If that long count BS doesn't put you against the Eagles it should. What a crock of crap.
Has there ever been an NFL touchdown awarded without one actually being scored?
None that we can think of, but the Washington Commanders came precariously close to that scenario in Sunday's NFC championship game.
With the Philadelphia Eagles in their trademark Tush Push formation at the goal line in the fourth quarter, the Commanders repeatedly jumped offsides, drawing multiple warnings from the officiating crew. One of those included referee Shawn Hochuli telling the Commanders that the Eagles would be awarded a touchdown without actually scoring one if they kept doing it.
There's a short vertical pipe on one end, for a tapered wooden peg that you tie a piece of string to. It's a very mean piece of iron, shuts instantly and with a lot of force.
I've been away for a while. The last time I was here I was after nuisance beavers and I read some good posts and received great advice. Funny thing about it is that nature took care of that problem by producing an abundance rain. So much in fact that the weight of the water behind the dam caused the dam to burst and the remaining beavers didn't repair it. Now I'm facing an issue that needs immediate attention. Like the beavers, I've been hunting hogs.I've been aware of them for about 5 years. I hunted them in the past by baiting and combing thick cover for them to flush and pressure them. Over the years I've learned more about their behavior to the point that I've become a somewhat effective tracker on my own. I've learned that they are a lot more intelligent than I'd given them credit for. I've shot a couple, but that does very little to their numbers in the grand scheme of things. Last summer is when I noticed that they are a serious problem that cannot be ignored.
On one particular parcel I've crawled into thick cover and discovered that there are more hogs present than I'd imagined. I've heard them active in the day time on several properties and they are a raucous bunch. The damage that they do in a short period of time is remarkable. No crops or food plots are grown on this land. At this point I'm trying to manage the land in order to mitigate further erosion, destruction of grassland, fouling of water ways, and to help better management of our whitetail population. These hogs are like vacuum cleaners clearing fallen acorns, pecans, and hickory nuts. Some of this land is also home to livestock. Deer and livestock depend upon mast during this time of year and I'm trying to keep our whitetails from being pushed out. What I have also identified are areas where the hogs are using to travel between three other adjacent parcels. So in the interest of all that I have stated, I've been investigating various types of traps geared towards removing sounders or at least groups of hogs and pigs (6 or more).
I was looking at a coral styled trap to start with. I understand that I am to condition the hogs by feeding them in a trap left open for a week or two so that they become comfortable feeding there as a group. As cheap as it is, corn will be my bait. I will probably dispatch the first few groups, using some of the healthier hogs for consumption. The others will feed resident coyotes, feral dogs, possums, raccoons, crows, and local buzzards. What I am unsure of is a good location to place the trap(s). I have identified feeding areas, trails, wallows, at least one bedding area, but I am unsure where to place the trap. Can experienced trappers advise me on a good location to effectively place traps to bait and trap these hogs?
I really like the old photos you put up Scott. I've always liked history and have grown to find it even more interesting as I've gotten older.
I run most of the people that are named in the photos through Family Search to see how my family was connected to the moment captured in time. Better than half of the people are able to be traced as cousins of mine. Most of us are cousins a great many times, but don't know it.
I think children and people in general in America would be better citizens and more interested in history if they knew their families place in American history. History comes alive when you have a personal connection to it.
Not that anyone here cares, but:
"Relationship to William Henry Bonney My 5th cousin seven times removed
Relationship to George Eastman My 11th cousin four times removed"
If anyone is interested in their own family history, www.familysearch.org is an excellent resource.
I know that there is some history with the #9 wolf trap with various owners and updates. I am a little curious as to where this one might have fit in on the timeline. I have had ones with both Manning and Alaska stamped on the pan, but this one just has NO 9. It also has an interesting swivel.
You can use a 160 in trail sets in Wi. I used 160 RBGs and found them better than the square BGs. Keep the trap about 6" off the ground. And fill in the area under the trap. You can use 220s as long as you enclose the trap. The encloser needs to be 30" long and the trap set back 15" in the encloser. I can't rember the size of the opening.
I trapped marten with Bob the last year he trapped them. We were camped in his normal camp spot in the high cascades, his cancer had returned but he still trapped hard. Normally first one gone last to return kinda guy. I feel blessed that he showed me his marten trapping area before he passed. I first met Bob at Waldo lake, then I went to the NTA’s 50th in Lima Ohio, I had slept in the rental car, once it opened I went into the show. One of the first people I seen was Bob and he recognized me friends from there on. Great guy.
canada is not bending you can threaten all you want you get lots of lumber ,oil and hydro from canada we can tariff the heck out of it as well china is already trying to buy all our oil and has been trying for a few years its the rest of the world you have to convince that it should be called the gulf of america over the gulf of mexico probably most people in the states wouldnt be able to find it on a map if asked
X2 There is no way Canada would want to be part of the dumpster fire that is the USA. You are on the verge of a civil war,we want no part of. We are too different of a people to ever join you foreigners.
You believe the Indians, Chinese and Muslims who are taking Canada from you, are more similar than us, who are literally cousins of yours, from the same countries and culture?
Do you ever find anything interesting in the middens?
I didn't see much today, just some aluminum cans, and pieces of marking tape we use to mark trees we've planted. Bits of plastic trash. I've had them steal short plastic tree tubes (just a few inches long, for mice) and bring them back to the middens. What's most irritating inside the middens is the lack of bark. They strip bark off the trees, especially inside the middens.
When the tractor broke down last year it was outside for a few days waiting on parts. A pack rat hitched a ride back to the garage when I got the tractor back in. I didn't realize it was in the garage at first, and then it took some time to get it trapped. I had panels off the tractor trying to find where the rat was staying. While the tractor was apart, a thumb screw that held a panel on disappeared. I was certain the pack rat stole it. A few months later I came across a bucket (inside the garage) where it had been stashing everything it stole. Here's what was in the bucket:
The black thumb screw is just below right-most of the 3 green bait blocks.
What's their purpose in taking items made out of metal? The bait blocks and corn make sense, but a lot of what they take seems to be of no use to them. I bet a lot of people have been blamed for stealing small items that pack rats took.
When I was a kid, I read about pack rats putting gold nuggets they found in their middens.
So it sounds like for most of you the perfect pickup exists.... a 1990 base model with nothing xtra on it. Go buy one , enjoy your 12 mpg. What's stopping you???
I've got an 89 Toyota. Lol. It gets better fuel mileage than my 09 Tacoma or my 6.7 Cummins. But it came with carpeted floor boards and I had to add the diff locks and lower gears myself. Question was what would you like in a new truck. You know, one without a million miles on it, rust, or issues from previous owners.
The funny part about the playoffs is, a dropped pass by the Ravens led to buffalo playing KC. Now a dropped pass by buffalo let’s KC get to the superbowl. Kinda poetic ain’t it.
Hi everyone! I have been following the forums for awhile now and was wondering if anyone on here traps in the Lynx Management Zone in Minnesota? Specifically for Bobcat, Fisher, and Martin?
We just recently purchased a property in Lake County and I was hoping to run a trap line up there next fall and was just wondering some techniques with the different regulations in that area?
Welcome aboard but Martin are little purple birds.Marten are furbearers.