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Re: Cage trap coyote? [Re: MAArcher] #6717509
01/05/20 01:27 PM
01/05/20 01:27 PM
Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 737
Southern Wisconsin
Fishdog One Offline
Fishdog One  Offline

Joined: Aug 2010
Posts: 737
Southern Wisconsin
Just saw part of a show about sharks coming to bait inside of brick circle no problem but a circle of magnets they would not enter it, feeding frenzy right next to the magnet circle with a fish tail bait sticking up.

Born twice, die once
Re: Cage trap coyote? [Re: MAArcher] #6717522
01/05/20 01:41 PM
01/05/20 01:41 PM
Joined: Dec 2010
Posts: 36,306
Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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Central, SD
Seen a story on red fox using the magnetic North Pole to hunt mice under the snow so a guy never knows.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Cage trap coyote? [Re: Yes sir] #6717663
01/05/20 04:44 PM
01/05/20 04:44 PM
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Kirk De Offline
Kirk De  Offline

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From my book. “Cold weather and reduce sunlight have a great bearing on magnetic variance. And warm moist climate fields intensity will actually increase the breakdown of molecules in place lures and the human sent the trapper leaves, thus making the animal avoid the Set because it enhances his ability to smell.On the other hand with a properly constructed cage trap or trap device the magnetic field reading is reduced inside the trap or the device allowing negative ions flow reducing the speed of decay and breakdown of Lures and bait:“
Basically the higher the intensity of the electromagnetic field the more the trap stinks. To reduce the stink reduce the intensity of the field.

The Real Reasons Animals Are Detecting Your Sets And Devices by Kirk Dekalb
Re: Cage trap coyote? [Re: MAArcher] #6717712
01/05/20 05:45 PM
01/05/20 05:45 PM
Joined: Feb 2009
Posts: 393
Mercer Lawing Offline
Mercer Lawing  Offline

Joined: Feb 2009
Posts: 393
Good grief.

Too busy catching stuff.


Re: Cage trap coyote? [Re: MAArcher] #6719729
01/07/20 05:24 PM
01/07/20 05:24 PM
Joined: Dec 2008
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Kirk De Offline
Kirk De  Offline

Joined: Dec 2008
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There is an easy way to test traps to see if a EMF is keeping them out or reducing what enters a cage. Take two double door powered door cages 12-14" wide15 to 16" tall. One has a field intensity higher than the average of the earth where it is tested. The other same except the field is substantially reduced going through the trap. Set the traps side by side on a runs or cross overs with traps about 4-6 inches apart. Also set traps side by side in 5-6" of water with grass between them with lure. place sticks or debris to block the beaver from trying to go between the traps. Target beaver because you can narrow down the amount of area concentrating the animals. They are responsive to EMF. Do your testing when water temperature is above 45 degrees and outside temperatures range from 40 degrees night to 70 degrees days. Go to 20 locations for water sets in shallow water and 20 locations with land sets. Submerged is not needed, because most would be a type of forced set. Best to go to an area that was trapped some minimally using exposed conibears at least about a year or more before. Set two pairs of traps, or more, at each location. Use guillotine, lockbar. or bifold doors as long as each trap set side by side is basically the same size, and has the same claimed function. Do each test with each trap similar such as both have a wire trigger or both have a pan.

Write down the moon phase, temperature, what animals were caught in which traps. Record an estimated age and any distractions such as a controlled burn, heavy equipment use, or public intervention such boating and shooting.

You are going to find at least a two to one advantage of the reduced field traps in catches over the high intensity traps. The end total should be at least 3 or more to one advantage of the cage trap with the low intensity over the trap with the higher intensity field in actual catches.There will be a larger number of mature or three year olds or older beaver in the low intensity trap and more of a percentage of the catch being younger beaver in the high intensity trap.

Record incidental otter catches and same data. Record non targets such as turtles, coon and fish. This will document the door was down not allowing a targeted catch.

Kirk DeKalb

The Real Reasons Animals Are Detecting Your Sets And Devices by Kirk Dekalb
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