I don't trap any yard or lawn that long usually only do one or two trapping programs per season as needed.
I have done some golf course programs for a few weeks off and on. One local course I caught 109 moles in that program. That was over about 7 weeks. I would trap a week to 10 days at a time. I would go back in a couple of weeks etc. until things got cleaned out.
I was using OOS and spear traps back in those days in the mid to late 80's. Didn't know about many other mole traps at that time.
I have made refererence to this job in a previous post. I did 10 program for a retired doctor a few years back of Indian decent. Not the cowboy type Indian the kind that rides the elephants type Indian that chases the tigers etc. My first experience dealing with HIndu faith individual.
He wanted to beat me down on price right off the bat. That is another story in itself.

He paid full price in the end.
I got 49 moles in his 2 lot property. That is the most I have caught in one of our initial 10 day trapping programs. I was checking daily since he was close. I suspected he may have a bad infestation due to all the sign I saw during my inspection. His property in the back was butted right up next to a wooded area and I could see some trunk line tunnels leading to his yard in a few spots from the woods. That means a constant flow of moles back and forth over time in this part of the country.