
Trading Post

  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
Trapper Talk (87 viewing)
10 seconds ago
Trapper Dahlgren
90,407 1,730,406
10 seconds ago
by Trapper Dahlgren
Trap Shed (8 viewing)
This forum is to be used for the buying, selling or trading of used trapping equipment. Please read the rules before posting.
5 hours ago
Nittany Lion
14,074 32,114
5 hours ago
by Nittany Lion
ADC Forum (3 viewing)
This forum is for sharing information on ADC work.
12/19/24 09:56 PM
5,527 63,549
12/19/24 09:56 PM
by BigBob
Wilderness Trapping and Living (2 viewing)
This is a forum for our trapping brothers and sisters in the last frontier to post about their trapping and living experiences.
Moderated by: akntrpr, Ol' Blister, otterman
8 hours ago
Slick Pan
1,377 30,366
8 hours ago
by Slick Pan
Fur Buyers Directory
This is a "read" only forum that will act as a directory of Fur Buyers. Fur Buyers email me your contact info and I will post it on the Directory.
Moderated by: Drifter
03/28/24 01:09 PM
Paul Dobbins
19 19
03/28/24 01:09 PM
by Paul Dobbins
Trapping Only (2 viewing)
This forum is for Trapping only topics.
Moderated by: Drifter, Wolfdog91
13 minutes ago
6,024 100,016
13 minutes ago
by wamp
Kids Forum
This is the forum where young trappers have a place to interact with other young trappers.
Moderated by: Bogmaster
Yesterday at 09:00 PM
30-06 Trapper
422 8,261
Yesterday at 09:00 PM
by 30-06 Trapper
Lure and Bait Formulator's forum (1 viewing)
This forum is for the discussion of formulating lures and baits.
Moderated by: Wolfdog91
13 minutes ago
1,138 10,617
13 minutes ago
by kytrapper
International Trappers Forum (1 viewing)
This forum is for trappers outside North America to be used to show animals and techniques used to trap animals in their countries.
12/04/24 02:58 PM
k snow
22 446
12/04/24 02:58 PM
by k snow
Fur Sales Directory
This forum will be the Fur Sales Directory. It will be a read only forum and any input to the forum will be made through Paul Dobbins via PM.
Moderated by: Drifter, Paul Dobbins
12/04/24 12:51 PM
Paul Dobbins
3 3
12/04/24 12:51 PM
by Paul Dobbins
Fur Handling Forum
This forum is for the discussion of proper fur handling.
Yesterday at 11:50 PM
688 6,969
Yesterday at 11:50 PM
by Shakeyjake
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
Health Issues
This forum is for the discussion of health issues we trappers face. It can be anything from the common cold to cancer.
10/24/24 12:56 PM
west river rogue
178 1,801
10/24/24 12:56 PM
by west river rogue
This forum is to be used to discuss collecting/sale/growing/handling (etc) of roots, herbs and mushrooms.
775 4,631
Craft Sales Forum (2 viewing)
This forum is for people to peddle the craft items they make only. This can encompass a wide range of items, but no trapping supplies will be permitted.
Moderated by: Paul Dobbins
12/09/24 12:59 AM
262 787
12/09/24 12:59 AM
by Foundryman
This forum is for members to show a picture or two of themselves.
12/01/24 04:16 AM
119 177
12/01/24 04:16 AM
by Raghorn67
Convention and Meeting Notices
This forum is for posting convention and meeting notices that use to be tacked to the main Trapper Talk forum.
08/23/24 02:03 AM
3 3
08/23/24 02:03 AM
by TrapprChris
Legislative Alerts
This forum is for the notification and discussion of legislative actions that may affect our trapping heritage.
Moderated by: Drifter, Paul Dobbins
77 333
08/23/24 04:59 PM
by Jingles
Cooking on the Wild Side
This forum is for an online cookbook of our favorite wild game recipes.
11/23/24 05:13 AM
225 1,592
11/23/24 05:13 AM
by jnsff69
Trapper's Humor
These pages are for storing the tasteful humorous stories found in posts on the Trapper Talk forum.
Moderated by: Drifter
10/29/23 09:57 PM
7 18
10/29/23 09:57 PM
by Teacher
Auction Forum
This forum is to be used for fund raisers. This is not to be used by members for personal or business sales. Auctions must be approved by Paul Dobbins.
Moderated by: Cindy, GritGuy, wheelers
404 3,887
04/28/24 11:18 PM
by wheelers
The Pen and Quill
This forum is for aspiring writers to place their works. This can be used to put poems, stories, and other literary works you've written. You can ask to have it critiqued, or just post it for fun.
12/05/24 02:07 AM
71 419
12/05/24 02:07 AM
by 32summit40
Trap Collector Forum (1 viewing)
This forum is to be used for discussing and showing antique traps and trapping equipment.
Moderated by: snakecollector
Yesterday at 12:27 AM
1,833 12,028
Yesterday at 12:27 AM
by traphound
Archives contain threads that have been kept because of their value for education or interest.
  Forums Threads Posts Last Post
In Memory of Jonathan Weber
This forum is to show Jonathan's contributions to through his wisdom and photographs.
05/28/19 03:34 AM
101 1,332
05/28/19 03:34 AM
by Tactical.20
Jack Whitman's (Gulo's) Photo Phriday Pics
An archive for Jack's weekly pictures he's graciously shared with us.
Moderated by: Gulo
12/09/24 05:59 PM
160 3,971
12/09/24 05:59 PM
by Gulo
Wilderness Trapping and Living Archive
This read-only forum is to store valuable posts from the Wilderness Trapping and Living forum once the posts have run their course.
Moderated by: otterman
12/31/22 02:43 AM
56 14,870
12/31/22 02:43 AM
by Northof50
Computer Stuff Archive
This forum is for archiving posts about how to do things, and solve problems with computers.
12/30/23 04:36 PM
28 20,011
12/30/23 04:36 PM
by broncoformudv
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