Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: MChewk]
03/27/08 05:49 PM
03/27/08 05:49 PM
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Okay, I agree with that,some of those high production trap years had alot of problems.the #2 victor coil was a peice of junk in my opinion,cheaply built,and not a good trap at all for what they were advertised for. blak coyote I don't see any jaw laminations in that photo?,but assuming they are there,I've held yotes and foxes exactly like that without laminations many times. That photo really doesn't prove anything to me as that yote could have left you with only two toes if it had fought harder or pulled out. More surface= less holding power no matter how you slice it. I'm not trying to tell you how to trap-do what works for you best,confidence is #1 in my book. If you think the only way to hold a yote is with lams them go for it.
D Edinger, yes it does give some backbone to the jaws,but remember that the individual jaw is only as strong as it's weakest point, and therefore will still flex at those points.
Remember I'm not knocking anyones way of doing things,just debating a topic that there is probably no correct answer for, but I still don't believe every first year trapper needs full modded traps to get started.
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: playin4funami]
03/27/08 05:57 PM
03/27/08 05:57 PM
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D Edinger, yes it does give some backbone to the jaws,but remember that the individual jaw is only as strong as it's weakest point, and therefore will still flex at those points. If a jaw bends on the ends, where the steel is parallel to the direction of pull...the something is terribly wrong. Just my $0.02.
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: playin4funami]
03/27/08 06:12 PM
03/27/08 06:12 PM
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playin4funami: You are correct when you say: but I still don't belive every first year trapper needs full modded traps to get started. Any new trap with nothing done to it will still catch animals. So the question to you is: Why do people who have been trapping for lots of years say that traps should be modified? Easy, they have tried and tested what works best.
"Oh make no mistake, it’s not revenge I'm after—It’s a reckoning":
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: huntinglonewolf]
03/27/08 06:23 PM
03/27/08 06:23 PM
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...but I still don't belive every first year trapper needs full modded traps to get started.... AMEN!
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: playin4funami]
03/27/08 10:20 PM
03/27/08 10:20 PM
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blak coyote I don't see any jaw laminations in that photo?,but assuming they are there,I've held yotes and foxes exactly like that without laminations many times. That photo really doesn't prove anything to me as that yote could have left you with only two toes if it had fought harder or pulled out. More surface= less holding power no matter how you slice it. I'm not trying to tell you how to trap-do what works for you best,confidence is #1 in my book. If you think the only way to hold a yote is with lams them go for it.
Didn't say it's the only way nor did I say all first year trappers need them. Just pointing out you'll hold more. Yes it's laminated.I can't see where that coyote could have fought harder,it was hind fooot caught in that pic,which is tougher to hold IMO. With regluar sheared jaws it could of just been toes like I've seen in the past. And it was mentioned the center is the weakest part. Use what you want but I've learned modifying helps insure not getting bit in the backside by a flaw in the trap. And you'll find a flaw eventually in a stock trap if you use them enough and trap enough.If your ok with losing an occassionally then modifying maybe isn't a concern. Not saying you won't lose an animal with a modified trap,but it'll be less often because of trap failure.
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: playin4funami]
03/27/08 10:56 PM
03/27/08 10:56 PM
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I have all mine fully modified and wouldn't use stock traps unless I wanted to trap coons. All my canine and cat traps are fully modified.
"Oh make no mistake, it’s not revenge I'm after—It’s a reckoning":
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: playin4funami]
03/27/08 11:50 PM
03/27/08 11:50 PM
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The Beav
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I played this game way back before some of you were born. I did the laminations I did the night latching I did the center swiveling. You know what I really didn't see where any of those things made a signifigant diffrence. With traps of #2 AND #1.75 SIZE the animals foot will be centerd In the trap. And If that animal was caught high It's first lunge will have pulled the trap to center and down to It's pad. And that's as far as It will go as long as you have a stong trap. I like to use this anolgy when discusing centerd swiveled traps. If your truck Is bogged down will It be eaiser to pull It out from either side or from directly behind It? When pulling from the side you are actully pulling the truck In deeper. Same with a animals foot In a trap. And with the swivel hooked to the end of the trap you aren't placeing all the strain on the center of the trap like you do with a centerd mounted swivel. The center Is the weakest part of the trap. And when you place undo strain on the center of the trap frame you also place undo presure on the jaws. That's why you have to add laminations and base plates to centerd mounted swivel set ups. So If you have a strong trap that Is correctly adjusted and has several swivels In the chain set up and you smooth off any sharp edges I feel that all the other mods are over kill.
Was the old #2 Vic Square jaw trap a good trap? Well for It's time and since it was advertized as a fox trap sure It was. Non of us ever had any trouble holding those light weight red fox in that trap. About the only mods we made were to cut down the pans. They were just to big and you had to many fox standing on the pan and the jaw at the same time. Hence lots of snapped empty traps. Cutting down the pans took care of that problem.
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Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: The Beav]
03/28/08 07:58 AM
03/28/08 07:58 AM
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Gary,your right . You don't need them for everything, especially if your on drowner's for coon. Like I mentioned I've been running all mods on my traps since 93. I was looking for a way to keep critters in the trap till 2:30 in the afternoon back then. We couldn't check traps before 6am by law and my job started at 6am till 2:30. Wanted to reduced cutting and numb feet because we all know where that escalates to. So I started modifying and it helped alot in cutting down losses and wrecked traps. Especially that #2 vic square jaw,I hate that trap.You don't always need to lam smaller traps unless your target like fox has the potential to take a coyote.I know guys catch coyotes in stock 1.75's and 1.5's and IMO it's playing Russian roulette, sooner or later your going to lose. How many posts during the season do you see where someone post a stock trap with the jaws Laminating larger traps is just good good sense when there's the potential for catch smaller critters that are worth a few bucks.But still most #3's stock will hold any coyote that comes along. Play4 I agree this has strayed a bit. So heres my take on the lams and this is for ADC as well. First with lams we're not dealing with a smooth face,just a wider face that distributes the pressure,it's still there. But what I like with lams over a cast jaw face is the ribbed effect and I believe it aids in holding. In a regular jaw the foot is held below the jaw well because it digs and the foot below the jaws is spilled over causing the foot to be jammed in a sense or rolled under the jaw like the hide. So if you look at this diagram below you'll still have that,but you'll also have depending on whether you have I/O lams or just one or the other a void between the lams and the jaw where the red arrows point. These voids will also fill in with hide and help IMO hold the foot and not allowing the slipping. I can see with a smooth face cast jaw the possibility for more or have a higher potential for slipping but not on a laminated jaw.At least that's what I think anyway. Maybe I'm out in left field. Who knows,I just know what works for me. 
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: MChewk]
03/28/08 12:01 PM
03/28/08 12:01 PM
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Josh H.
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I like laminations mainly for the increase in strength they add to the jaws. Laminations will prevent flexing and twisting, which can lead to popped jaws and such. Of course, there are ways to prevent popped jaws, but I still like minimal flexing of the jaws and base.
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: MChewk]
03/28/08 12:46 PM
03/28/08 12:46 PM
This area usually has a bunch of fur and other debris in the space.
So then the jaw face is perfectly smooth again right?  ----------------- Ok pretend your finger is caught in a trap. The illustration on the left shows the jaw surfaces the blue indicates your finger. If the springs on both sets of jaws are equally strong, which set of jaws could you more easily pull your finger out of? Obviously the laminated jaws. The illustration on the right shows where the position of the foot would be guided to when the trap is center swiveled (red chain, red arrow) and the green shows the position the foot is guided to if it's not center swiveled. Again imagine your finger in the trap, where you pull your finger towards to get the least pressure from the springs/levers so it would be easier to pull your finger out? Right where the red arrow is pointing obviously.  I still say the laminations and center swiveling don't help to stop pull outs unless you add stronger springs... etc... They are just good PR and easier on the animals should you decide to sell the feet. (live market, taxidermy, etc...)  Oh and Blak, you agree then that wide flat surfaces like on the cast jaws of the MB550 and 650C reduce the holding power of the traps?  ~ADC~
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: ]
03/28/08 12:58 PM
03/28/08 12:58 PM
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Wright Brothers
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I see and understand your theories but, always a but, The red verses the green arrow, the red will have higher lockup of the levers. Yes? And a straight away pull verses a canted pull, Yes?
Myself I like modded traps, and enjoy these topics, carry on.
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: Wright Brothers]
03/28/08 01:03 PM
03/28/08 01:03 PM
I see and understand your theories but, always a but, The red verses the green arrow, the red will have higher lockup of the levers. Yes? And a straight away pull verses a canted pull, Yes?
Awwwe... but the foot wouldn't actually be in that position only pulling towards that position.  But even if it was the lever on the opposite side would be even higher equalizing out the pressure so to speak.  ~ADC~
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: ]
03/28/08 01:19 PM
03/28/08 01:19 PM
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No offense folks, but all this laminating, 4-coiling, base-plating is an awflul lot of extra work and $$$ to go through for very little, if any, benefit. I have been using stock Bridger and Sleepy Creek traps for yotes for years and have had very few misses or pullouts, even on non-target species. I caught my first two cats this year in stock Bridger #3s and there was negligable foot damage and one of them may have been in the trap for a couple of days (had a blizzard and could not get out to check). Now, admittedly, you will get some amount of foot damage on coon and fox, but with a 24 hour check, it really doesn't pay to go through all teh hupla!
"The voice of reason!"
Re: debate jaw laminations
[Re: lrjakes]
03/28/08 04:50 PM
03/28/08 04:50 PM
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In talking with a couple of western fellows that trapped coyotes a great deal before the excellent coilspring traps we have today and the lamination craze said the main reason they started doing it was to hold summer coyotes on the damage line for extended periods, the extra springs were to power up the jaws and prevent toe catches in baked clay mud common after summer rains, one of them said if newhouse traps would have continued to be available and affordable he would never have done anything other than offset the jaws a bit on the no.4 newhouse, another said if he could have afforded mj600 traps in the needed quanities he would never have laminated at all, but the thin jawed stock coilsprings just cut to much on extened checks so he went to laminate jaws to keep them there, charlie dobbins stated he only laminated his traps after finding the 4 coil kits caused to much cutting, preferring conners springs as they backed off when the trap was in the closed position or in the case of the stronger springs laminate, center swivel works great on larger traps for me but on smaller traps i prefer them hooked to the end frame and a double swivel mid chain, stake one down and pretend you are the animal and there is no more binding than centered if the mid chain swivel is working and the chain is at least a foot long, the binding is the same whether it is the trap at a bit of an angle or the levers rotateing over and over on the ground, i run both laminated and not and can tell very little difference except for a bit of cutting as long as the check is early morning. one of the biggest benefits from all the crap we weld on our traps as far as the animals are concerned is it makes them much heavier, cutting down on jumping, and wearing them down so they rest, there is almost always visible difference in coyotes on approach and wear in the catch circle if heavy traps are used, bbt traps have them so high, so solid, and so weighed down that most coyotes just plain give up and lay down, and i know of no trap in coilspring that sized with more power and thicker smoother jaws than that one.
Last edited by possum5676; 03/28/08 04:54 PM.