The reason I devised the exclusion system I use is that they didnt have such devices many years ago so I had to improvise to make things work with what I had.I have tried Peskys system once with fox and coyote dens under buildings and decks but I did have some dig back issues at the den opening. Canines can challenge you and the things you do if you give them a hint suggestion.Some predators will just move at times also because their security has been compromised in their minds.
Here are a few photos of a cage trap / exclusion device.
This photo shows the spring lock door bar wired back to the door to prevent it from functioning.Now the door will move freely up and down without any resistance and can be removed to be put back into normal single trap use when needed.
This shows the front door apron that I attached to prevent raising of the door by coon or fox in an attempt to get back thru this doorway.This extended door apron platform will be under the animals feet when attempting to open the door way from the front, thus preventing this from occuring.It is just hog ringed or cage clipped into place. You could use zip ties or wire tie off pieces if need be.
This shows the view that the animal sees upon entering the exclusion area from the den burrow entrance.The slide door of this safeguard has been removed to use in this application.I fill the wire bottom with dirt up to the door way to reduce caution and refusals.
This is a close up contrast view of the front of the door way showing the apron and golf ball I use to hold the door corner up the height of the ball. This gives the animals a breeze way thru to begin the first exiting. Typically the ball will roll away or be knocked aside after the first exiting animal. The following animals will then have to push the door themselves to get out. Once one is out the others will follow quickly and easily as the first animal will remain around the door way coaxing the others to come out and play.
A little further back to give a better view of the door way.
A ground level view of the doorway set up.
A side contrast view of the doorway set up.
A side contrast view of the doorway set up that I use.
This set up can be used with most spring loaded door traps and those with a rear release/access door. You can use a solid back door trap if you wish and designate that trap as an excluder only by cutting the back wire square from the trap.It can then be hog or cage clipped back together when needed.