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Basic Sets
Because we trappers are being watched so closely these days, I felt it necessary to build pages that will give the novice trappers a source of reference on what different sets look like and how to construct them.  We cannot afford for the new trappers to go out and learn trapping by trial and error.  Hopefully these pages will get them off on the right foot.  The sets shown are only Basic sets.  There are many variations of these sets and more can be said about each one, but the idea here is to give a basic idea of what the sets are and how they are generally constructed.  Although I've got them broken down into two catagories, Land Sets and Water Sets, in some instances there will be some overlap.  I also plan on adding another catagory and call it Miscellaneous.  This will be for showing drowning rigs, staking methods etc.  This is a work in progress and I'll keep adding stuff, so check back often. 

                          Land Sets                                                         Water Sets
 Dirt Hole Set  Pocket Set
 Flat Set  Blind Mink Sets
 The Weasel Box Set  Castor Mound Set

 Assorted Muskrat Sets

             Miscellaneous Information
 Drowning Setup
 Making a Snare
 Beaver Castor and Oil Sac Removal
 Conibear Rope Setter
 Body Grip Trigger/Dog Adjustment

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