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Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672067
10/03/14 01:06 AM
10/03/14 01:06 AM
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Would you mind elaborating on the partnership/sponsorship you have with the NJCACOA? My question is I guess, if you are a sponsor/partner of an organization such as that along with HSUS and ASPCA as sponsors/partners with the group you are, how does that work exactly? When you are pitching your sales to trappers do you say you support us and when pitching your sale to people against animal cruelty and members of such organizations, you tell them we are wrong? I just don't see how you can be associated with both opposite ends of the spectrum without a conflict of interest.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672154
10/03/14 06:03 AM
10/03/14 06:03 AM
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Bottom line is the company is supporting the very people who are trying to put me, and millions of others out of business...Didn't HSUS just get exposed for shipping huge amounts of cash into their Cayman Island accounts ? Is not HSUS currently in a battle in the state of MI throwing millions of donation dollars at trying to shut us down ? Is not HSUS in a currant battle in the state of Maine throwing millions of donation dollars around there trying to shut us down ? Did not HSUS just pay out $15.75 million as a settlement in a federal racketeering lawsuit ? Has not HSUS recently had their charity rating stripped from them by charity navigator ? Is not HSUS currently sponsoring initiatives in several states and at the federal level against hunting, fishing, trapping, circus's , farming, even the simple act of animal ownership ? Has not HSUS demonstrated over and over again that they are corrupt and through their very actions demonstrated they are in realty nothing more than domestic terrorists with their physical attacks on legal, ethical, and humane businesses ? I am sorry, but the evidence is clear and overwhelming. Tomahawk Live trap Co. is currently holding hands with the devil and speaking out of both sides of it's mouth thinking of nothing more than it's bottom line financial statement. I will NOT support a company who in turn supports a eco terrorist group who wants to put myself and millions of others out of business. Further I will be steering everyone I know away from any form of business with Tomahawk. Birds of a feather flock together, and Tomahawk has now shown their true stripes.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672163
10/03/14 06:29 AM
10/03/14 06:29 AM
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DaveK Offline
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This page is telling folks to call them. Now that's support for your ADC pro.

The truth is that there are not enough trappers to support the manufacturers and they are better off selling to homeowners. Selling to HSUS is a smart move.

Last edited by DaveK; 10/03/14 06:37 AM.
Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672231
10/03/14 07:35 AM
10/03/14 07:35 AM
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Well we now have more reason to keep calling them havajunk.

Guys, I think I can speak for them but Dekalb and Comstock have never crawled in bed with HSUS, though Comstock does business with tomahawk.

[Linked Image]
Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672277
10/03/14 08:19 AM
10/03/14 08:19 AM
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UMMM excuse me I guess I fail to see the logic in your comment DaveK. I mean sure on a financial spread sheet selling to HSUS is a good thing, it makes business sense. However, donating equipment and money, supporting a group that has the goal of shutting down several industries on a world scale....Supporting a company who wishes to put millions of people out of work by banning any type of any animal usage... A TRAP company supporting a eco terrorist group that fights and protests against trappers and trapping......I am sorry, but I fail to see the logic in that. Tomahawk company sees nothing but the dollar signs in this. By the way HSUS is against home owners purchasing and using these type traps as that is through default making it okay for a individual to have a active roll in wildlife control, and the control of any animals causing damage such as feral cats. HSUS, and HSUS alone should be called in to handle those type of problems as HSUS knows very well what to do with a feral cat AFTER they receive their donation money first of course with their, what is it ? OH something over 90% ethuni....KILL RATE---------------This is a bad joke. it's like a gun manufacture lobbying for more gun control. Eventually they will get the gun control legislation and thus put themselves right out of business. Unless of course Tomahawk plans to sell their products exclusively to HSUS, and perhaps PETA

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672346
10/03/14 09:03 AM
10/03/14 09:03 AM
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As an industry, how far have we come from 1998? Looks like CC made a nice start. If I read into this correctly, there is an image problem...and that feeds into the strength of HSUS. But, go ahead and keep fighting with yourselves...

google this phrase:
The National Animal Damage Control Association (NADCA), in conjunction with the International Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA), has undertaken the task of developing proposed minimum licensing standards for nuisance wildlife control operators.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672417
10/03/14 09:57 AM
10/03/14 09:57 AM
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DaveK that's right just keep trying to change the subject and lead everyone around to all these sites and reports. Whatever, fact is a TRAP company is supporting a anti trapping group. I find the idea nauseating, and very scary. How about Duke, MB, Sleepy Creek, Victor, Bridger and all the others join hands with HSUS and PETA. Allow HSUS and PETA to dictate what kind, and style traps are to be made and at what cost. PETA and HSUS of course would buy up all these newly developed traps...........How about a better idea and lets just get this over with. How about all the state wildlife agencies, all state DNR's be required to get in bed with and compromise with HSUS and PETA over all forms of wildlife management. Then we can live by the rule of emotion, and MONEY and forget about whats best for the actual animal populations, forget about any meaningful management. It is after all, all about the dollars right ? Or at least that's what Tomahawk Live Trap co. is thinking...hold hands with the highest bidder so when they put us out of business at least they will be rich, and don't worry about who they stabbed in the back to get there. What you say is a image problem---Have you noticed the fight in the state of Maine at the moment about HSUS wanting to stop any form of bear management ? Have you noticed the HSUS in MI trying to stop any form of wolf management. Yeah, I guess it is in fact a image problem HSUS wants to portray any form of any animal management in the image of savage, in-humane, un-ethical, cruel behavior and put a end to it all. That is a image problem for everyone in any animal related industry be it farming, horse back riding, chicken ranching, or trapping that HSUS is falsely propagating, and profiting from, and now Tomahawk live trap co. it seems has jumped on that MONEY train as well

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672425
10/03/14 10:03 AM
10/03/14 10:03 AM
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Tomahawk Live trap co. is attempting to play things much like a slick minded, greasy mouthed polition. Example...Say the forest industry want to cut a bunch of trees....IF PO votes NO on it he gets money streaming in from the eco people, save the tree's, save the earth people, all the environmental groups jump in and make campaign controbutions.....Now if PO votes YES he gets money streaming in from the logging, and paper industry and gets to boast about job creation, and industry and union campaign controbutions............Who ever has the biggest pocket book gets their vote, their agenda rolling........Tell me tomahawk isn't doing that very thing, but worse as they are trying to double dip on both camps...we'll get money from HSUS and hope that nobody in ADC finds out about it so we can get their money too.....Sorry doesn't work that way in my play book

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672435
10/03/14 10:15 AM
10/03/14 10:15 AM
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^^^^^ double dip? Tomahawk company is a great business with great ethics. They make their living by selling a product. I say keep on keepin on.

Bud's Nuisance Wildlife Removal LLC
Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672436
10/03/14 10:16 AM
10/03/14 10:16 AM
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HumaneWatch,Protect the harvest, and u.s. sportsmen's Alliance

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Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672446
10/03/14 10:23 AM
10/03/14 10:23 AM
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Imagine a world where any type of animal control was banned for a year or two. The public would be living with rats, coons, bats....all in perfect harmony?

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672447
10/03/14 10:24 AM
10/03/14 10:24 AM
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Well Bud when HSUS rolls into mn and wi over the next couple years looking to end wolf management will see if your way of thinking changes any

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Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672452
10/03/14 10:28 AM
10/03/14 10:28 AM
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Don't think we have an image problem? Look at last years tv programming. Only reason that it is not booming this the Alaskan family stole the show.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672484
10/03/14 11:00 AM
10/03/14 11:00 AM
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I honestly do not have a problem with tomahawk selling things to people against us. Where the problem comes in for me is when tomahawk donates to Humane Society International to help support their research and they become a sponsor and/or partner of organizations that if they held an appreciation banquet for their supporters, tomahawk, HSUS, and ASPCA would all be at the banquet being thanked for all that they do for them.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672486
10/03/14 11:04 AM
10/03/14 11:04 AM
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YES we do have a image issue, that groups like HSUS and PETA are propagating and profiting from. I am not the most intelligent man, but I am not the dimmest bulb on the tree either. I can't believe you guys are failing to see the end game in all this. HSUS has had success ending ALL forms of trapping in some states with the exception of cage trapping. Now Tomahawk of course from a business stand point would stand to make a lot of profit from something like that if it was become nation wide law. SO Tomahawk figured lets join hands with HSUS and further their cause, their agenda to get ALL forms of trapping banned except for cage trapping, we make cages so we stand to make a bundle. That's it END GAME a nation wide ban of ALL trapping except for cages being propagated by HSUS in conjuction with Tomahawk Live trap Co. ....Now of course END GAME for HSUS is the banning of ALL form of traps, even cages, but Tomahawk will be rich beyond their dreams by then.............Only flaw is trappers are going to know who is responsible, and who helped have their tools banned. Sure when forced they will switch to cages, BUT they wont be Tomahawk cages

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672494
10/03/14 11:08 AM
10/03/14 11:08 AM
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OH and peskyC I know HSUS is gonna roll into WI about the wolf seasons here. It is coming, but why would that change my mind about this at all....PLEASE for the love of all outdoors tell me you are not suggesting that Wisconsin revamp it's sound scientific wolf management practices and compromise with HSUS over the issue and use emotion over science. Sounded like you want WI to compromise there, (give up things) in the management plan...HMMMMMMM just who's side are you guys on ?

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672495
10/03/14 11:11 AM
10/03/14 11:11 AM
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OOPS PeskyC I thought that was directed at me, my apologies

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672531
10/03/14 11:43 AM
10/03/14 11:43 AM
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I have another question now.. On the tax forms of HSUS that are public to view, why is the company name listed as Deming Animal Guardians/Tomahawk Live Trap Company and not just Tomahawk Live Trap Company?

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672539
10/03/14 11:53 AM
10/03/14 11:53 AM
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As a group, we propagate our own image. Others are just profiting off it. If the image was cleaned up, who would profit and who would be impacted?

Tomahawk probably is not thinking as long term as you think. They are just selling traps to willing buyers...and marketing to a broad audience.

Re: Tomahawk/HSUS thread. [Re: warrior] #4672550
10/03/14 11:59 AM
10/03/14 11:59 AM
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Is it "just selling" when the company teams up and begins sponsoring/partnering with the buyers?

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