A few tricks you can do with colony traps.
1. wrap in black plastic, then dig aritifial run, and cover with mud, plast doesnt let mud fall thru. you can make a fake rat run leading into the buried trap, that works great in some situations. A killer mink set at the right spot.
2. make and 8x12 or 8x16, put in double doors, and wings that you can block a 4' ditch with. double doors keep rats from plugging up outside door so fast. Ive caught 14 rats in one trap i nthe right spot. Kinda like using a 660 for beaver, can block off wider area. shim up w/ T bars to get trap about 2" from surface of needed, dive sticks to get rats into trap.
3. made 8x8, fairly short for hut runs. really just trails thru the reeds. wrap you trap w/ plastic, and attach styrefoam float so top of trap is about 1" underwater. You float trap in wider trails thru the reeds. These are runs per se, but trails that rats usually travel swimming on surface. floats at ends covered with a few reeds become dive sticks, plastic keeps them from sticking nose thru wire and staying alive. Can use in any depth water, usually these swin trails are 2-4' deep in my country.
yep, lot of things you can do with colony traps besides plop down in a run.
Last edited by Rich Kaspar; 05/28/09 01:28 PM.