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Making a trapping shed advice anyone? #39661
01/15/07 01:58 PM
01/15/07 01:58 PM
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OSUtrapper Offline OP
OSUtrapper  Offline OP

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I am going to start making my trapping shed this spring and summer. and want to have it all drawn out before spring so I am ready to roll when the weather gets better. I ask this question because you always do things better your second time around and was looking to see what you guys would do differantly on your trap shed. Just maybe i could incorporate these ideas into mybuilding plans. I would love to see some pics just to get an idea of some cool things you guys have comeup with.

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: OSUtrapper] #39675
01/15/07 02:06 PM
01/15/07 02:06 PM
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LM Shortcut Offline
LM Shortcut  Offline

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No less than 24x36. With a cool area to hang furs after they are off the stretchers. A high area with a pulling machine to pull yotes and coon. A rack on casters for beaver boards. Lots of wall plugs, lights and heat. Running hot and cold water with a slop sink. And, located where you can drive inside and unload critters. Shelf, shelf and another shelf. Work bench here work bench there and another workbench over there. Lots of insulation too. And then upstairs on the second floor...... Good Luck. T-M

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: LM Shortcut] #40167
01/15/07 07:11 PM
01/15/07 07:11 PM
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traprjo Offline
traprjo  Offline

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i think t-mike about covered it it seems you will never have enough room but go for it

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: traprjo] #40260
01/15/07 07:52 PM
01/15/07 07:52 PM
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TrappinK-9's Offline
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Go alot bigger than what you think you need. I'm putting another 16 more feet on to mine this spring. Just not enough room.

Fresh circle in the morning, nothing better.
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: TrappinK-9's] #40377
01/15/07 08:38 PM
01/15/07 08:38 PM
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Jump Trap Offline
Jump Trap  Offline

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Use at least 2 X 6 rafters and put doors on one gable end. That way you can store canoes, duckboats, portable fish houses, sleds, rat trapping stakes, etc. up there. A lot of good space up on top as long as you can access it. Good luck. Jump Trap

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it".
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: TrappinK-9's] #40387
01/15/07 08:41 PM
01/15/07 08:41 PM
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North Dakota
NDtrapper Offline
NDtrapper  Offline

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[quote=TrappinK-9's]Go alot bigger than what you think you need./quote]

Lol. Thats what I was going to say.

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: NDtrapper] #40462
01/15/07 09:05 PM
01/15/07 09:05 PM
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Peachland NC
David Underwood Offline
David Underwood  Offline

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Peachland NC
However big it is, it won't be big enough.
And no matter how many lights you have, you
will want some more. I don't have any windows
in mine, so no snooper can peep in. Discourages
theives. On the subject of theives, fix the
place so it can be locked good. Heat is a must.
Running water is an almost must. I have a radio,
TV, refrigerator, freezer, gas stove, chair,
you know, important stuff! I use the same building
for making stuff and reloading. Bait and lure
making, making wine etc.

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Only 4 miles from neil!
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: David Underwood] #40616
01/15/07 10:09 PM
01/15/07 10:09 PM


Dave, looks like you got a pretty tight spot for your work spot???
Nice lookin knifes.

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: NDtrapper] #40803
01/15/07 11:19 PM
01/15/07 11:19 PM
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Ron Marsh Offline
Ron Marsh  Offline

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I started dwrawing in space for what I wanted to store and work space and I am up to 30 X 60 and still do not know if that is enough room.

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Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: Ron Marsh] #40824
01/15/07 11:28 PM
01/15/07 11:28 PM
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CedarRivrTrappr Offline
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Mine is about right, I don't know the exact size but I would say its 12'x20'. Work bench, area for hanging stretchers, area for dried furs, carcasses go out the door, area for the beam, spot for skinning, ect... Love it, I just wish it was warmer.

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Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: ] #42310
01/16/07 09:44 PM
01/16/07 09:44 PM
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Peachland NC
David Underwood Offline
David Underwood  Offline

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SilverFox, my work room is 12 X 20.
Not too big to heat good. But plenty
of room to work. There are sheds on
three sides of the building, making
it roughly 30 X 50. The sheds are
full of junk. Wish it was bigger.

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Only 4 miles from neil!
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: David Underwood] #42328
01/16/07 09:49 PM
01/16/07 09:49 PM
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Guilford County, NC
g3trappernc Offline
g3trappernc  Offline

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Hey Underware....You might want to hide the bongs in pic 3......

BTW - You make knives? I was thinking about starting.....May have to stop in Peachland my next time through for a tutorial!

My holding pen is flat....And made of basswood....
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: g3trappernc] #42355
01/16/07 09:56 PM
01/16/07 09:56 PM
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Scott Co. IA
FirstTimer711 Offline
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Bongs hanging from a hook? not sure about that.. If so what he said


9 Beaver
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: David Underwood] #42362
01/16/07 09:59 PM
01/16/07 09:59 PM
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plattsburg, missouri
grumpy Offline
grumpy  Offline

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my fur room is 16'X 36'. it doubles in the off season as a woodworking shop. well insulated, sheetrocked, and a ton of lights. enough plug-ins to run anything i need. it's got its' own breaker system with a 220 feed from the power pole. 4 or 5 box fans picked up from garage sales.

i made my own skinning/hoist system about 5 years ago and haven't regretted it one bit. except i should have done it sooner. i've got six cables strung across the ceiling that i hang fur on to dry. three freezers, music, water and intercom to the house. no phone though. shelves upon shelves for storage. an eight foot work bench. several roll-around work benches. space for my four-wheeler. right now, it's pretty crowded in there with all the fur i'm getting ready to take to auction this weekend. i plan on taking some pictures of it tommorow so i should be able to post them on here in a couple of weeks.

i've been thinking about expanding to make a little more room. i don't know if a fella ever has "enough" space.

the grump.

Author of: Box of Dreams
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: g3trappernc] #42366
01/16/07 10:01 PM
01/16/07 10:01 PM
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mid-east, NE
coonhusker Offline
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Originally Posted By: g3trappernc
Hey Underware....You might want to hide the bongs in pic 3......!

freaking hilarious
i would have never noticed
i cant believe how much people notice stuff in pics on here!

Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: FirstTimer711] #42368
01/16/07 10:01 PM
01/16/07 10:01 PM
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Peachland NC
David Underwood Offline
David Underwood  Offline

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Pardon my intelligence, or lack
thereof. WTF is a bong?

Last edited by David Underwood; 01/17/07 06:28 AM.

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Only 4 miles from neil!
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: David Underwood] #42393
01/16/07 10:08 PM
01/16/07 10:08 PM
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Scott Co. IA
FirstTimer711 Offline
FirstTimer711  Offline

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didnt think they were bongs.. Never heard of people hanging them... well anyway from what I hear.. Its paraphanalia(sp) for an illegal substance


9 Beaver
Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: FirstTimer711] #42525
01/16/07 10:48 PM
01/16/07 10:48 PM
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demoman Offline
demoman  Offline

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Built a new fur shed this summer 21x35 with 9' ceiling. Bathroom and stool in one corner, hot water heater, shower and sink, built in air conditioner, Northern Tool hanging heater (45,000 BTU)and 2 ceiling fans. Still getting it finished. Oh ya, there is a double garage also included makeing the building 45x35 with 10' of storage in the attic 45' long. Plan to put a 10x12 walkin freezer in next summer to replace 5 freezers. Seems pretty big since I just moved out of a shed that was 11x24. Build it BIG as you will never have enough room.


Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: demoman] #43166
01/17/07 11:44 AM
01/17/07 11:44 AM
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BigBob Offline
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I'm building a new shed myself, 16x20 2 story. (75% scrounged material.)It doesn't cost much more to raise the sides 3-4 ft, and use heavier stringers as floor joist's. Add a few sheets of plywood and you're good to go. A door on a gable end makes it easier to put big stuff in. Really helps clean clutter out of the basement.

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Re: making a trapping shed advice anyone? [Re: BigBob] #43181
01/17/07 11:59 AM
01/17/07 11:59 AM
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DLM Offline
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Simply put - make it bigger than what you think you need.

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