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Coon calling gun & ammo? #6661507
11/09/19 10:20 PM
11/09/19 10:20 PM
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~ADC~ Offline OP
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Just curious what you guys are shooting called coons with? Gun and ammo.

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661515
11/09/19 10:25 PM
11/09/19 10:25 PM
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west virginia
wvmntnhick Offline
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Anything in your possession is fine. 22 Mag works well if you don’t mind a hole. Shotgun is awesome if they charge in. 22 works just fine. Tim Wells uses a bow. Just use whatcha want.

I keep desperately hoping that one day someone will call me "Sir" without adding "please calm down" or "you're causing a scene."
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661528
11/09/19 10:34 PM
11/09/19 10:34 PM
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trapperne Offline
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Jayme the best gun I have used and after buying 1000’s is hands down the 17 hmr.

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Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: trapperne] #6661532
11/09/19 10:36 PM
11/09/19 10:36 PM
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Bolt, Semi Auto, what ammo???

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661533
11/09/19 10:36 PM
11/09/19 10:36 PM
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Catch22 Offline
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We plan on one of us with a .22 semi and the other a 20ga pump.

I wonder if tap dancers walk into a room, look at the floor, and think, I'd tap that. I wonder about things.....
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661541
11/09/19 10:41 PM
11/09/19 10:41 PM
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trapperne Offline
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I’d have always shot honrnaday vmax

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Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661545
11/09/19 10:42 PM
11/09/19 10:42 PM
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SE Nebraska
trapperne Offline
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If you shoot a coon with shotgun it goes from near worthless to completely worthless

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Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661556
11/09/19 10:51 PM
11/09/19 10:51 PM
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carolina, Alabama
The Possum Man Offline
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17hmr is my absolute favorite small critter rifle. I use the hornady 17gr bullet i think its a vmax. Either way its a ballistic tip type bullet. I have also used the federal premium ammo in the same bullet. I doubt you would get an exit, I rarely do on anything the bullet comes apart real quick but it surely puts all that energy straight into the target. Usually a one shot deal. I shoot squirrel to coyote size stuff with it. I have a marlin bolt action. 917v if i recall. Get 1" groups at 100 with it. Took a badger at 175yds with it in kansas. I got to drop it off at the gunsmith to get the barrel threaded so i can use my suppressor on it. It is definitely one of my most favorite rifles.

"If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough"
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661573
11/09/19 11:10 PM
11/09/19 11:10 PM
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What if you were buying a gun and ammo specifically for calling raccoons what would be your choice and why?

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661575
11/09/19 11:13 PM
11/09/19 11:13 PM
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12 or 20ga with high brass #6’s.
Why? Because it kills

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661577
11/09/19 11:21 PM
11/09/19 11:21 PM
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trapperne Offline
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I second eveytjing possum man said, I have a laser on mine I don’t even try for head shots just get it into body mass and they are done with little more then a pin hole. I have skinned 1000’s shot with a 22 mag and
The damage is terrible, lots of holes and ricocheted damge.

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Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661582
11/09/19 11:27 PM
11/09/19 11:27 PM
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Trapset Offline
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There may be something better out there now, but 25 years ago I did a lot of testing with 22 lr and 22 wmr. After several seasons the 22 wmr in Winchester 40 gr FMJ's won out over all others available to me at the time. Gun of choice was, and is, an H&R Model 700 Semi auto. They came standard with 5 round detachable mag but you could special order 10 round mags. I lost one 700 to theft and replaced it over 20 years ago with a near new one that is now very worn, but still a shooter. A few years ago I got another 700 that is in much better shape, I plan on setting it up for Coyotes but havent gotten around to it.

In the .22lr's the best combo for our kind of float calling was a 10/22 with two factory magazines JB welded bottom to bottom. CCI Stingers were the load of choice.

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661586
11/09/19 11:32 PM
11/09/19 11:32 PM
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I use a .17 hmr in a 20 grain bullet...more "whomp" and is like a jacketed hollow point. Had a few coon not go down right with the polymer tips. Gun is a Savage accutrigger with bull barrel. Bullet leaves barrel at about 3100 fps

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661605
11/10/19 12:47 AM
11/10/19 12:47 AM
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moravia newyork
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22 mag Winchester super x 40gr hollowpoint savage bolt action

Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: trapperne] #6661615
11/10/19 04:30 AM
11/10/19 04:30 AM
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west virginia
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Well, when they’re only worth $3 to begin with here, I’ll take my chances. It’s more for turkey preservation at this point.

I keep desperately hoping that one day someone will call me "Sir" without adding "please calm down" or "you're causing a scene."
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661616
11/10/19 04:37 AM
11/10/19 04:37 AM
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west virginia
wvmntnhick Offline
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Seems the 17 seems to be getting plenty of attention. If I’m calling coons and using a 17 hmr, I’d be carrying the savage A17 and dumping multiple rounds into it if it chose not to go down. I’ve had them take a center mass shot with the 17 and nearly shrug it off. If I’m trapping, that’s a time for trying to salvage a pelt. If I’m hunting them by calling, it’s just removal. My thoughts though.

I keep desperately hoping that one day someone will call me "Sir" without adding "please calm down" or "you're causing a scene."
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661647
11/10/19 06:43 AM
11/10/19 06:43 AM
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Firth, Nebraska
jabNE Offline
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My .22 mag is a great first shot gun but the bolt action isnt fast enough.for second or third shots on coon that hit the ground and run. I have a marlin midget magnum with a 4x scope on it, very accurate gun.

But I do love my 10/22 ruger for coon hunting. A tree with multiple coon is where it really shines (pardon the pun) and its fast enough for a second or third shot if necessary on downed coon. It's also a heck of a lot quieter than my .22 mag and ammo is way cheaper too. I like hollow points in .22 for coon. I have a red dot scope on my 10/22. The 10/22 cycles high velocity ammo well too, a big bonus. My .22 mag can get finicky with the second round and bolt action...and it's no fun to fidget with a jammed round in the dark with you flashlight and a wounded coon coming down the tree. If you are standing near the tree or old barn..guess what their instinct up the tallest nearby thing for their safety, and that could be you looking like a tree stump to a disoriented coon.

Get a good dependable model gun, semi auto with great cycling action for coon hunting.


Last edited by jabNE; 11/10/19 06:49 AM.

Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trapping license and that's pretty close.
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661728
11/10/19 08:55 AM
11/10/19 08:55 AM
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Muskrat Offline
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.22 mag with scope CCI mag hollow points head shots only

Lifetime member of WTA and NTA
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661771
11/10/19 10:21 AM
11/10/19 10:21 AM
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slydogx Offline
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I bought a Savage 64 .22LR specifically because of price. I have found the quality to be good and the gun is accurate and cycles reliably with cheap federal ammo. Haven't got out calling with it yet but I am confident it will work well.

Just happy to be here.
Re: Coon calling gun & ammo? [Re: ~ADC~] #6661795
11/10/19 11:13 AM
11/10/19 11:13 AM
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