Interesting. I assume black bears, wolverine, wolves, might be an exception, Since they are a speciality item and are each sold individual. I’m not sure the answer would have been the same for beaver or raccoon. Just my opinion.

At both the March and June sales, I bought a wolverine that was tanned. Each was lotted in the raw fur catalog, not the dressed fur catalog which is where tanned bears and tanned wolves are lotted. Interesting situation. In both cases, I bought the tanned pelt at FH value at their on line auction. When that pelt came up in the live auction, no competition from the room. NONE!!

I haven’t seen the wolverine from the June sale yet but the wolverine from the March sale is beautiful. Big size, nice markings, good feet. A bargain, in my opinion. I sort of feel sorry for the person that shipped it. But then …………

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