Here is example of some we made up this summer. This is a newer one but we have some pretty weathered ones that have seen service for many seasons.
In good locations these are great mink takers and stay operating in some pretty harsh weather in dead of winter here. I like them a lot better than just blind open sets when it's heart of winter here.
Wide open each end, and set up to accept a single spring 110 trap at both ends.
(Single slot for spring on one side of each end)
We made a slightly elevated piece for the 110 clips and in very middle is an old sardine tin nailed in to hold bait and lure.
These were place along weedy banks of creeks after they freeze up and next to beaver dams.
They get covered with a pile of sticks and grasses leaving just the tunnels barely showing each end. Both traps get attached with same (just one) single t-bar stake that also pins down and stabilizes the box. The stakes are long and are driven down right outside the center of the box so the t top of stake holds the box down. We use a long t-bar because we get a lot of coon try to reach in the box and get a 110 on their arm but easily pull out if you anchor everything well. Takes both mink and rats pretty well for us. Target mink though after ice up but if open water it will get some rat visitors.
If you set near beaver dams cover it with sticks and leave a few sticks hanging down over ends of the box. min are used to pushing around in sticks at beaver dams and the trap triggers are not an issue to push through either.
Same with cattail locations, or weedy creeks banks...pile them onto the box and have some hanging over end of the boxes so they have to push in to investigate.
Haven't used a 120 before we always used good 110s and never had a problem killing mink even really big males. Triggers need to be adjusted for short throw no extra travel. Get a good flat and a round chainsaw file to work the dog notches just right.

Thanks for looking.