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Re: Squirrel trapping [Re: Sask hunter] #6003945
09/20/17 09:08 AM
09/20/17 09:08 AM
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 379
New York
Jim Comstock Offline
Jim Comstock  Offline

Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 379
New York
I guess those are ground squirrels. Might try that on grays. Just got 52 grays at on location in single traps while using a transfer cage so that traps didn't have to be swapped out, just rebated. The squirrels just run into the large transfer box in seconds. Can get a dozen or more into it quickly. I had the same thing happen with digging. After a while they started digging under the traps, so I put the traps on aluminum sheets, which worked pretty well, but a couple started rolling the cages even after the aluminum. For the smart ones I used an ear of corn with a larger trap did the trick. The mesh on the cages we used was 1/2 x 1 to make reaching in more difficult. I sometimes slide metal covers over the traps where the bait is. Peanuts seem to work well.

Re: Squirrel trapping [Re: Sask hunter] #6004446
09/20/17 05:51 PM
09/20/17 05:51 PM
Joined: Aug 2017
Posts: 609
Desert Southwest-CA
DezertTrapper Offline
DezertTrapper  Offline

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Desert Southwest-CA
I saw a video of Jim's transfer cage, and its brilliant! I want one of those and a bunch of those smaller traps for (non acreage) jobs.
Yep, those are CA ground squirrels...75% of my calls are GS related. Jim, I opted for rigid plastic after trying aluminum--with our air temps up to 115F, ground temps are far higher, even in filtered shade...and flat metal of any kind gets so hot that it radiates upward, and squirrels won't enter. With rigid plastic, I always toss some soil between the plastic and the trap...just enough to make it look "normal" and thin enough to keep the base of the trap at ground level.

Re: Squirrel trapping [Re: LAtrapper] #6950454
08/01/20 10:50 AM
08/01/20 10:50 AM
Joined: Nov 2016
Posts: 2
London, UK
Bazza Offline
Bazza  Offline

Joined: Nov 2016
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London, UK
Rather than trap the red squirrels, it would be really great if you could send some over the pond to the UK. Our reds are facing extinction having been displaced by the larger grey squirrel which is an imported alien species. It is bigger and more aggressive than our reds. The other factor is that the greys have immunity to squirrel pox which is endemic with them. The reds have no immunity and just die off. Our reds are limited to a few islands and hilly remote parts of Scotland.
We trap the greys here using the Fenn Mark4 trap which is made in the UK and I understand they are becoming more popular in the USA & Canada - although from a vey small base. The are good value and utterly dependable. Plus they don't damage the fur - but then I'm not an expert on pelts.

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]
Vid if grey getting trapped and chomped by fox

[img][/img] [img][/img]

Last edited by Bazza; 08/01/20 10:58 AM. Reason: problem with image upload
Re: Squirrel trapping [Re: Sask hunter] #6953595
08/04/20 07:38 AM
08/04/20 07:38 AM
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 551
Iron Range, Minnesota
Ringbill5196 Offline
Ringbill5196  Offline

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Iron Range, Minnesota
Victor #50 Conibear and three nails as bracket on the inside of the set jaws. Trigger on top. Pu on a branch 6-10 ft off ground. Smear of peanut butter on the branch of the side away from the tree. Dead squirrels swinging in bodygrips all over the next morning. Traps off the ground and not threat to chickens, cats, coons, skunks, or chipmunks.

Advised the client with the shop the squirrels were munching on hose to inquire when buying hose to avoid any using corn or vegetable oil. It is amazing the way rodents can determine that stuff.

Re: Squirrel trapping [Re: Sask hunter] #6953597
08/04/20 07:40 AM
08/04/20 07:40 AM
Joined: Apr 2012
Posts: 551
Iron Range, Minnesota
Ringbill5196 Offline
Ringbill5196  Offline

Joined: Apr 2012
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Iron Range, Minnesota
If grays are your target I believe the double spring #60 is more worthy to insure a quick departure from this world. Even 120s work on them.

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