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Love this guy's channel. Very informative, and he has a way of dumbing down astro physics so everyone can understand. The wife hates his voice, but it doesn't bother me. It sure makes you think.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564197 04/20/2210:56 AM04/20/2210:56 AM
Didn't watch video. Too many galaxies out there for us to be the only life forms. Along with the incredible age of the overall universe, no way this hasn't happened elsewhere.
A while back they focused Hubble on a small dark seemingly empty portion of the universe. There were more galaxies in the dark area, basically than you could count.
Universe is massive, possibly beyond our comprehension in size and age.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564199 04/20/2211:00 AM04/20/2211:00 AM
I agree. I’m not nearly arrogant enough to believe we’re so important that this was created for us. Our planet is like a grain of sand on all of earth’s beaches in comparison to the enormity of space.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564215 04/20/2211:20 AM04/20/2211:20 AM
There are billions of planets in our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies. We know that there are planets out there similar to earth. Our universe is more vast than any of us can possibly fathom. Carbon based life forms like us are made of the most common elements in the known universe. There is zero possibility that we are alone.
"I have two guns, one for each of ya."
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564264 04/20/2212:49 PM04/20/2212:49 PM
Life evolved on Earth very soon after it cooled and was semi hospitable, that suggest the formation of life is a reasonably simple process that should of been replicated elsewhere.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564338 04/20/2202:25 PM04/20/2202:25 PM
I once saw a documentary on how life supposedly evolved from a single-cell organism to a multi-cell organism, which for many years evolutionary biologists couldn't understand how it could happen. Apparently there's some basic physical problems that would make it seemingly impossible. They explained it but I forget why they said it was nearly impossible The show was all about how they finally figured a way it could possibly happen if a cell had a hole in it's wall and another cell passed through that membrane - something like that. That could theoretically lead to the beginning of mult-celled organisms
Anyways... their conclusion was that given what we know about the magnitude of the universe, there is near certainty that there must be life somewhere outside our planet. But, they determined, the mathematical probability of that life being anything more complex than a single-celled organism is practically zero - zilch - never gonna happen a second time.
Fascinating stuff. There's lots of really smart people out there.
What from Christ that soul can sever, Bound by everlasting bands? None shall take thee From the Strength of Israel's hands.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Scuba1]
#7564365 04/20/2202:56 PM04/20/2202:56 PM
Life evolved on Earth very soon after it cooled and was semi hospitable, that suggest the formation of life is a reasonably simple process that should of been replicated elsewhere.
W So simple we can't turn a single cell organism into a two cell organism. I'd be curious of ur definition of simple.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564401 04/20/2203:35 PM04/20/2203:35 PM
Zech 12:1 The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord who stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
I take that as meaning the world is still expanding and growing.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
#7564430 04/20/2204:03 PM04/20/2204:03 PM
Bible says God created the heavens and earth. It doesn't say he didn't create other planets that are similar. I would think that God created many.
Considering he fabricobbled the whole lot together in the dark, who knows what else was put together. He clearly was no engineer, as an engineer would have come up with the light thing first so ya can see what one is doing.
Let's go Brandon
"Shall not comply" with morons who don't understand "shall not infringe."
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Yes sir]
#7564478 04/20/2204:44 PM04/20/2204:44 PM
Life evolved on Earth very soon after it cooled and was semi hospitable, that suggest the formation of life is a reasonably simple process that should of been replicated elsewhere.
W So simple we can't turn a single cell organism into a two cell organism. I'd be curious of ur definition of simple.
Maybe simple is not the right word, repeatable maybe? If life formed it likely then died out and formed and died out etc until all conditions were right for life to form and replicate. The fact that happened so early on in the history if earth suggest it's not an extremely rare process.