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Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Pike River] #6753598
02/01/20 11:20 AM
02/01/20 11:20 AM
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Fredonia, PA.
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Originally Posted by Pike River

Cop out. Answer the question. Do you look down on military members who watch the game? Why are you so against Americans watching a game? Are you a better American than these?

Keep dancing buddy.

I made my opinion perfectly understandable pages ago. Maybe work on your reading and comprehension skills a little? Just for you, I will reiterate. In my opinion, if you are watching the game you are supporting the NFL which has turned into an Anti American, Anti 2nd entity. The NFL cannot exist without fans by watching you are unwittingly supporting that business. You can twist and justify it all you want. However, you can't get by that simple fact. 1000 flags on that field mean nothing when the scumbags kneel during the anthem and anti American commercials are given preference when Pro 2nd are abolished. You make your choice. After all, Carl Marx explained it well when he used the term "Useful Idiots". To answer your question even more directly, do I think these vets and active military watching the game are commies? No, not at all. I think most are misinformed. Now little boy, go get your mommy to help you with the big words.

Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Finster] #6753602
02/01/20 11:23 AM
02/01/20 11:23 AM
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Catch22 Offline
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Now maybe Pike will answer questions he was asked. Quid pro quo Clarice lol.

I wonder if tap dancers walk into a room, look at the floor, and think, I'd tap that. I wonder about things.....
Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: pcr2] #6753619
02/01/20 11:36 AM
02/01/20 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by pcr2
aint a one of us on earth that don't stand to break a window if they threw a rock.


X2^ I'm getting the hang of using this little gem right here.

For me, personally, I don't watch TV period but I don't rag on others that do either. My wife and daughter watch TV and I have friends that watch TV too, hahahaha. (I'm being a jerk and not trying to offend anyone, please don't raise your blood pressure over me)

I will however argue with people that want to change the constitution, oh that's right, they don't want to look at the law of the land for what it is. These are different times now so we should just use Chicago as the new model for a peaceful land of Mercy. Watch your entertainment, stuff your guts with great foods, bet your money, drink up and enjoy yourselves for *&%^ sake. Personally I'll never add to their revenue streams again (yes I watched the Stupid Bowl when I was deployed too, it beat the heck out of guard duty) but as I have said I turned the TV OFF on 9/12/01 because the laws of physics were altered by beliefs and magic, which is absolutely absurd. Oh no! That's another can of worms that will get a good fight going.

In the words of Miss Emily Litella "Oh, never mind"

Keep your boots dry and your powder too.

I remember when a fur check was I'm just trapping for the love of it.

Best Regards,

Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: JTaddeo] #6753636
02/01/20 11:48 AM
02/01/20 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by JTaddeo
Personally I'll never add to their revenue streams again (yes I watched the Stupid Bowl when I was deployed too, it beat the heck out of guard duty)

That there was not a whole lot of choice was my take from talking to family members previously deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Despite Pike's ridiculous claims, I doubt most folks (myself included) find fault with service members serving overseas for watching the Superbowl and I certainly don't consider them unpatriotic.

Thank you for your service.


Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Finster] #6753693
02/01/20 12:30 PM
02/01/20 12:30 PM
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This thread is giving me an idea for next years Superbowl halftime show. A tag team cage match between the super patriots and us America hating vets.

Who is John Galt?
Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Finster] #6753736
02/01/20 01:29 PM
02/01/20 01:29 PM
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danny clifton Offline
"Grumpy Old Man"
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I would watch a tag team between a bikini clad Malania and Stormy Daniels. Maybe Ivanka Trump would put on a bikini and referee. Proceeds could go to the Clinton foundation

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Finster] #6753749
02/01/20 01:44 PM
02/01/20 01:44 PM
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You really have bikinis on the brain today.


Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Finster] #6753846
02/01/20 03:21 PM
02/01/20 03:21 PM
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williamsburg ks
danny clifton Offline
"Grumpy Old Man"
danny clifton  Offline
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williamsburg ks
been a long winter. should not have read the fish skin clothes post that bikinis were mentioned in. i really would watch that tv show however

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: bowhunter27295] #6753847
02/01/20 03:22 PM
02/01/20 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by bowhunter27295
If you will notice, "we the people" influenced the last "trend" of kneeling in the NFL. they were losing up to 10% other revenue. The overseers decided to implement a new "rule" pertaining to no kneeling.

Notice how lack of money strangely motivates the powers that be.

No matter what you may or may not think, if you have an effect on the bottom line, you will change behaviors.

I will watch it with friends as I have already planned it, but I will be very outspoken when little michael's ad comes on.

So your basically gonna be like,
[Linked Image]

I wonder if tap dancers walk into a room, look at the floor, and think, I'd tap that. I wonder about things.....
Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: danny clifton] #6753854
02/01/20 03:28 PM
02/01/20 03:28 PM
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Originally Posted by danny clifton
been a long winter. should not have read the fish skin clothes post that bikinis were mentioned in. i really would watch that tv show however

Here you go Danny.


Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: Pike River] #6753997
02/01/20 06:02 PM
02/01/20 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Pike River
Originally Posted by danny clifton
nancy pelosi says she is a freedom loving american patriot too

She might think she is. I disagree with her politics but she's still an American.

Are you comparing her political beliefs and goals to our service members?

An American ? She is no such thing

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Re: NFL bans pro 2A ad but Approves Gun Control Ad [Re: DelawareRob] #6754252
02/01/20 08:49 PM
02/01/20 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by DelawareRob
Gonna start asking people to post their papers so they can have an opinion? DD-214’s or you aren’t allowed to think differently than me....

Relax a little, it’s ok if people have a different opinion than you. It’s kind of the American way. As long as their opinion doesn’t infringe on mine or your rights, or my opinion doesn’t infringe on theirs... live on brothers.

That's where I'm at on this Rob. All this phony outrage and flag waving makes me laugh.


Last edited by Jarhead620; 02/01/20 08:57 PM.

"Just as the deer herd lives in mortal fear of its wolves, so does a mountain live in mortal fear of its deer." Aldo Leopold
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