I think bat trapping is the way to go at times and here's how I doit .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaHx0oNFWWk&feature=youtube_gdata_playerGoing to outlaw why . I've herd it right from the horses mouth the Feds say there counting the numbers and when the rabbies climbs high enough there getting the funding to start gassing are bats to death . If anything every bat excluded should be trapped and extremnated before are numbers do get to high and the Feds take over the bat work in this state want to get a law passed that should be the one passed to thin them out if we have problem to a point there on the hit list .
Dew has made it clear he relocates them and doesn't miss Leed people . So he takes them out to areas people like bats . He removes 300 bats chances are there's a few that would test positive for rabbies why have them laying around the yard or in some crack around the house . We use check values tubes because we're lazy let the bats do the work . I got better things to do then run bat traps but if there coming down in the house different story can't have bats in people's shoes can you I'm mean really
And I'm the guy you want banned SGS?
Wow! I've seen some lunacy but come on?
Less than 1/2 of 1% of bat tested in the wild come back rabies positive and a lot of effort has been put into that estimate across the country.
Factually more people end up getting the shots due to picking up a downed bat that isn't acting normal without gloves on, this is not about true rabies prevalence in these cases.
It is about walking into a hospital in mid winter flu season and reporting back 100% of people have the flu.
When you report 100% of bats tested came back rabies positive, you are reporting on sick and downed bats nearly always,
so pesky, please stop reporting on things you clearly have no grasp of.
And if you have a "horses mouth" govt. person you get info from, apparently you are hearing them wrong or they aren't worth listening to.
My goodness, this is a public forum right? Anyone see the damage in these statements being made about rabies and bat extermination?
SGS? Anyone????