Originally Posted by Boco
I freeze almost all my fur to board at a later date.Species I dont normally store are marten,rats mink.i skin and board right away.Weasels and squirrells are frozen whole until I have a bunch to skin and put up or tan all at once.Skins I freeze for later processing are beaver,otter,cats wolf bear fisher.
I lay the skin out to cool either outside for half an hour if cold outside,or in the cold room in the cellar.
Then I fold(beaver,bear) skin to skin and roll them up tight in a heavy plastic bag and squeeze out the air.Others(cased) are rolled fur out same way.
Then I take a marker and write on the outside of the bag- species,date put in freezer and note any that have dmg and degree of dmg
Then into the freezer If you have a lot to put in at once and only have one freezer,make sure you dont lay them in to freeze in more than one layer.It takes rolled skins too long to freeze if you just heap up the freezer with unfrozen skins packed in.
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Me too

My fear of moving stairs is escalating!