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Rope for Conibears
I have used a rope to set my large conibears for years.  A rope is light and can fit easily in my pocket. A big plus to keeping this rope with you is that in case you ever get an arm or hand in a large conibear, you can release yourself with one hand.  Dad instilled the safety aspect of keeping the rope with me at a very young age.

Here is a step-by-step description on how to compress the large conibear springs with a rope.  I use a 1/4 inch braided nylon rope.  One end of the rope has a loop in it large enough to put the toe of my boot into.

Step 1 - Place the loop over the toe of my boot.  Bring the rope straight up through the spring eyes as shown below.

Step 2 - Route the rope down the outside of the spring eyes as shown below.

Step 3 - Route the rope back up through the inside of the spring eyes.

Step 4 - Pull straight up on the rope and when the spring is compressed, attach the safety clip on the spring.  

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