I just finished(well I thought I did) a flying squirrel job.At first this customer had one get in her oil burner.They of course thought it was just a baby squirrel ,they also found droppings in a closet that is the only attic type space thats accessable.So she calls a local pest control company.They come in said she had mice ,put down poison blocks and left.Three days later shes calling me .Now they have found a second "baby squirrel "in the burner and there is a harrable smell coming from a closet in a roo on the main floor.Si I show up look around in this storage space and said you have flying squirrels.No baby squirrels this time of year,the anount of droppings and how they were pilled up in areas tipped me off to that .Then we head outside .Her roof top on one side by the garage comes down to within 5 ft of the ground,i notice scratches on the corner of the house ,so Ilook undr the facier and they have this screen venting system for the in accessable attic space.Sure enough there is a quarter size hole cut through in an almost perfect circle.I said that where they are entering .I pull down a ladder and inspect the whole roof line ,I find one more hole like that in the backwhere the roof is just 6 inches from under the opening same as by garage .So I set snap traps in a void in that storage space that was hiden by insulation.Was able to look up over this wall and see that there was attic space ,just no way to get to it.After setting a half dozen rat traps ,two small live traps ,and finding two dead flyers behind the wall in the closet i tell her that getting up in that attic space would be a good idea.She agrees so I cut an opening in the master bath closet.Well I get up there and its a mess .I suggest a clean out as once I finish trapping ,and exclusion that there is a chance that more would come.She agrees again .Now going on the second week doing this by myself 6 hours a day with a couple days not going mixed in Iget to this piont .I only trap one in a snap trap .With the two that were dead in closet and two from the burner,there was just sounds of one or two left.I put up hardware cloth over all this venting of the attic.Lest the first hole open for a colony trap and removed all traps from inside . hand the bill .Won't say what I charged ,but give me some ball park figure what any of you would have charged .Keep in mind I spent two days on the attic clean out,vaccuming and disinfecting.One gets caught in the coloney trap ,Yeah they say ,job is done ,they pay me the balance ,I suggest leaving the colony trap until weekend to make sure.Now I get two calls one yesterday ,she is hearing more noise .Can I leave it up longer.I said I was planning on leaving it till you didn't hear any more noise for a while.Now today she said she was walking the dog out back and found some insulation right below the hole in back where I said they were entering .Now she wants me to come back and look to see if the chewed through some place close to that .Would one flyer in the colony trap keep others from entering ,and would they find some place else to leave? This job is killing me thought I did everything possable now I have this lady thinking that my work was not good enough.