TTT with my rabbit bologna/sausage recipe...
5lbs. Ground Rabbit Meat (use any wild game you like here)
1lb ground pork (fatter the better)
1lb ground beef (fatter the better)
7 Tablespoons Mortons Quick Tender Salt
2 Tablespoons course ground or crushed black pepper
1 Tablespoon Garlic Salt
2 Tablespoons mustard seed
1 Tablespoon Crushed red pepper
1/2 Tablespoon Cajun Seasoning
2 teaspoons liquid smoke
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Mix all that stuff real well, let it sit over night covered in the fridge and stuff it into casings. Bake at 175 for 5 hours turning every hour. If you use bigger cases you'll need to adjust the cooking time accordingly. Makes 24 - 4" rings about 1 1/4" in diameter.