HEY guys. I have been advocating for a while, especially in my home state, that we need to defend ourselves in mainstream media more often instead of letting the anti's write the history books on our issues - whether it is trapping, hunting, fishing or wildlife management in general.

Here's two I have gotten published this week (both on the highly controversial bear hunt in my state):

I share these because I hope someone will take some inspiration and write to your local paper about your bobcat season in Indiana, or cougar hunting out west or the grizzly hunt in Idaho - we need to get our side of the story out to more than just fellow sportsmen. Soccer moms in the suburbs need to hear our side of the story and how science is on OUR side as well.

ALSO, if you ever need HELP getting the word out I can try and help you frame your message - just inbox me and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Anywho, food for thought.