Of course I'm the self proclaimed longspring man i I like longsprings of all sizes. I use
steel screen pan covers on victor 3-N's for coyote.
I put PIT #1 pans on the num 3's and PIT #7 on the num 4s. I install crimp on center locators and swivels on both 3 and 4s.
Sometimes i do a
miles trigger on the ones i do not install pit pans on
I base plate and
laminate many of them in my shop when i feel like it, a few every year. Ive tryed the preformed lamination kits with round stock and the JC connors cold rolled flat stock and the flat is much easier for me to weld onto a trap jaw.
some of my #3 victor longsprings had regular jaws and I replaced them with sleepy creek OS jaws to be legal on land here in Oregon.
I like twist link and machine chain with swivels at the trap mid and end on 18 to 36 inches of chain.
My number 4 1/2 sleepy creeks are have the jaws laminated and slip on pans made from electric box covers for exposed pan sets. I modified them with heavy long chains for mountain lion. when and if I get a lion on my property killing sheep i can set these traps for it. I also purchased a #5 sleepy creek double longspring for cougar and like it just as it came except I had to cut the teeth off and smooth the jaws to be legal in Oregon.
when i make a bed for these longspring i just claw out a couple of trenches for the springs with a claw hammer. the dirt ya claw up is there to pack over them and it really does not take any more time to bed a coil then a long
IMG_1365 by
jayirvin, on Flickr