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Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2855179
11/28/11 05:56 AM
11/28/11 05:56 AM
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Homer, Alaska
Family Trapper Offline
Family Trapper  Offline

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I have had good luck holding conibear both 110 and 339 with the nail method. I use finish nails for 110 and larger sized head on for 330.
Nail 4 nails across two and two at hard angle spread out in such a way that the conbiear when squeezed onto them will be tight. You can see them in the picture.

I like to put branches over the trap to dissuade from jumping over. Go dry branches for marten. Less likely to fill with snow and collapse.

Last edited by Family Trapper; 11/28/11 06:01 AM.
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2855488
11/28/11 12:23 PM
11/28/11 12:23 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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Thanks Yukonjeff I was told that I needed to boil the snares and not get any human scent on the snares or I wouldn't be able to catch a fox. Familytrapper thanks for the help I got another 280 so maybe I'll try to hold the conibear that way at a different spot next weekend. Thanks for all the help and hopefully next weekend I'll have a wolverine picture to show you guys on here.

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2855494
11/28/11 12:31 PM
11/28/11 12:31 PM
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white17 Offline

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I don't think wolverines are nearly as freaky about human scent as K9's are. Still, it never hurts to be clean.

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2855701
11/28/11 03:01 PM
11/28/11 03:01 PM
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Moved to Fbks, Ak.
martentrapper Offline
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I haven't found fox to be too picky about scent on snares. I boil the snares in soda water to dull the shine, but am not that clean about them after.
If someone has wolves walking around his sets, might be time for wolf snares. Those need to be clean.

Takotna, I used to trap a black spruce area with alot of burned country. Windy place. It was great. Pole sets with foot hold rarely collected snow for any length of time. Few camp robbers there too. Wish I could get back there!

I have used buckets with coni's successfully on wolverine, hanging the bucket pointing down at the ground.

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857140
11/29/11 02:34 AM
11/29/11 02:34 AM
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Homer, Alaska
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Was hoping to be working the wolverine Archive but that opportunity didn't last long. So I guess we will keep spreading the word.
I wanted to re-post Herk Eng's journal from last year.
He had some fantastic footage of a wolverine working a conibear set. Two actually. The first he caught.
Although he pulled up short on the wap he captured some really revealing footage of a wolverine working a set. Gives you some perspective on what happens.

The tman video post will bring you to this video. I would say a must watch on those seeking wolverine. Seeing it work the trap may shed some light on this creature. I saw the video of the snap that got him. He was actually biting at the trap and was headed backwards when it went off. Not just charging in or even walking in like you would think. He was darting at biting the trap and set it off. Surprise.


Last edited by tmrschessie; 11/10/12 10:59 AM. Reason: non working link
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857171
11/29/11 04:25 AM
11/29/11 04:25 AM
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Galena Alaska USA
yukontrapper Offline
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Have anyone ever try a wolf snare set in a notch on the leading edge of a bucket, better yet two buckets wired together. One end open and the other closed. I bet it can work on a tree leaning tree, or a tree hanging over a cut bank with the set extended out over the bank. Allows small critters to work it, yet the wolverine has to go further into the bucket thus getting a pretty necklace. May help with him messing with the set so much. Better if he is hanging over a cut bank i'd like to think.

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857426
11/29/11 10:48 AM
11/29/11 10:48 AM
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white17 Offline

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Snare on a pole works well. You don't need the bucket

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857505
11/29/11 11:41 AM
11/29/11 11:41 AM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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With the snare on a pole how do you keep the snare upright when it is tied lower? Do you use some other wire wrapped on the snare for support? Or something else? Never tried that before

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857541
11/29/11 12:12 PM
11/29/11 12:12 PM
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yukon254 Offline
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243 a snare pole set is IMO the best set for a wolverine. I put a pole about 6 inches in dia. between two trees about 4 feet off the ground. Wire or better yet hang the bait over the center of this pole. Put a snare at each end of this pole.

The snares are anchored to a smaller pole nailed to the other side of the tree. Kind of hard for me to describe. There is an article I just had pub. in Trapper & Predator Caller, unfortunately they didnt use all the photos I sent but you will get the idea from reading it. I prefer snares because they wont "educate" or spook a wolverine. You will get him or miss him. I never boil my wolverine snares, and the bigger disturbance you leave ( scattered branches etc) the better, seems to draw them in. The snare pole set takes time to build, but I have some I have been using every year and have caught 4 or 5 in.

Another great way to catch wolverine, is a blind snare near a beaver house, I use this set a lot.

do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857597
11/29/11 01:05 PM
11/29/11 01:05 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
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Thanks Yukon254. So how do you support the snare wire because it isn't very stiff to stand on its own so do you use stiffer wire and wrap it around the snare so it stands upright To the pole? I just read your post again and I just seen it say another pole which the snares are anchored too. So does the mean the snares are on a different pole as a toggle? Your snares arent tied off to the pole that the wolverine is walking on? Sorry for asking it alot but I'm a little confused on it. Thanks for the help though.

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857613
11/29/11 01:20 PM
11/29/11 01:20 PM
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white17 Offline

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Here's a few pix about how I do it.

Heres' one way. The cable is just long enough to make a loop. Then it connects to #9 wire. Look at the side of the loop. See the fine willow woven through the side of the loop ? One willow on each side. The willow is held by a Romex staple at the bottom.

here's a different one

I have some others that I'll have to locate

Last edited by white17; 11/29/11 01:28 PM.

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857620
11/29/11 01:28 PM
11/29/11 01:28 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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Thanks white17 the pictures helped me understand the set alot more now

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857625
11/29/11 01:33 PM
11/29/11 01:33 PM
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white17 Offline

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On this one I'n using a power ram.

Just be sure that the wolverine can't reach the ground once he is in the snare. That problem is solved by the power ram. I prefer NOT using the ram just because it's simpler and not as scary.

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857633
11/29/11 01:45 PM
11/29/11 01:45 PM
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FishinHank Offline
FishinHank  Offline

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What do you recommend for cable for the snare? Loop size?

[TravC]: an educated coyote is like a fat girl on the diet....she dont slip up with a cheeseburger but sooner or later she goes for the bigmack
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857686
11/29/11 02:26 PM
11/29/11 02:26 PM
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white17 Offline

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I use 3/32 1x19. 10 inch loop

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857922
11/29/11 05:01 PM
11/29/11 05:01 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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One more question. If I were going to buy more traps in size 330 which would you guys choose? Belisle, LDL, or sauvageau? Looking to buy some but not sure which ones to buy I have the sauvageau 2001-8 size but would like to know if what would be a good trap to buy I don't have much experience with any of these traps I never handle 160-330 size traps until I hit highschool and my culture teacher had some. Now I am trapping on my dads line and would like to know what is the best trap in a 330. I set them all before but my dad never let me buy big conibears til last year for wolverine. I have always just set snares and small 120 and 110's for marten when I first started trapping when I was 10 out on the line with my dad

Last edited by Trapper_243; 11/29/11 05:04 PM.
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2857931
11/29/11 05:06 PM
11/29/11 05:06 PM
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white17 Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"
white17  Offline

"General (Mr.Sunshine) Washington"

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The Belisle are hard to beat.

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2858038
11/29/11 06:12 PM
11/29/11 06:12 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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Alright, What about the sauvageau 2001-11 or 2001-12 wouldnt that have an advantage over the 10 inch spread of the standard 330? or does the little extra inch or two don't matter?

Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2858087
11/29/11 06:31 PM
11/29/11 06:31 PM
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white17 Offline

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I don't think it would matter.

Mean As Nails
Re: wolverine set question [Re: Trapper_243] #2858133
11/29/11 06:49 PM
11/29/11 06:49 PM
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Trapper_243 Offline OP
Trapper_243  Offline OP

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Thanks white I think I will try some belisle traps I like the looks and the safety as they stay in place no free movement in it

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