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Questions on squirrel traps #4925185
02/20/15 10:41 PM
02/20/15 10:41 PM
Joined: Jul 2012
Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

Joined: Jul 2012
Working my first squirrel trapping job and I am not seeming to talented at it. A littler frustrated.

With the one way cage traps, if I mount it over the exit, how does it work if the squirrel isnt in the house? I was told they always have at least two holes, so will he go in the other one andout the trap? I have verified that he is using the hole.

Next, I have seen people mount 120 conibears on exits, but I was wondering if I could mount one going inside with a coni box to keep it out of the customers view. Or could I put a WCS tube trap in the attic?

Is there a reason to use the Tube trap vs the coni?

What I have done now is mount a cage trap below the vent on a top window sill. No luck, also tried roof trapping, no luck, and one tied to a tree branch, no luck. Tried a 7x7 comstock that was sprung and bait gone, zero idea how that happend.

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4925204
02/20/15 10:53 PM
02/20/15 10:53 PM
Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
Getting There Offline
Getting There  Offline

Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
First I would get a colony trap with wing to mount over the hole. Are you baiting all the traps that are not over the hole. I made a plate form to place the trap on that I screwed to the outside wall.
Very simple. I put the plate form near the hole and put the trap on top of it with bait. It was solid.

To Old
U.S. Army 60-63 SGT.
Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4925300
02/20/15 11:59 PM
02/20/15 11:59 PM
Joined: Jul 2008
mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

Joined: Jul 2008
mequon, wisconsin
Throw Back, I will never tell you that a squirrel has at least two holes because it's just not true. They can certainly cut a second

hole in a hurry, if need be. The most surefire way to catch squirrels is a repeater over the hole and ( I prefer ) two baited cages

in the very close vicinity. Ron Scheller has the perfect picture of this set and it's already on T-Man so either he or Ron Fry should

be able to post it for you. And then maybe this time I will remember to steal it and show it to our techs.

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4925657
02/21/15 10:25 AM
02/21/15 10:25 AM
Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
Getting There Offline
Getting There  Offline

Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
I can't wait to see the repeater trap. I hope Ron post the picture. I know there are a lot of options on the site but wouldn't it be nice to have a page with pictures just for the different sets. There is always a better mouse trap!

To Old
U.S. Army 60-63 SGT.
Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4925989
02/21/15 02:13 PM
02/21/15 02:13 PM
Joined: Jul 2012
Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

Joined: Jul 2012
I don't really see a good way to mount a trap outside so I guess I will mount a walk through comstock inside

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4926359
02/21/15 06:53 PM
02/21/15 06:53 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Lower Alabama (Daleville)
LAtrapper Offline
LAtrapper  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
Lower Alabama (Daleville)
Throw Back,

Here are a few of my squirrel trap pictures and some added info on squirrel trapping. Traps can be modified or fabricated on site to fit just about any situation. Remember, what works for me may not work for you, others may disagree with me- that is OK too.

From the ADC Archives-

Roof vent setup-

Soffit setup-

Air conditioner chase setup-

Flying squirrel setup-

Just flying squirrels-

Lohman squirrel call-

A Lohman squirrel call ( is a very useful tool to use when you can’t initially find the entrance into the home during the birthing season(s) of gray squirrels or to find the primary entrance if multiple entrances are available.

Around here, there is usually only one female and her latest litter of young in an attic or soffit. It is most successful during the early morning and late afternoon feeding period times of the female. You want her away from the nest when she hears the distress call. It usually takes her only a couple of minutes to return. Usually she will go directly to the entrance into the home. However, sometimes she will first go to the source of the call. I have them approach to within a few inches of my feet. Haven’t had one climb my leg yet though! cool

Sometimes it doesn’t work, probably because the female is too far away to hear it. If she doesn’t respond I try again the next time I happen to be in the area. Sometimes more than one female will approach, but won’t enter the home. This is usually a female with a nearby nest. She will return to her own nest soon, so keep an eye on these “strangers “too. And sometimes it just doesn’t get any response.

Of course, a noise in walls could be caused by flying squirrels, rats, mice, birds or other critters. Even “singing“ pipes, branches scraping walls, home expansion or contraction due to temperature changes etc.

Last edited by LAtrapper; 02/22/15 01:43 PM.

Note to self- Engage brain before opening mouth (or hitting the ENTER key/SUBMIT button).

Ron Fry

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4926836
02/21/15 10:06 PM
02/21/15 10:06 PM
Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
Getting There Offline
Getting There  Offline

Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
Thanks for posting!

To Old
U.S. Army 60-63 SGT.
Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4926972
02/21/15 11:03 PM
02/21/15 11:03 PM
Joined: Mar 2010
Barehunter Offline
Barehunter  Offline

Joined: Mar 2010
I use almost strictly double door Comstock squirrel traps. Gets them coming or going. Most of my positive sets will have at least two traps covering the access....nine times out of ten they will be waiting on me in the morning. almost never use any type of bait. One example would be a construction gap at the gutter line. I put a double door trap in the gutter on each side of the access hole and screw a strip of hardware cloth over the center of the traps. I often add a third trap on top of the hardware cloth and am surprised how often that is the one that makes the catch.

Last edited by Barehunter; 02/21/15 11:09 PM.
Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4927134
02/22/15 12:44 AM
02/22/15 12:44 AM
Joined: Jul 2012
Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

Joined: Jul 2012
Well I snagged her on a positive set INSIDE the attic, set the trap a few hours ago. Seems like the rest of the week was a learning expiriement. Lucky for me I had to go get her tonite because the woman who owns the house called crying because the squirrel was up there.

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4927211
02/22/15 01:53 AM
02/22/15 01:53 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Vinke Offline
Vinke  Offline

Joined: Dec 2006
To funny,,,,, i have never had a problem catching squirrels,,,,,even if they are running wires.....

Ant Man/ Marty 2028
just put your ear to the ground , and follow along

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4927587
02/22/15 11:38 AM
02/22/15 11:38 AM
Joined: Aug 2007
Monroeville NJ
Jonesie Offline
Jonesie  Offline

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Monroeville NJ
Throw back if the squirrel is not going into the baited trap, you have to find out why! Maybe it is the bait, maybe it is not going in the entry point and has another one , maybe it is a squirrel that is on the edgy side. The reasons can be many why it is not going into a trap. but there is a reason!!!! 80% of the squirrels are easy, that is for sure, and most say squirrels are no brainers, just do this or just do that. One thing is for sure, if it is not going in a baited trap set right by the entry point then something is wrong, meaning wrong bait, trap facing the wrong direction, or you put pressures and got it edgy, But, more than likely, that squirrel may be hard to get going into a forced trap also, unless it is stuck inside the structure and even then may chew another hole out. You stated, your new a trapping squirrels. and you hear how easy they are by many, guess what? not all squirrels are easy jobs like everybody says. I have been trapping squirrels for over 30+ years, many years with catching more squirrels per year than a lot of folks catch in 5. do yourself a favor, stop looking at methods and start looking at the squirrel and figure out the WHAT WHY WHEN AND WHERE to your squirrel. anyone can find a method that works 90% of the time. But all that means is the control person knows how to use a method not why. and sad to say most newer control operators are just that, methods users, not problem solvers.
learn to be a problem solver first, then turn into a method user after your catching 1000 squirrels a year.

Ron Jones
Rednecks Pride Game Calls / Outdoor Scents
Rednecks Pride Outdoors podcast
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Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4927619
02/22/15 12:00 PM
02/22/15 12:00 PM
Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan
Getting There Offline
Getting There  Offline

Joined: Sep 2012
West Michigan

Do sqr. become trap shy like skunks a raccoons if they been trapped and released before?

To Old
U.S. Army 60-63 SGT.
Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4928293
02/22/15 06:14 PM
02/22/15 06:14 PM
Joined: Jul 2012
Throw Back Offline OP
Throw Back  Offline OP

Joined: Jul 2012
Well Jonsie, I think I did just that. I tried nut baits and fruit baits, ground trapping and roof trapping, then mounting a trap near the hole.

Finally I realized I wasn't goi,g to force that squirrel to eat and set a forced set in the attic, had the sq you rrel 6 hours later.

Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4928546
02/22/15 08:01 PM
02/22/15 08:01 PM
Joined: Jul 2008
mequon, wisconsin
Paul Winkelmann Offline
Paul Winkelmann  Offline

Joined: Jul 2008
mequon, wisconsin
We got a call today from a management company who has been working with their pest control company for the last month trying to catch

squirrels with no success. There are seven squirrel holes in this building so how can you not catch a single squirrel? What are they

using for bait, mace? We will give it our best shot tomorrow so I've got my fingers crossed that they haven't scared these squirrels


Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Getting There] #4928670
02/22/15 08:51 PM
02/22/15 08:51 PM
Joined: Aug 2007
Monroeville NJ
Jonesie Offline
Jonesie  Offline

Joined: Aug 2007
Monroeville NJ
Originally Posted By: Getting There

Do sqr. become trap shy like skunks a raccoons if they been trapped and released before?

I believe yes. In the winter most squirrels relocated will die in a 24 hour time frame if relocated in say a woods or pretty big area where the squirrels have no idea where they are at. The biggest problems for me are the animal control and home owners. AC will just let the squirrel out down the street. most home owners in my area sets traps in the back yards catches 20 to 50 squirrels a year and takes them maybe a mile and set free. these squirrels can get back. also in the spring and summer I think the older squirrels do not do well relocated, but the young squirrels do. I also see the one way door thing where the squirrel just chews in right next to the door if there is a gap or edge they can get their teeth on.

Paul you will know in a day or 2. if so you will catch all young squirrels and no dom females I bet LOL

Ron Jones
Rednecks Pride Game Calls / Outdoor Scents
Rednecks Pride Outdoors podcast
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Re: Questions on squirrel traps [Re: Throw Back] #4929815
02/23/15 02:13 PM
02/23/15 02:13 PM
Joined: Feb 2007
Killingly, CT
Brian Mongeau Offline
Brian Mongeau  Offline

Joined: Feb 2007
Killingly, CT
Gray Squirrels:
For me the first priority is getting the squirrel(s) out of the house. Seal every possible entry except one. Place one-way door over that one. That gets them out. As long as they are out, it's not a requirement that they be caught...But,.....

Second priority is catching them. Set 2-4 (or more) tube traps (or cages, but I don't like live squirrels) around the one way door. Use your favorite bait. Most adults will be caught within 48 hours.

During birthing season I prefer to wait until the juvies are active, then use a colony over entry for juvies, with one or two tubes outside for her. A frantic female may chew back in anyway. Once she is caught, the juvies will come out into colony trap looking for her (food). If it's early birthing, the customer may want to wait, or will say kill her and hope to find the nest. Always let the customer know the nest may not be reachable and any juvies left there will die, possibly causing an odor issue.

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