Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
04/21/22 09:58 PM
04/21/22 09:58 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
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Joined: Feb 2007
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That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete. 1 john 1:1-2:2
We first must understand the eye witnesses of the truth.
QUOTE : have also thought about how easy it would be for people 2000 years ago living in a very low tech society to think that beings with advanced tech that they couldn't even begin to understand might be gods, Angel's or demons. I am in no way saying that's what happened. I think There were instances of ths kind of thing happening when Europeans met previously uncontacted people who were still basically in stone age societies. END QUOTE
We have this same thinking in Africa and Papua new guinea..... its 2022 people, its not because it was way back than and somehow we are smarter. The human heart is just as wicked as it was than. nothing new. Our hearts in america is just as deprived, it just only looks different because of culture not being a "stone age".
The bible was written by a diversity of 40 different authors over a period of 1,500 years in a variety of locations. However, the Bible is uniquely one book, with one voice consisting of 66 different books. Its authors came from all walks of life. Some were kings, shepards, warriors, fishermen, even a gentile doctor and a tax collector.
The bible is : The revelation of God - 1 Sam 3:21; 2 Tim 3:15; Rom 16:25-26
Supernaturally given and preserved - 2 Pe 1:20-21; Lk 21:33; 1 Pe 1:25
Alive and life giving - Heb 4:12, 1 Pe 1:23
A balm and a weapon - Prov 4:20-22; Matt 4:4,7,10; Eph 6:10-17
Object and source of faith - 1 Thess 2:13; Rom 10:17
Complete - Rev 22:18-19
Comprehensive - 2 Tim 3:16-17
Infalliable Matt 5:18; 1 kings 8:56
Inerrant - 2 Pe 1:16-19
True - Jn 8:44, 2 Cor 4:4; Jn 17:17
A historical Record a) From eternity past to eternity present b) Of god's dealings with men c) Of two divergent streams of humanity , the godly and ungodly d) nation of Israel e) of God's promise Messiah
Christocentric - John 5:39
To be studied - 2 Tim 2:15; 2 Peter 1:19; Heb 2:1-3, 2 Peter 3:16
The special revelation of the Bible is that it shows we have the spoken Word, The walking Word, and the written Word of God in action.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
04/22/22 12:06 AM
04/22/22 12:06 AM
Joined: Dec 2021
Posts: 828 Indiana
Joined: Dec 2021
Posts: 828
Finster, Sir: 10 reasons to assume we are not alone, I only need one. The book of Enoch, Noah's great grandfather. Not in the modern English bible. My own opinion of course, others will and do have there own. Casexx
P. S. I know I'm stepping into it, but we're all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions. I'm a person too with the same rights to my beliefs as anyone else. No more and no less. Let the burning at the stakes begin.
Rules: Col. Jeff Cooper #1for a gunfight Gibbs. #9 always carry a knife
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
04/22/22 03:48 AM
04/22/22 03:48 AM
Joined: May 2016
Posts: 4,217 Southern Illinois
Joined: May 2016
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Southern Illinois
I'm thinking just as there was a fancied burning of the Library of Alexandria that someday there will be a great fanciful destruction of digital libraries for want of a do over and a new start. Floods can cause a physical refreshing and fire can too.
Historians are not all honest. We had a distant relative that was involved in many books and writings of the area. He came to the house and got a bunch of pictures on tin plates and promised to get copies and return them. My mom contacted him 3 times asking for them back to no avail. After reading some of his articles of the area it was a consensus of the people of the general area that he was a liar and thief as well.
Last edited by Foxpaw; 04/22/22 04:16 AM.
Re: 10 Reasons to Assume we are Not Alone
[Re: Finster]
04/22/22 06:54 AM
04/22/22 06:54 AM
Mark June
Mark June
I have been a witness many times, and I'll no doubt hear it again today, in a hospital room of a person I've not yet met, who are faced with immeasurable hardship, because of today's very bad news from a medical doctor,
and they will struggle with the same part all of us struggle with if we're really, really, really, really honest and get past the evening news, the internet opinions, the history of our family bliss or junk or a combo of the two.
All of us wonder... "Did God really say?..."
The first man and woman heard that enticing whisper in a walking, talking serpent and we know life in that perfect garden must have been special because the Greatest Book ever written doesn't say that this first Adam and Eve were at all surprised by a walking, talking serpent.
What did surprise them was what the walking, talking serpent suggested to them. "Did God really say...? The wonders of God's Glory have been evident since the beginning. That's what God's Word says. Us trappers are no different than anyone since the first Adam and the first Eve. We can pick up a muskrat and when the world calls it "OMG!!!!!", we see an incredible and complex beautiful animal. We can look out at the waters going by us and wonder how this beauty came to be. The smell. The sound. The noise and sight and feel of it all. We can gaze up at the sky and see jets go past and clouds drift by and a sun a long way off but positioned just so, so that the perfect amount of warmth is provided to this place. We can watch our spouse, who is with us, enjoy life with us and we can see that there is just one man and just one woman and not variations of them for very good reasons.
Yes, the wonders of God's Glory have been and continue to be evident and in fact do all the time declare His Glory. Some people say we now, in this 21st century, are finally different. Better. Progressing. Perfecting. Humans, some say, can now - finally - declare their own glory.
But, we know humans didn't make the muskrat. Humans didn't make the waters. Or the ability to smell, hear, see, or touch. Humans didn't make the stars, or the skies, or the sun and position them just so. Humans can not make a man and a woman.
God held on to me for a very long time as a trapper and as a person who loves the outdoors before I ever dropped to a knee and thanked Him for being patient with this hard heart and this very, very, very hard head. I owe no such obedience to any man, or any woman, or any friend, although I've had a wonderful wife and many incredible friends.
People are all given grace by the same God who made the muskrats to choose who or what they worship. And by God's grace, and not by any human works, hearts and minds are in fact opened by His wondrous outdoors everyday. We pray that continues for a while longer as God continues to seek and save that which is lost. Ain't it awesome to love trapping like we do, all you fellow weirdos!
Blessings, Mark