up until about ten years ago i had a place like that Wolfdog. Boyer's Grocery in Boyer's Junction owned by Elwood (Woody) Boyer. Woody was a WWII marine and a heck of a nice guy. He got out of the service and started the grocery store in the late forties.

Woody and his buddies were hunters displayed their success in front of the store. This is an old pic but you cold see deer hanging there up past the 2000's.

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This is the only pic I have from inside the store. It's Woody's wife and daughter. If you zoom in you can see a couple of mounts on the back wall. The entire grocery store and back room where guns, ammo and licenses were sold was covered in all types of mounts; big game, exotic game, small game and waterfowl.

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Woody owned a lot of acreage in the area and let anybody hunt and trap on it. Once I hit a deer and wounded it. I trailed it for about a mile right to where Woody had it already hanging in a tree. He ask f I was the one who put a bullet in it. I told him I was. He said, "It's your deer then." I argued that it was his deer since he killed it. After a brief back and forth he agreed to keep it.

Boyer's was more than just a store, it was a gathering place for locals to shoot the breeze. The day hunting licenses went on sale was a big deal. There'd be twenty or more guys crowed into the back room yukking it up while the harried clerk struggled to fill out the license form needed back then to issue a new license.

There was an old time butcher shop and they did all their own smoking. I got all my sausage supplies there; seasoning, hog casings, etc.

Woody passed away years ago and the place was sold.

I miss him and the old store.

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