AVMA resolution condemns PCRM (CCF)‏

NOTE: The AVMA resolution referred to below can be found at:


Center for Consumer Freedom
What Mainstream Doctors (Still) Think Of PCRM
January 29, 2008

We've told you over the years that the American Medical Association
(which speaks for the vast majority of American physicians) doesn't
have a very high opinion of PCRM -- the misnamed Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine (which speaks for the animal rights world).
The latest shoe to drop is a new resolution condemning PCRM, which
became official AMA policy during last summer's annual meeting in
Chicago. In the coming weeks, we'll be sending thousands of copies to
reporters, members of Congress, Hollywood publicists, and the people
in TV and radio who decide which "Public Service Announcements" get on
the air.

It reads, in part:

Whereas, PCRM has engaged in a multi-year crusade against the March of
Dimes including protests directed at March walkers, volunteers, and
donors; and

Whereas, PCRM discourages donations to health charities that support
research with animals, like the American Heart Association, the
American Cancer Society, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the
American Foundation for AIDS Research, the Christopher Reeve Paralysis
Foundation and the American Red Cross; and

Whereas, PCRM represents itself as a physician's group with fewer than
five percent physician members; and

Whereas, The AMA reiterated its strong support for advocacy of animal
research at the 2006 Annual Meeting; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That our AMA strongly object to the positions of the
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) that denounce
animal research; and be it further

RESOLVED, That our AMA condemn these ongoing activities of the PCRM
that impede humane and responsible animal research.

The AMA hit the nail on the head, especially by noting how few actual
physicians make up this phony "physicians committee" (the latest
numbers indicate that it's now less than four percent).

We can't wait to hear PCRM's feeble explanation for how the AMA is
misinterpreting its work to save lab rats and guinea pigs at the
expense of people. But the bottom line is this: Why should a group of
animal activists who don't care about your survival have any say in
what you eat (or what you feed your children)?

You guessed it. They shouldn't.

Bonus reading material: "7 Things You Didn't Know" about PCRM, and a
whole website devoted to exposing its brand of PETA-approved quackery.


[Linked Image]
Mac Leod Motto