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Multi Catch Squirrel Traps #5330235
12/23/15 04:29 PM
12/23/15 04:29 PM
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bjansma Offline OP
bjansma  Offline OP

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I did get that flyer job mentioned in the other thread. Won't start until they get some other work done to their home.

While I can get my squirrel jobs done, I have never been happy with my efficiency. I feel like they take longer than my coon jobs. My strategy involves positive setting 5x5 or 6x6 comstocks, single catching for the most part, sometimes I can get a second trap over the hole. I have tried the multi catch excluder style traps in the past and haven't had much success.

I just bought a couple of different styles of multicatch traps from WCS. Am going to experiment a little on this one.

Any tips or what do you guys do in these situations?

Bob Jansma
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5330698
12/23/15 08:45 PM
12/23/15 08:45 PM
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Woodhull, Illinois 77
Jim Bethell Offline
Jim Bethell  Offline

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Look back a ways. Maybe in to march or april. I had a thread on fliers and Bob Jameson showed pictures of his traps. They work well. Will catch most in a couple of nights.

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5330782
12/23/15 09:36 PM
12/23/15 09:36 PM
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Mt. Olive, IL
Ron Scheller Offline
Ron Scheller  Offline

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Having spent the past 26 years of my life in this business, I've developed what I find the best way to deal with structure-dwelling squirrels.... in MOST cases. There's never a "best way" that fits ALL situations.

After identifying the primary access hole(s), I'll gang set near the opening(s) using open cage traps (open referring to non-posi sets). I do this for 2 days typically, sometimes 3 days. AFTER catching the bulk of the squirrels, then I'll install one-way doors over the holes.... usually without traps attached, leaving some cage traps near the one-way.

Reasons (determined through MANY years of experience): Installing one-way doors on the initial set-up OFTEN causes squirrels to chew in OR out, as they are neophobic and will do whatever necessary to avoid the excluders at first. I've seen them chew around one-way doors too many times, so that's never my first move. This sometimes spooks them, and they may leave the area for a day, or several days. THAT is a surefire way to cause an extended time period to solving the problem.

Same deal with entering the attic.... don't do it until after trapping. They are often spooked, and your trapping program will be ineffective for a couple days.

They are very familiar with their domain (structure interior) and any changes or activity (traps inside or you walking/crawling through the attic) can send them packing for a bit. They also do NOT forage for food inside, so inside traps will often go ignored for days. However, setting outside seems to greatly lessen their skeptical behavior, as they forage for food OUTSIDE. They will go to bait much faster outside than inside. Sometimes it takes a day for them to get used to the traps near the entry, but they get past the fear quickly.

After open trapping a couple days and another day or two of trapping with the one-way installed, the job is almost always done, except for the sealing/repair work. I use traps shelves which have small runners along one edge to help level them on rooftops. Holes are drilled for the Fields Development spring hooks to secure the traps. Makes for ultra-fast trap changes during daily visits. Takes a little longer to set up, but saves MUCH time in the long run. Trap shelves also keep the bait in the trap, on the floor behind the trigger pan.

Another major advantage of securing traps is the squirrels don't trip them from the sides. I have observed squirrels on many occasions "working" small cage traps. Especially in snow, they will try to get the bait from the side, wiggling the trap, often flipping it over or sideways, setting it off. Once I started setting my squirrel traps "solid", my "misses" were practically eliminated. Again, makes for more efficient removal of the animals. None of us have time to drive to job sites simply to reset traps that are empty.

I know guys who use nothing but posi-sets, but it takes them longer to finish the job as they get more call-backs. After a day or two with no catches, they pick up, and a few days later the "spooked" squirrels return, and the customer is on the phone pronto.... and back you go... repairing new holes and catching more squirrels.

Here's a pic from about 10 days ago... second day at a local squirrel job. Caught 4 the first day, 5 the second day, and one each day (for two days) after installing one-ways over the 2 holes. Noises stopped, job sealed up and done in 4 days. That's a normal scenario for my squirrel jobs. I had 6 traps set here. Guys who are setting one or two traps are NOT going to finish a job quickly. Never believe them when they say they only have "2" squirrels, because that's all they've ever seen at one time.

Same job, same day. Caught 5 on second day check. 11 total in 4 days, sealed, job done. That's my dad taking catches to the truck while I'm replacing traps on shelves.

Another job, this one in Woodriver, IL. I mounted this trap shelf at 11 AM. They were entering 2 holes, one on each side of the chimney in the soffit (chewed open). You can see where the homeowner tried stopping them with a 2x4, hence the new chew holes! Went to eat lunch a mile away at Subway, returned an hour after setting and had 4 for 4. Caught 13 from this tiny home. Seven the first day! This is not typical, but they really respond to bait and lure quickly in the coldest part of winter.

Of course trapping on the ground is almost never done (by me). I'm not there to see how many neighborhood animals I can catch, I'm there to solve a problem. When I catch high numbers within 10 feet of the entry holes, it's NOT neighboring animals. Chances are extremely high they are all using that structure.

Ron Scheller

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5330859
12/23/15 10:08 PM
12/23/15 10:08 PM
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LAtrapper Offline
LAtrapper  Offline

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You may find some useful information in the below listed threads.
Rear release door

Squirrel trap

Note to self- Engage brain before opening mouth (or hitting the ENTER key/SUBMIT button).

Ron Fry

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5330993
12/23/15 11:35 PM
12/23/15 11:35 PM
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bjansma Offline OP
bjansma  Offline OP

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Thanks Rons. Definitely got me rethinking the way that I approach squirrels.

Ron S, do you use the same strategy for all types of squirrels? I have never had a red(piney) or a flyer chew around. Grays yes.

Bob Jansma
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5331014
12/23/15 11:57 PM
12/23/15 11:57 PM
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Mt. Olive, IL
Ron Scheller Offline
Ron Scheller  Offline

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Originally Posted By: bjansma
Ron S, do you use the same strategy for all types of squirrels? I have never had a red(piney) or a flyer chew around. Grays yes.

This is for grays. I'll use multi-catch posi-sets for flyers. I don't have pineys, and our fox squirrels almost never use a structure. I've only seen them use homes 2 times in my entire career. Never did understand why.

Ron Scheller

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5331064
12/24/15 01:03 AM
12/24/15 01:03 AM
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I miss grays

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5340460
12/29/15 11:00 PM
12/29/15 11:00 PM
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southern Minnesota
BUD25 Offline
BUD25  Offline

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So as an entrepreneur, I have to ask, are u guys looking for a multi catch trap/ 2 squirrels? More? Lethal? Live capture?
Let the future of trap renovations reveal the answers.

Bud's Nuisance Wildlife Removal LLC
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5340500
12/29/15 11:36 PM
12/29/15 11:36 PM
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bjansma Offline OP
bjansma  Offline OP

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To me the type of trap doesn't matter. Time is my biggest expense. Save me time and I will buy. A trip or trap check saved per job...What is that worth at the end of the year?

Bob Jansma
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5340993
12/30/15 11:20 AM
12/30/15 11:20 AM
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mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

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The question was: "What is that worth at the end of the year?"

My answer: A week in the Caribbean or Hawaii in your coldest month!

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5341043
12/30/15 11:56 AM
12/30/15 11:56 AM
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NE Wildlife Offline
NE Wildlife  Offline

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I would like a positive set colony trap with a
Wire cubby on the side that would hold a couple
Body grips!! Another cage trap on the side would
Be ok too but I think it would get set off too easily
With a squirrel bouncing on the other side.

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5351005
01/05/16 08:20 AM
01/05/16 08:20 AM
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Jim Comstock Offline
Jim Comstock  Offline

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Agree with the premise that its all about the number of trips to finish a job, saving time by simply setting more traps. I have ganged set as described and been quite happy with the results. Line up the traps and get out quickly. Have heard from some that multi catch traps did work for them, but at times squirrels escape, something I try to avoid at all cost as a smart anything can be real trouble. Watching animals on You Tube, videos etc. shows how smart almost any animal can be, almost scary. Had one squirrel job at a college where I set 14-16 traps, which payed off. Got 83 grays in just over a week. They were used to eating what the kids left out and feeding in the dumpsters, so they came in without hesitation. Really impressed with the effort Ron put in to gang set.

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5351121
01/05/16 10:01 AM
01/05/16 10:01 AM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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Typically with flyer jobs 2-3 checks the average job is complete ready for the final seal work. I am a colony trap operator and have been for flyers for many years now. We have caught 14 in one trap in one night. If you find all the openings and have them covered to force them and the right set up with the right door angle and weight its a done deal.

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5352239
01/05/16 09:10 PM
01/05/16 09:10 PM
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bjansma Offline OP
bjansma  Offline OP

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You might have touched upon what I believe my problem is: angle and weight of door. With the Tomahawk squirrel trap with the excluder and removable trap I just tried removing those little springs. We will see if that makes the door lighter. Has anyone else found that necessary?

Bob Jansma
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5352471
01/05/16 10:37 PM
01/05/16 10:37 PM
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Nobody uses tube traps? Gang setting tube traps mixed with a few box traps ...Then if need be use a one way LAST..Key I think is alot of traps...Get them quick as possible (Im new to comstocks and Im liking them to,expensive to ship to SC though)

Last edited by SOUTHERN STEEL; 01/05/16 10:39 PM.
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5352952
01/06/16 10:24 AM
01/06/16 10:24 AM
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Jim Comstock Offline
Jim Comstock  Offline

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Hey Bob, wondering what type or colony trap you use?

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5353110
01/06/16 12:51 PM
01/06/16 12:51 PM
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bjansma Offline OP
bjansma  Offline OP

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The one I am trying now is Tomahawk Squirrel multipack model. It has the excluder, then some traps that you remove and swap out behind them.

This week I have also tried taking a spring off one of your 5x5s and see if I would get multiple flying squirrels. I catch one a day.

When I first got started I bought some multi traps, never got results. Am revisiting them again 2 years later, still not getting the results I want.

WCS sells a little multicatch rodent trap for $20 that I tried as well. Most I ever caught was 2 but mostly one a day in them as well. The problem with them is the shape of the release door. It's the whole side of the trap its a half moon shape. There is no transferring, better be on location when you open it.

Bob Jansma
Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5353334
01/06/16 04:02 PM
01/06/16 04:02 PM
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Killingly, CT
Brian Mongeau Offline
Brian Mongeau  Offline

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I make my own colony traps. No springs, just gravity doors. I've caught as many as 22 flyers in one trap. No clue how they all got in it. They were stuffed tight. Like mentioned above, find all the entry points and job is done within 3 days.

For gray juvies or reds, I use the same colony traps. For adults, I open the back door and use it as a one-way, surrounded by tubes. Never a rush to remove live grays, and they don't get any deader.

Re: Multi Catch Squirrel Traps [Re: bjansma] #5353446
01/06/16 05:18 PM
01/06/16 05:18 PM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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I have made my own colony traps for flyers many years ago. The larger size works on reds and greys. I had a friend show me his basic design long ago and I modified that into my current use traps.

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