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Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: snowman] #87880
02/12/07 07:10 PM
02/12/07 07:10 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

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Fairbanks, Alaska
The Wolf Manual and the Wolf DVD are now officially for sale by ATA.

As Bearbait says, they are $25 (+ $5 S&H)for either, or the best deal is BOTH for $40 (+ $5 S&H.)

To pay by check or M.O., send them to the ATA address: P.O. Box 82177, Fairbanks, AK 99708. To pay by credit card, call the ATA retail store in Fairbanks at 907-457-1774 during regular business hours. (By that I mean regular business hours in the ALASKA time zone!)

I am not particularly objective about these items, since I have a lot of dang hours invested in editing the manual and a lot of time dealing with the DVD project as well.

But I can assure you that these are both incredibly well done products! A ton of time went into picking the brains of some of the top wolf trappers in Alaska. We have been working on the production of the manual for several years. The interviews took a lot of time. But WOW, it was worth it!

I wish there had been something like these when I first came into the country and wanted to try and learn to trap wolves. I could have saved myself a ton of time and money (learning some of the info the hard way...!)

I honestly think that anyone can learn enough to have a reasonable chance to catch a wolf with the info in these products. And if you are already an experienced wolf trapper, there are a few handy tricks of the trade that you will find useful too.


Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Pete in Frbks] #88690
02/13/07 07:39 AM
02/13/07 07:39 AM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
G'day Pete.
Dont supose you have an email address for ATA so as I can order the manual and DVD..

Getting a bit of rain on the east coast so it will be green by the time you get there.


# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Alan McKenzie] #89075
02/13/07 12:37 PM
02/13/07 12:37 PM
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North Pole Alaska
bearbait Offline OP
bearbait  Offline OP

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Alan, go to the ATA website and click on "contact us at", down towards the bottom.

Eat, Drink, and don't be a Mary.
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: ] #89610
02/13/07 07:32 PM
02/13/07 07:32 PM
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quebec canada
paysho Offline
paysho  Offline

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quebec canada
Hi everyone,do it have bare ground trap set on the DVD?
How do it cost in CDN $?


Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: paysho] #89639
02/13/07 07:44 PM
02/13/07 07:44 PM
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Brisbane, Australia age 61
TrapperDownunder Offline
TrapperDownunder  Offline

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Brisbane, Australia age 61
We got about 3 inches of rain hear in some areas more! Set up two dog sets Monday before a big storm, checked them in the rain yesterday, all washed out as it was raining I didn't reset! This morning had a 9 month old Juv. Female. Man that trap was exposed..LOL Who said females are smart!!

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: TrapperDownunder] #89783
02/13/07 08:42 PM
02/13/07 08:42 PM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
Thanks Bearbait,have done.

Rick P,yes finally got them out,lost 16 houses,1000's round bales of hay,livestock ??? and 100's of miles of fencing.
No lives lost in our area .

Ed,good to see you have finally got rain,what out that the Mary River dont flood again.
That 9 month old female must have been dingo as that fits in with the breeding season.
I caught a big male dog like that up at Eukey except that my trap started of in a dry wash,had some rain which covered the trap with 6 inches of water.
On my way home from Stanthorpe I drove past the trap site and here is this big male dog up to his belly in the water in my trap.


Last edited by Alan McKenzie; 02/13/07 08:44 PM.

# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual *DELETED* [Re: Alan McKenzie] #89789
02/13/07 08:44 PM
02/13/07 08:44 PM


Post deleted by Hupurest

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: ] #89804
02/13/07 08:52 PM
02/13/07 08:52 PM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
Hupurest,if you mean cats,I have been using 1.75 os cs Dukes with great success.
I also use the Victor 1.5 cs but probably only have 3-4 left in working order.

# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Alan McKenzie] #89823
02/13/07 09:02 PM
02/13/07 09:02 PM


nah, them sugar cane toad things, that ooze that yellow poison puss. Saw it on discovery channel. can you snare kangaroo's

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: ] #89847
02/13/07 09:12 PM
02/13/07 09:12 PM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
The cane toads can very easily be trapped in cage traps with a light attached however it is not viable .
Of a night using a spotlight you can pick up a thousand or more without to much effort.

Yes it is very easy to snare roo's,usually on a fence line where they push under the bottom or second wire.
Feral pigs follow the same trails so after a while you have a well worn pad with a damaged fence,so setting a snare is easy.
As kids we used to snare them using fencing wire.
None of the fancy 1x19 or 7x7 ect was available.


# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Alan McKenzie] #89861
02/13/07 09:18 PM
02/13/07 09:18 PM


you get money for picking up all those toads???
is it legal to snare roo's?? mybuddy has a freind over there and they go around and shoot the crap out of em, throw em in a freezer truck and sell the meat. I think he said they got a couple hundred in a few nights, crocdile dundee style, 223 and spot lights.

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: ] #89936
02/13/07 09:53 PM
02/13/07 09:53 PM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
No money for toads .

Roo carcases are worth between .65 cents and $1-00 per kilogram.


# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Alan McKenzie] #90628
02/14/07 12:33 PM
02/14/07 12:33 PM
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

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Fairbanks, Alaska
And about that Wolf Trapping Manual.....! Cane toads notwithstanding.

Someone on the Wolf Manual thread on the main forum had mentioned that he had contacted the ATA retail outlet (Cutting Edge, in Fairbanks) and they had not received the merchandise.

I just checked and copies of both the manual and the DVD were dropped off at the C-E last night.

It is now completely safe to send in your money!


Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: ] #92017
02/15/07 08:17 AM
02/15/07 08:17 AM
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

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If for some reason it does NOT work, please let me know and I will have the problem fixed!

I will be very interested in your review of the material. Please post your thoughts here after you have a look.


Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Pete in Frbks] #93674
02/16/07 07:34 AM
02/16/07 07:34 AM
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Western Australia
Alan McKenzie Offline
Alan McKenzie  Offline

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Western Australia
G'day Pete,
Got in touch with ATA and ordered the manual and the DVD.
Angel sent me an email to say the goods are on the way.
Thanks mate.


# 458 before the crash of 2006.
The feral cats #1 enemy!
Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Alan McKenzie] #93847
02/16/07 11:41 AM
02/16/07 11:41 AM
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

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Fairbanks, Alaska
No worries!

I bet some of that info will come in useful in trapping dogs. But even if it doesn't, the manual is fun to read and the DVD is fun to watch!


Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Pete in Frbks] #102423
02/21/07 03:55 PM
02/21/07 03:55 PM
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Bushman Offline
Bushman  Offline

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Pete received my copy of book and DVD yesterday. Very quick delivery to Canada. Nice tie in as I just returned from hosting a wolf harvesting seminar out at our lodge. We had 14 trappers in attendence and had a great time. Much of the material we covered was in your publication as well. Guess a wolf is wolf regarless of it's nationality LOL. Bottom line is you folks did a great job and it is well worth the money. Thanks to your organization for putting it together.

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Bushman] #103484
02/22/07 07:56 AM
02/22/07 07:56 AM
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Pete in Frbks Offline
Pete in Frbks  Offline

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Canada is not that far away from Alaska. In fact, we tend to think of you guys as "that quaint country just to the south of us.....!"

Have a look and give us your evaluation of the manual and DVD, please. I am anxious to know what some other experienced wolf trappers in other regions think of them.



Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Pete in Frbks] #103881
02/22/07 01:41 PM
02/22/07 01:41 PM
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Kusko Offline
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I ordered mine on Monday. I hope to put a few wolf sets out next year.

"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin." Linus Van Pelt

Re: Wolf Trapping Manual [Re: Kusko] #104215
02/22/07 06:49 PM
02/22/07 06:49 PM
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Bushman Offline
Bushman  Offline

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Actually Pete we're to the east of you as well!! I've watched the DVD and thought the material was well done. The manual looks more detailed and I haven't read it all yet. The only comment I would make is that when you do an update you might want to look at some of changes in snare design. Personally I'm using a snare design very similiar to yours i.e #9 wire with 3/32 snare crimped on. However some of my buddies are using wammies, killer springs, and ram snares. They probably are worth looking into. Regardless the manual and DVD are money well spent. If cost is an issue I would go with just the manual. Pretty good deal for the package though

Last edited by Bushman; 02/22/07 06:57 PM.
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