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Pull up on the tail bone, not down on the stripper. Another way of saying it is hold the stripper stationary in one hand and pull the tailbone out of the skin with the other hand. I used to use a couple of hardwood sticks as the stripper on squirrel. Hope this helps. And I've noticed a couple of different locations for the blade in the zippers. One cuts up from the inside against the hide, the other cuts down against the fur. The second type clogs with hair and doesn't work well at all.
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined” B. Disraeli
When I open my coon I cut down the tail from the base to about 1/3rd to 1/2 of the way depending upon where and if there is a scarred portion of the tail. When I skin I then peel or skin the tail from the base to where I can put my fingers in and pull down until the tail is open where my tail stripper tool fits and I pull out all the way. I leave the tail that way until if flesh and then I finish opening with my opening knife. I don't use a tail stripper or zipper etc. Very rarely break or cut off a tail this way.
it's a lot easier to start your knife cut from about 5" down from the base of the tail and then make your cut towards the base of the tail. You have way more control over the cut that way. Then just skin out the tail for that distance.