I’m familiar with both tinctured buds and the straight oil. But I’m not familiar with how good they work in beaver and ‘rat lures. For those of you who make beaver lures, do you add it to territorial lures, food lures or what?
Oh yes. I’ve always included them in my homemade bobcat gland lure. I was just wondering what exactly they’re called and their purpose when on the hoof. Are they the primary rub scent glands?
I see there is an otter gland lure made by Kaatz and wildlife control supplies !
Otter use their musk similar to how a skunk uses their's....when they are alarmed.
It's great for coyotes, fox, and bcats.....not so much for otter.
I agree with that.
I have had luck using otter urine. Especially during the rut. You can grab up piles of peed on leaves and grass at their toilets for urine. I also hit on a novel thing for otter: Pick up fresh scat from a toilet or out of the large intestine of an already caught otter and pour a little of Cavens shellfish oil on it. Place in front of trap. That has worked really well. Also gets coon of course.
Here in PA body grips have to be in a box with the trap recessed 7" to the trigger And the opening can be no larger than 50 square inches And a 160 or smaller, if I remember correctly I use 1.75 c/s
Here in PA body grips have to be in a box with the trap recessed 7" to the trigger And the opening can be no larger than 50 square inches And a 160 or smaller, if I remember correctly I use 1.75 c/s
When I started this thread, I never imagine it would get this far in the ditch.
I’m sad.
Sorry I forgot we have some women in that Late 30s to 40is age group that may get offended and want to move to personal attacks because they have nothing else and want to lash out. Running on emotions, biological scientific fact be darned. I Must have really hit close to home unintentionally. Even our exceedingly rare high caliber lady's can still fall victim to their biological make up both physical and mental. I always have and still think highly of yote trap giving her the benefit of doubt and everyone has a bad day.
But it really highlights why I can't start a post for young men to start out and be successful . To be fair a lot of the older guys not having been exposed to the modern women strong independent mind set common today may get more offended about that than the ladies. Why well because ladies understand ladies... And men are programed to protect them. Today young women have all kinds of expectations of what they want from men and men want to provide and protect. But parents are failing their daughters with the princess treatment. What's that ? they tell them what to expect to get as a wife but fail to teach them what takes to be a wife what do they bring to the table?
I will stop there probably should not have bothered responding at all.
Would someone put forth the date for the last time an NFL Player took a knee?
The soldiers who have served, fought, and died, for all freedoms and forms of expression. We may not like it but I spoke to many veterans that have told me just that. Their words: I fought for everyone's rights if I agree or disagree with them.
I made my first out of state fur sale last January at Glenn's Ferry and had a great time and met a bunch of great folks. I was especially impressed at how well organized the event was. As soon as I got in the building and filled out paperwork there was a chain of volunteers helping unload my fur and misc. Event was well attended by the best fur buyers in the west. I heard even Groenewold had a buyer there.