individual species pages next.

For you word press users I used an antiquing effect on the banner using Artisteer and uploaded the custom theme and all of its associated files via FTP.
Posted By: ritrapper

Re: New website - 01/27/13 12:20 PM

just got up and looked at the work you did on the site. looks great! I am happy with the mention of my beaver work also...thanks
Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: New website - 01/27/13 04:49 PM

Very nice work! Like the banner graphics too!

Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: New website - 01/27/13 04:53 PM


One question related to the search engine stuff. Has the location "stuffing" aspect of searches changed or is it still best to have
every location in your service area listed for "spiders?"

I struggle with the idea of having a laundry list of places we service, but if we miss tons of calls because of it, obviously it would
be worth changing.

Is there a way outside of meta tags and other hidden back end places to put all of the locations that will still be indexed?

Posted By: Tri-State Wildli

Re: New website - 01/27/13 05:35 PM

looks great. have you got a c&d from wildlife solutions in fl yet?
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: New website - 01/27/13 08:04 PM

Originally Posted By: HD_Wildlife

One question related to the search engine stuff. Has the location "stuffing" aspect of searches changed or is it still best to have
every location in your service area listed for "spiders?"

I struggle with the idea of having a laundry list of places we service, but if we miss tons of calls because of it, obviously it would
be worth changing.

Is there a way outside of meta tags and other hidden back end places to put all of the locations that will still be indexed?


Justin Yes and two simple words "blog it" job descriptions, job locations using the same domain names embedded with many unique Geotags.

A two paragraph story about the bat removal job in some upscale subdivision or ranch near Santonito NM would be one fine example blog post.

First of all I think what you and your wife have done on the web is brilliant, informative and gives many a reason to visit the site again and even bookmark it. Over time I expect Google to be very favorable with your website. You write well researched information giving credit to other sources.Your efforts should be rewarded well. Don't be afraid to work a economically important key word set or two. You have plenty of information on the web site to dilute it and then amplify the keyword set. This gives you a very local digital shout out that i call find ability.

Your strategy should be to be recommended on getting back links from as many .gov and .edu web sites that you can. I did it with podcasts . You and your wife's interest in white nose syndrome and you and your wife's qualifications and experience and background should be able to accomplish this. Overtime you will get the right back links from the right places.

I have back links today accrediting my podcasts on my web site as a place to learn about so many topics besides learning about becoming a WCO wildlife Control Operator in almost every English speaking country in the world today. I see

Example: This was done in six years. http://www.majesticseo.com/reports/si...dexDataSource=H

What you want to do is build to get on referring domains web sites worldwide.
Its a lot of work but you can do it with lots of unique content and frequently updating your site and getting mentioned in social networks by not as much likes but shares on Facebook and retweets on twitter.
Many other factors also effect a web sites find ability.

The list of keywords on the bottom of Steve's front page will end up being a hotlink sub menu to pages or blog posts by Steve. Steve should be working on some photos and job and location descriptions for things related to Animal Damage Repair, Skunk smells skunk removal , and anyhting related to removal work about the Red Squirrel, Northern Flying Squirrel, Southern Flying Squirrel, The Eastern Gray Squirrel and the biggest ground squirrel of them all the woodchuck.

I failed to tell Steve but if he bought a .mobi domain for 6.99 on sale this month for the first year compared to GoDaddy this month for $23.00; the software will auto build him a second mobile web site that can be tweaked.

You have to write for what Google wants and its a slippery slope out there . I write for organic searches not pay per click. PPC is a great resource to build immediate traffic to your website . Google rewards those who bring visitors their web sites. You can build a site in time by adding unique content and/or give it a boost by bringing PPC visitors to visit read your site.
Thanks to many Panda updates in 2012 many local web searches are giving precedence to many irrelevant .edu and .gov results resulting in folks spending time on a huge website and realizing they just wasted their time. If this is happening in your local market drop those ladies off some goodies and business cards.Do something because irreverent search sources are the newest source of business leads.

Google can only find things written on the pages. If you use the blog function frequently you can work in locations in a totally different way . Older domains the "findability" tends to be more forgiving and allow many things made easier. My first strategy is to try to capture as many keyword inserts I can initially. The strategy in time is planned but always influenced by whatever GooGle says they want in a web site and the changes can be very fluid and frequent to affect new updates often regarding a web sites unique content.

If some one wanted some one to remove bats in Los Griegos, San Antonito or Cedar Crest in Bernalillo County will they be able to find you in their bat search before they searched using the geo location Albuquerque NM?

Mike Flick and I figured it out in 07 the most important thing prospective customers want to see is your phone number and they are off the site within 2 minutes.I have one first major task and that is to simply help the consumer find the phone number to call for help. Everything else in a site visit is just gravy and more find ability strength for the web site.

For content these days I lay off using many h1,h2,h3 tags maybe a one h2 or h3 on a page. Simple paragraphs with with a few adwords bold or underline seem to do the trick but even keep them to a minumum.

Google reads web sites as containers of indexed information with certain geographic information with combinations of certain words, verbs and combinations of many "words+verbs" .

When I start any site or page it has a back bone starting with specific word sets remember them meat & potatoes stuffed as you say it. Content is then added using relative content. In the case of squirrels; it is more about how many times I use the word squirrel and associate it with many word+verb sets in this container.

I write a site for search engines first targeting word sets I know consumers are using today. By recipe you then sprinkle it heavy with interesting related content . More content is always better and it deliberately dilutes or builds a good broth for the meat & potatoes stuffed into this container.

If this were a stew and not a website future web maintenance will include simmering it on low heat, watching it and not letting it boil over and add more content when needed.

I hope you can make sense of this post. I know its more then you asked for.

Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: New website - 01/27/13 09:55 PM

Awesome post Robb and greatly appreciated. As you know we've laid off the focus for nearly anyone in business and used our web more to show who we are and provide education about wildlife in general and on the blogs, some info on exclusion, damage, control. I've brought nearly all business through either referral or pay per click. Up front it was more costly but these days I'm seeing it paying better returns than I would expect for other sources non net type (local magazine, paper, etc...).

Your post has tons in it and I appreciate it. The mention of the mobile aspect (.mobi) is an important reminder too. I am utterly frustrated when I want
to do some searching while I'm out somewhere and the folks don't have a mobile site. I'm sure I lose some folks this way, as well as not having the phone number focused up front and prominent.

With the non profit thing for WNS holly is running I was told repeatedly by a friend of mine who runs several to get a big fat donate now button on the front page and every page. Makes perfect sense but only getting it going now.

Even when I can't or don't embrace advice, I'm endlessly grateful for everyones advice that they share, yourself included. I know it is hard earned and cost to learn, so how much you and others willingly give away should always be commended.

My best friend lately is returning phone calls and smart phone emails immediately when I get them. Most wait days or even a week to get calls back from others in my area and that alone has got me in the door and able to lock down business.

Thanks again for the amazing post, lots of info and I'm going to have to read it at least two times more to garner everything I can from it!



Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: New website - 01/27/13 10:07 PM

Thanks Justin two kind of people read that geek stuff those who understand it and use it and those who say I am am just gonna call that guy for some help next time. I don't mind sharing with our industry. We have many dragons to slay together in the future my friends. wink

The mention of the mobile aspect (.mobi) is an important reminder too. I am utterly frustrated when I want
to do some searching while I'm out somewhere and the folks don't have a mobile site. I'm sure I lose some folks this way, as well as not having the phone number focused up front and prominent.

First year $6.99 is not a regular price for the first year This is an inexpensive way to add a mobile web site with little effort and money . You can save about $16 before the end of the month
Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

Re: New website - 01/27/13 10:47 PM

Robb, I think you meant dragons. Dragoons are mobsters dressed as ladies.
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: New website - 01/27/13 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Paul Winkelmann
Robb, Dragoons are mobsters dressed as ladies.

Paul I corrected it.Thank You.

This industry has many dragons to slay in the future. We need to work better together and quickly.

But a dragoon where I come from is so very different . I have many friends I expect to meet in Fiddler's Green.If your not Cav you ain't (*+(!!@ ha ha

The first dragoons are what became this nations US Cavalry. I loved being part of the Cav. What we can do with aerial and integrated armor firepower assets today is just awesome. I had a chance to work with both Tanks and Aviation and see them from both perspectives in the earlier days. I am more then impressed with the many weapon systems we have today.

The Second Cavalry Association has called their social website Dragoon base for the last 15-20 years starting on bulletin boards and moving from one free group to the next until Sites By Robb picked it up and donated all of it for the last 6 years ago. We try to get scholarships for the children of fallen cav soldiers which is day to day sometimes in Afghanistan , Iraq and other parts of the world for example.

Dragoon Base http://dragoonbase.com/

Connecting the Troopers of Today with the Veterans of Yesterday.

Sure you did not mean a simple Goon or Thug Paul W
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: New website - 01/28/13 03:46 AM

Back to Steve's website I made a few changes today.

I worked on the right hand column and made it more inviting to a real world visitor and not Google this time. Over the next few days I will make similar type changes and continue adding more depth in related content.

I added his Facebook Company Page Stream and did a lot of work adding content to his Bat removal page. Much of what you seen yesterday went out as a blog and the actual index page since softened in content.

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