I just want every dollar i can get when i put up my fur, and i'm going to put it the way it takes to do that. if i thought for an instant putting them up on wire would gain me a dollar i would do it.
I know i gain a grade on 20-30% of the coons i put up on wood over wire. When there is some money in the coon game that really adds up. And if i have to push a few to get it so be it. I am going to put out the best, most marketable product i can.
Fur is no longer a significant portion of my income (o last few years) and hasnt' been for several years, but i still remember sweating that fur check! I wouldn't be sitting in the living room i am today if it wasn't for my fur check from 1986, check came in from the Auction house with two days to spare or the deal was going to fall thru!)
They are too much work to let go for a penny less than you can get for them as no one would know better than you.
Far too many buyers come up with a story to knock a percentage of coons down a grade, that's how they make their money.
Nothing wrong with that it's business. If i have a good idea of what tops is, i will know my average before i walk in the door to sell. If he meets my average i'm going to sell. If he down grades a bunch of hides to lower the average we are going to negotiate or i'm going out the door.
And i have never had a buyer look at me and say "these are overstretched"
Different perspective, you care about the Fur Buyer and respect him. Must be a good guy, and i have never dealt with them or know the folks you do. But based on your statement i would definitely check him out if i was marketing fur.
I always looked at the situation and still do as an adversarial situation. He wants what I've got (hides), i want what he's got (cash) and both of us want the best deal for each of us

Just perspective, keep warm!