This does not fit your request for a more delux gun. But in 1957 I wanted a Ithaca went to the gun store (Rays in NJ) and the man said try it, he said it does not fit you. went through all the guns there and the cheapest one a Savage 77E fit the best. He then said he can make it fit better by grinding some wood off the stock. I looked at my Dad and we agreed, he did. I still have that gun today and the only change is to open the extraction port to eject 3 inch shells. It just works fine and FITS me well after all those years......jk
Good feed, plenty of water and ample space are keys. As mentioned once they hit the 3 week mark pull the feed at night to slow growth and prevent leg splaying. Earlier in the year is better as they don’t do well in the heat. I prefer to give them an outside run for more room and movement.
I use hanging feeders and just lift them at night. Fortunate to have a poultry processor who will dress birds and shrink bag for about $5 per.
You can take the gloop and guts out of a squash - pumpkin, put them on a paper plate, stick in the dehydrator on low, or no heat, for a day or so. Then you can scrunch them in your hand like soup crackers, and they come out out all clean and neat.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s out trapping? Some people on this site do actually trap. A lot just sit back and wait for something to chime in on and stir the pot.