Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Patrice]
04/05/23 09:19 AM
04/05/23 09:19 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
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The Beav
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 24,347
Put on a blind fold season the store bought eggs and the home gown eggs and You can't tell the difference. And chickens are dirty they eat their own crap and they crap where they live. LOL
Last edited by The Beav; 04/05/23 09:19 AM.
The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Boco]
04/05/23 09:58 AM
04/05/23 09:58 AM
Joined: Aug 2007
Posts: 6,010 Sauk County, WI
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
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Sauk County, WI
Yep, Nessy. There are a number of breeds with short combs. The Ameraucanas have pea combs, which are short. Our tall-combed girls can get frostbitten combs in winter. Coating the ends of their combs with petroleum jelly does a great job of preventing that for the most part. If they lose a bit of tissue on the tips, it heals fast and the combs just keep growing in spring. Otherwise, they are all very cold-hardy birds. If we call it a bubbler and you call it a bubblah, maybe we can sweep the nation and get rid of that silly "drinking fountain" name. Joe, we usually try to choose what we think of as grandma or little old lady names for them. We have named many after our favorite grandmothers or great aunts, etc. There are a few exceptions. One of our Buff Orpingtons is named "Ginger" because her color was pretty rich. We then felt we should go for the Gilligan's Island reference and name the other Buff "MaryAnn." I named the Rhode Island Red "Wilma" after Wilma Flintstone, who had red hair. You can see what an intellectual feat this all is. I have loads of wild turkeys on my land every day, 330. No need to buy any! Beav, eggs from free ranging birds taste entirely richer. I don't know what you've tried, but maybe you bought some "farm eggs" from chickens that don't free range and eat only commercial feed? People get fooled into that all the time. The taste, nutritional value (and appearance) of an egg is a direct result of what goes into a chicken. Also, all wild and farm-raised animals eat food where they find it or where it is fed to them. I've never seen any chickens that directly and purposely eat their own crap. Wait - did you turn into some kind of a VEGAN????? I know you like to sit behind your computer and throw darts over the internet, but you don't even sound like the Beav I know and love. Boco, I doubt chickens ever become Coprophagic. That seems to be a disorder found most often in malnourished dogs.
WTA District 9 Director ... Go D9! Member: WTA, Intertel, Mensa (Trappers ain't stupid.) Life Member: NRA
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Patrice]
04/05/23 10:43 AM
04/05/23 10:43 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 24,347 Wisconsin
The Beav
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 24,347
Just giving you crap about chickens. I scraped and boarded 10 beaver yesterday and now I'm headed out to trap some ADC muskrats. Just got done trapping Vilas Park and The Madison Metro. Life Is good . Love you too.
My buddy throws out all his carcasses and the his chickens really get Into It. They just love skunk carcasses.
The forum Know It All according to Muskrat
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: The Beav]
04/05/23 11:37 AM
04/05/23 11:37 AM
Joined: Aug 2007
Posts: 6,010 Sauk County, WI
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
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Sauk County, WI
Thanks, Beav. Have a great one.
WTA District 9 Director ... Go D9! Member: WTA, Intertel, Mensa (Trappers ain't stupid.) Life Member: NRA
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Patrice]
04/05/23 08:54 PM
04/05/23 08:54 PM
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Joined: Nov 2011
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New Hampshire
|’s what we have coming in May
Easter Egger
Olive Egger
Golden Cuckoo Maran
Black Copper Maran
Blue Ameraucana
Salmon Faverolle
Light Brown Leghorn
2 or each....
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Nessmuck]
04/06/23 08:42 AM
04/06/23 08:42 AM
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Posts: 6,010 Sauk County, WI
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
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Sauk County, WI
Nice! I had Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas and Cuckoo Marans out of that list. Those Black Copper Marans should lay really, really beautiful dark copper eggs. Our darkest brown egg right now is from our Welsummer, but I think the Marans chickens will beat that. I hope you post photos when you get them!
WTA District 9 Director ... Go D9! Member: WTA, Intertel, Mensa (Trappers ain't stupid.) Life Member: NRA
Re: Why Our Eggs Cost $50 Per Dozen
[Re: Joe1]
04/08/23 05:40 PM
04/08/23 05:40 PM
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Posts: 6,010 Sauk County, WI
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
"TMan Feed Gestapo "
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Sauk County, WI
Nope. Not right now. We have had a couple in the past. One was a nasty little Belgian d'Anvers bantam who got kicked out of the coop by the hens and Zim couldn't stand him, so we took him out back and introduced him to a speeding bullet. The other one (different year) was a Polish sweetheart named Boris who died trying to defend one of the girls from a bobcat. I just loved having him around and I loved the crowing, but it seemed like that brought predators in from further away. The Polish was a "bonus" exotic surprise chicken they threw in for free along with hens we ordered. I knew his long head feathers would obstruct his sight (not great for spotting predators) and would freeze up and stick in a waterer in winter, so I gave him a mohawk feather cut! He was so sweet, he would sit there and let me trim his feathers like that. He was cool.
WTA District 9 Director ... Go D9! Member: WTA, Intertel, Mensa (Trappers ain't stupid.) Life Member: NRA