It not about getting rid of any animals. It is even policy to not give any trapping numbers (by the job) or even prove they have ever even caught a beaver in SC or anywhere. Compare it to the new national health care system that was never about better medical care . It is no secret the government can't do anything without wasting $$$ and doing the job the wrong way .
Six Categories Tax Dollar Waste- The six categories of wasteful and unnecessary spending are: (USDA WS is 6 for 6 on the list below) Programs that should be devolved to state and local governments;
. Programs that could be better performed by the private sector;
. Mistargeted programs whose recipients should not be entitled to government benefits;
. Outdated and unnecessary programs;
. Duplicative programs; and
. Inefficiency, mismanagement, and fraud.
Its all about growing the public sector(socialism, communism what ever you want to call it.)
Its all about taking away rights of citizens.
Its all about the federal government taxing the people and sending the money out of your county and state.
The wildlife legally are the property of each state not the federal government If you don't like USDA WS and what they are doing in SC don't lay on your back and accept it. Do something get involved just like SGS said. I can go on and on. You get the point.