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Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378604
11/21/18 08:27 AM
11/21/18 08:27 AM
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Aaron Proffitt Offline OP
Aaron Proffitt  Offline OP

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Kenai and Native , while you bring up fair points, it still doesn't address the issue .

Native, just so you're aware, I don't research Native issues. I live in Indian country . House sits in the Comanche Nation. The story that brought this to mind was on NPR's website same day i initiated this thread. But it's been a local story for awhile.

But in the articles I've read, not once does any tribe take ownership of the problem. None. Lots of reasons for the behavior , no one wanting to own the problem. Lots of fingers being pointed , though.

That's a problem.

Honor a Soldier. Be the kind of American worth fighting for.
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378647
11/21/18 09:30 AM
11/21/18 09:30 AM
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South Dakota
Nativetrapper10 Offline
Nativetrapper10  Offline

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South Dakota
as they say "put up or shut up". if youre making no effort at all to address the issues then leave the discussing them to those of us that work for it everyday.

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378713
11/21/18 11:07 AM
11/21/18 11:07 AM
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Armpit, ak
Dirt Offline
Dirt  Offline

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Definition of insanity. " doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

People (individuals) need to help themselves.

Last edited by Dirt; 11/21/18 11:11 AM.

Who is John Galt?
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Nativetrapper10] #6378724
11/21/18 11:24 AM
11/21/18 11:24 AM
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Armpit, ak
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Dirt  Offline

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Armpit, ak
Originally Posted by Nativetrapper10
kenaikid, might as well leave it alone. most of these people have their minds made up about Natives, whether or not they have any first hand knowledge. they watch their westerns, and type in "bad things about indians" on their google machines. But none of them know who we are. virtually none care. for 200 years the most powerful nation on earth has done everything it could to wipe first my people, and then our culture, off the earth. Yet, we remain. generations of my people were forcibly removed from their homes and taken to boarding schools were they were taught it was bad to be indian. brutally beaten for speaking our own language, and made to dress and act like "civilized" whites. But despite all that, i am a fluent speaker. Federal and State law made it illegal for us to practice our faith until 1978. Yet many of us still know what we believe and why. many states barred us from voting until 1957. Now there are native governers, and senators, and Representatives. It is in the darkest part of night that the lights shine brightest. and the same is true of the reservations. While there is undeniable darkness, it brings out some of the best people God has ever graced this earth with. Grandmas who raise 12 grandchildren with dignity and grace. never complaining, never failing. Women who have been the victims of unspeakable attrocities who stand back up to help others in the same boat. So you people can sit at your computers and talk about whats wrong with us all you want. If guns and cannons and prisons didnt break us then surely some stereotypes on a forum wont get me down. I am Proud of who i am. and i am Proud to call myself Lakota, because we are without a doubt some of the toughest and most stubborn and resilient people anywhere on earth.

"1.Victim Identity. Quit telling people how bad you have it. Quit making it a goal to convince people that you had it as bad or worse than someone else. No matter what color you are or how hard you really did have it. If you feel that you need to explain your poverty or disadvantage to someone to explain your identity, then you have a victim identity complex, and you’re just as pathetic no matter what color you are. I’m straight, white, blue collar conservative male and I’m sick to the gills of hearing how “persecuted” straight white conservative males are. It doesn’t matter if it’s true! When did we become such whiners?? Once upon a time men took pride in overcoming disadvantages and wanted to be known for success, so they would downplay their hardships and brag about their victory, because that’s how they wanted to be identified. Today it seems that everyone just wants to win the moaning contest. We as a culture need to grow some pride again."

Who is John Galt?
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378725
11/21/18 11:26 AM
11/21/18 11:26 AM
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potter co. p.a.
pcr2 Offline
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potter co. p.a.
clap,clap,clap Dirt.

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378883
11/21/18 04:28 PM
11/21/18 04:28 PM
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South Dakota
Nativetrapper10 Offline
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starting to think you aint the brightest bulb there...maybe too many words at once? i wasnt whining. or moaning. im talking about how despite all thats happened we've persevered. talked about pride. the last three sentences of the paragraph you quoted prove my point. by the way. a paragraph is a big group of words all together. let me know if i need to break down a sentence for you eh?

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378903
11/21/18 05:08 PM
11/21/18 05:08 PM
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SE Kentucky
kytrapper Offline
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Like I said , and I wasn’t necessarily pointing out natives or our homegrown welfare recipients. I don’t live near a reservation but I think it must be more difficult for true natives to break the cycle. Here, they don’t want out of the system. It’s womb to tomb coverage. Free dental, medical, groceries, HUD rent, not just EBT cards but cash too electronically going into their accounts at one am first day of the month. Some get a nice 4,000 to 8,000 dollar check around tax time for money they “ could have made” if they worked. It’s called an earned income tax credit check. It’s like a lot of other govt. handouts and the wording is changed to make it sound better, SSI sounds better than welfare, EBT sounds a lot like DEBIT. Many work for cash while drawing a disability check at the same time. There is just no incentive like going hungry or desire to make something more of themselves. The govt. has told them they’re a victim of poverty and just stay there unless the drive and desire to escape it is kindled and a fire gets under their butts. I’ve seen very, very few break the cycle. No pride is there. They have a network like the dogs barking on 101 Dalmatians if there’s something being handed out, given away or some ne program at the social security office to sign up on. Sorry, it’s just one of my three or so pet peeves.

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378943
11/21/18 06:02 PM
11/21/18 06:02 PM
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Aaron Proffitt Offline OP
Aaron Proffitt  Offline OP

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Honor a Soldier. Be the kind of American worth fighting for.
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6378950
11/21/18 06:13 PM
11/21/18 06:13 PM
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mnsota Offline
mnsota  Offline

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Everything's available,every effort made,.....yet

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6379028
11/21/18 07:53 PM
11/21/18 07:53 PM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
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Insert profound nonsense here
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6379030
11/21/18 07:54 PM
11/21/18 07:54 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
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james bay frontierOnt.
Savell that pic looks Gay.
Were you in that band the Village people,lol.

Last edited by Boco; 11/21/18 07:55 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: kytrapper] #6379034
11/21/18 07:56 PM
11/21/18 07:56 PM
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Chancey Offline
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Originally Posted by kytrapper
Like I said , and I wasn’t necessarily pointing out natives or our homegrown welfare recipients. I don’t live near a reservation but I think it must be more difficult for true natives to break the cycle. Here, they don’t want out of the system. It’s womb to tomb coverage. Free dental, medical, groceries, HUD rent, not just EBT cards but cash too electronically going into their accounts at one am first day of the month. Some get a nice 4,000 to 8,000 dollar check around tax time for money they “ could have made” if they worked. It’s called an earned income tax credit check. It’s like a lot of other govt. handouts and the wording is changed to make it sound better, SSI sounds better than welfare, EBT sounds a lot like DEBIT. Many work for cash while drawing a disability check at the same time. There is just no incentive like going hungry or desire to make something more of themselves. The govt. has told them they’re a victim of poverty and just stay there unless the drive and desire to escape it is kindled and a fire gets under their butts. I’ve seen very, very few break the cycle. No pride is there. They have a network like the dogs barking on 101 Dalmatians if there’s something being handed out, given away or some ne program at the social security office to sign up on. Sorry, it’s just one of my three or so pet peeves.

All good posts Kytrapper. I've seen the same situations here. As truly caring individuals that want to help the less fortunate, how can we correct this problem and not perpetuate it?
Other than knowing that you are created for a purpose, or starvation, I do not know how to create a desire of making something for yourself in the hearts and minds of some people.

Last edited by Chancey; 11/21/18 07:59 PM.

Resident Conspiracy Theorist
Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6379036
11/21/18 07:57 PM
11/21/18 07:57 PM
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Coldspring Texas
Savell Offline
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...don’t talk about my Indian guide like that Boco !

Insert profound nonsense here
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6379090
11/21/18 08:58 PM
11/21/18 08:58 PM
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NW Oklahoma
Okie Farmer Offline
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Same oh same oh, same conversation, same problems. Until it's all right for an individual with in a tribe to strive for a better life with out persecution by other members nothing will ever get better.

Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Dirt] #6379284
11/22/18 03:08 AM
11/22/18 03:08 AM
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Kenai AK
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Originally Posted by Dirt
Originally Posted by Nativetrapper10
kenaikid, might as well leave it alone. most of these people have their minds made up about Natives, whether or not they have any first hand knowledge. they watch their westerns, and type in "bad things about indians" on their google machines. But none of them know who we are. virtually none care. for 200 years the most powerful nation on earth has done everything it could to wipe first my people, and then our culture, off the earth. Yet, we remain. generations of my people were forcibly removed from their homes and taken to boarding schools were they were taught it was bad to be indian. brutally beaten for speaking our own language, and made to dress and act like "civilized" whites. But despite all that, i am a fluent speaker. Federal and State law made it illegal for us to practice our faith until 1978. Yet many of us still know what we believe and why. many states barred us from voting until 1957. Now there are native governers, and senators, and Representatives. It is in the darkest part of night that the lights shine brightest. and the same is true of the reservations. While there is undeniable darkness, it brings out some of the best people God has ever graced this earth with. Grandmas who raise 12 grandchildren with dignity and grace. never complaining, never failing. Women who have been the victims of unspeakable attrocities who stand back up to help others in the same boat. So you people can sit at your computers and talk about whats wrong with us all you want. If guns and cannons and prisons didnt break us then surely some stereotypes on a forum wont get me down. I am Proud of who i am. and i am Proud to call myself Lakota, because we are without a doubt some of the toughest and most stubborn and resilient people anywhere on earth.

"1.Victim Identity. Quit telling people how bad you have it. Quit making it a goal to convince people that you had it as bad or worse than someone else. No matter what color you are or how hard you really did have it. If you feel that you need to explain your poverty or disadvantage to someone to explain your identity, then you have a victim identity complex, and you’re just as pathetic no matter what color you are. I’m straight, white, blue collar conservative male and I’m sick to the gills of hearing how “persecuted” straight white conservative males are. It doesn’t matter if it’s true! When did we become such whiners?? Once upon a time men took pride in overcoming disadvantages and wanted to be known for success, so they would downplay their hardships and brag about their victory, because that’s how they wanted to be identified. Today it seems that everyone just wants to win the moaning contest. We as a culture need to grow some pride again."

Actually I was talking to both of you Dirt.

Originally Posted by Dirt
What did you pay for your house? Who paid your medical bills? My kids were not even born in a hospital. They didn't go to a government provided school. We had a pitcher pump and used an out house. Lived in a 12X16 log cabin. Wife used to wash cloths in a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet plunger. You are barking up the wrong tree here.

Yet, I seem not to have all these poverty related issues.

BTW i worked my way up to a higher level of poverty since them early years.

Originally Posted by Dirt
Originally Posted by Rat Masterson
Boco couldn't catch a cold.

But if he did, it would be Top Lot.
Re: White guilt and the elephant in the room [Re: Aaron Proffitt] #6379463
11/22/18 09:12 AM
11/22/18 09:12 AM
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Armpit, ak
Dirt Offline
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Armpit, ak
I remember when somebody said this.

" It is a symptom of poverty. Period."

I took that as an insult.

I'm not bragging that I'm poor. I'm pointing out that poverty does not make you abuse women or be an alcoholic, etc.

BTW It is my fault that I'm poor. Nobody else is responsible.

Last edited by Dirt; 11/22/18 10:06 AM.

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