Morning Mole and all, North Central WI it is -7 with calm winds. We had 8" of snow yesterday for our first major accumulation this year. Have a great day all.
Takes a little work to find a good pod of fish. Takes a little luck to get them to swim under the shack, although fish do seem to like some lines better than others. Like most things, ask yourself why?
The fish around me were up shallow in the morning feeding and then would push out deeper as it got later. I knew anyone that checked for fish after about 930 would all set up on one side of me. They did. But I also knew the spot was going to die later in the morning.
The fish I speared came to the middle of the hole, turned 90 and swam lengthwise in hole over to rub on the decoy.
Sounds like you are on them tlguy. Can’t wait to see your picture!
Has been reintroduced in the senate by Sen Mike Crapo. Any chance this gets enough support that we could buy suppressors over the counter with no federal restrictions?
it's pretty far down on the Wish List of the vast majority of Americans.
In February, I used to get a strong hankering for beaver liver. I'm not much of a liver fan, but love beaver liver. Always got it friom pristine bush slkoughs with no mercury, etc. Best liver I ever had. I think a 30-lb beaver has a 40-lb liver
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I'll keep that in mind. I know one place I like to eat serves a great shaved prime rib sammich with a horse radish/ cream cheese sauce on it so I know it can blend well. I'm just bad to eat it straight up on red meat or mixed with spicy mustards on poultry.
When does trapping season end for yall? Fur trapping ends at the end of February for coons and fox and stuff like that but muskrats go till march 15 and then after that yall will start seeing pics of my nuisance lines and on July first (turtle opener) i will post some pics of what im running for turtles. Yall going to do anything related to trapping in the summer?
My beagle got into a bucket of "scraps" before we went hunting one day, I didn't think she ate much and we went hunting. 3 hours later she had run several rabbits, I leashed her for the walk out and she hesitated like she had to pee, then proceded to regurgitate the belly fur of a racoon, the entire inspection window I had cut out from boarding a coon, like a big log of grey to brown fur.....gross littke thing she is, but man can she move rabbits!!