Our Pennsylvania bobcat and fisher season opens soon.
I took a break from setting steel the last couple years.
I'm looking to make bobcat and fisher sets. I really don't want a fox or coyote clogging up a set lol.
I plan to construct cubbies.
I was wondering what the rule of thumb is for the size of the opening. I don't know that I will make any walk throughs...but I think the opening still has to be fairly good sized to make it look inviting. Bait/lure/attractor in the cubby. Trap guarding the opening and guided pretty hard.
Would it be worthwhile to get some sort of fencing? A roll of chicken wire or something? Any recommendations on what to use? If anything?
Could cut off enough to make a U shaped tunnel and use natural brush to close it and leave the front open.
The weather is always tough...rain/snow/freeze/thaw etc. I think cubbies will help. Nice dirt holes often turn into small ponds and then blocks of ice.
I have lots of options for keeping the trap running..peat, waxed dirt, glycol, screens, trappers caps, poly fill etc. I have learned the hard way that is critical. First couple seasons I didn't know any better and struggled and was digging traps out of frozen ground.
If anyone has pics of using fencing or something for cubbies id love to see them. I checked the archives and didn't find much but I know I've seen em before...