Johns cages wonderfully built. Quality thru and thru. Very nice. Durable etc. etc. I honestly don't know how he sells them so reasonably. They are easily worth more than he asks.
But Cadillacs VS Geos. Come on. A frame less cage cannot be a quality cage?
It's apples and oranges. An all purpose cage (Schroeder type) and a cage specifically designed to catch fox and cats in large quantities. "A LONG LINE CAGE TRAP" if you will. Absolutly no comparison. They are simply two seperate pieces of equipment.
Running a large cage line with the larger, heavier cages is way too much work and too many trips hauling cages.
Cages like mine and the Reid Aiton/Stacy yancy cages that I followed are narrow and light weight for a reason. Narrow for many reasons including keeping non targets out like dogs and COONS. Why in the world would I want a twelve dollar coon clogging up my cat cage? If I am catching coons I am not on target for the cats.
Now I have only caught 15-20 coons in my cages ever so no real experience here and I am sure fifty people are going to post how phenominally tuff a coon is, but the ones I caught just pull tons of trash into the cage and have never done any real damage to the cage other than a couple bent pans. I use the top end 1X1 riverdale wire so that probably helps.
From what I have seen comparing the Schroeder cages I bought several years ago and what is available now, nestling cages, narower, only partial frames, hmm?
Livetrap- If you want some Schroeders I have six sets of two , an 11 inch inside of a 13 inch $100 per set. I took them in trade. They were new this year. Used for three weeks. U pick them up.