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Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: tjm] #6868705
05/10/20 03:13 PM
05/10/20 03:13 PM
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
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Originally Posted by tjm
Quite simply, a permit makes anything a privilege rather than a right. If you buy or support CC permits you are actually anti 2nd Amendment a and anti gun whether you realize it or not.
If you believe the 2nd Amendment gives USA citizens the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and that it means arms to include all arms; then you must either carry open or carry concealed without a permit.
And if you can't see that, it has been said that you can't be fixed.

Open carry in any circumstance only brings the Rights into the open. It is hard to believe anything that must be hidden is a right, whether you think you are for it or against it.

I don't usually carry, but I wish enough of you who do would self-examine why you would object to anyone else exercising their Constitutional Rights in any manner they want to. Remember to ask yourself if it is a right or a privilege.

I can see some of what you’re saying. But, if people just violated the law they end up felons and can’t own guns, so we follow the law and try to get it changed by following the proper channels.

Like saying I support the first amendment but, you should keep your speech to yourself and not tell anyone especially if it might offend someone or encourage them to see things from a different point of view. It puts me on edge to hear people express themselves.... lol...

I suppose the people who are anti 2nd/open carry/concealed carry have the right to their opinion, but they should keep it to themselves in the name of not putting people on edge or making them uncomfortable. I still don’t understand how hiding it behind a shirt or jacket makes it better or worse really.

Have a great day, call your mothers and tell them you love them if you can.

Oh, and I always carry, unless I’m not.

Who is John Galt?

You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training.

Semper Paratus
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6868710
05/10/20 03:18 PM
05/10/20 03:18 PM
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If you don’t carry you MUST be anti 2nd amendment then? LOL

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: Law Dog] #6868714
05/10/20 03:24 PM
05/10/20 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Law Dog
If you don’t carry you MUST be anti 2nd amendment then? LOL

Duh! crazy

We don’t have a sarcasm emoji or anything so it’s hard when you can’t talk to people face to face for them to read that. I’m sure if the only way we could talk was face to face, It would go differently than it usually does with all the name calling and middle school BS.

I say live your life how you want. You don’t want to carry, that’s cool, just don’t worry about other folks business if they choose to...

Who is John Galt?

You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training.

Semper Paratus
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: DelawareRob] #6868716
05/10/20 03:31 PM
05/10/20 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DelawareRob
Originally Posted by Law Dog
If you don’t carry you MUST be anti 2nd amendment then? LOL

Duh! crazy

We don’t have a sarcasm emoji or anything so it’s hard when you can’t talk to people face to face for them to read that. I’m sure if the only way we could talk was face to face, It would go differently than it usually does with all the name calling and middle school BS.

I say live your life how you want. You don’t want to carry, that’s cool, just don’t worry about other folks business if they choose to...

I was not the one worrying and yes it was sarcasm. LOL

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6868717
05/10/20 03:34 PM
05/10/20 03:34 PM
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
DelawareRob Offline
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East of the Mason-Dixon Line
I’m picking up what you’re laying down. grin

Who is John Galt?

You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training.

Semper Paratus
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: Law Dog] #6868720
05/10/20 03:37 PM
05/10/20 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Law Dog
Sometimes a guy has to step back and see why he thinks like he does at times. The whole anti thinking process is based on, “ if I don’t do it then others should not then.”


Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: Law Dog] #6868721
05/10/20 03:45 PM
05/10/20 03:45 PM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
Originally Posted by Law Dog
If you don’t carry you MUST be anti 2nd amendment then? LOL

it is certainly possible to not carry and or own a gun and be Pro 2A

what is conflicting is seeking to control the way others carry and be Pro 2A

Just as you can not be Pro 1A

and say things like ,
you can talk about religion , just not that religion.
I recognize your right to free speech but not when what your saying makes me uncomfortable.

when you accept your first amendment Rights you do not get to censor others even if you don't believe their religion.

Pastatarinasim, is most likely a mocking of organized religion , but do you know who said , yup it's a religion we accept it , other organized religions.

Because while they have been established for in some case many centuries , their only proof of their belief is faith.

if they challenge Pastatarianism any challenge is equally a threat to their own religion.

Any challenge to a persons 2nd amendment right is equally a challenge to your own right.

America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: tjm] #6868724
05/10/20 03:47 PM
05/10/20 03:47 PM
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Getting There Offline
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Originally Posted by tjm
Quite simply, a permit makes anything a privilege rather than a right. If you buy or support CC permits you are actually anti 2nd Amendment a and anti gun whether you realize it or not.
If you believe the 2nd Amendment gives USA citizens the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and that it means arms to include all arms; then you must either carry open or carry concealed without a permit.
And if you can't see that, it has been said that you can't be fixed.

Open carry in any circumstance only brings the Rights into the open. It is hard to believe anything that must be hidden is a right, whether you think you are for it or against it.

I don't usually carry, but I wish enough of you who do would self-examine why you would object to anyone else exercising their Constitutional Rights in any manner they want to. Remember to ask yourself if it is a right or a privilege.


How man time are you willing to get arrested or put in jail to prove your point? I would like to see you walk into an airport or a court house in Mi. and say it is your right under the 2nd A and you are not leaving. Please try it and let us know. Sorry but I think your above statement is BS. JMO but thank your for your point of view. PS Does your State have the Red Flag Law?

To Old
U.S. Army 60-63 SGT.
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #6868732
05/10/20 04:04 PM
05/10/20 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by GREENCOUNTYPETE
Originally Posted by Law Dog
If you don’t carry you MUST be anti 2nd amendment then? LOL

it is certainly possible to not carry and or own a gun and be Pro 2A

what is conflicting is seeking to control the way others carry and be Pro 2A

Just as you can not be Pro 1A

and say things like ,
you can talk about religion , just not that religion.
I recognize your right to free speech but not when what your saying makes me uncomfortable.

when you accept your first amendment Rights you do not get to censor others even if you don't believe their religion.

Pastatarinasim, is most likely a mocking of organized religion , but do you know who said , yup it's a religion we accept it , other organized religions.

Because while they have been established for in some case many centuries , their only proof of their belief is faith.

if they challenge Pastatarianism any challenge is equally a threat to their own religion.

Any challenge to a persons 2nd amendment right is equally a challenge to your own right.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy of telling people what they believe in from a person that does not do it himself I say if it’s legal it’s up to you to do it or not.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: Getting There] #6868753
05/10/20 04:39 PM
05/10/20 04:39 PM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
Originally Posted by Getting There


How man time are you willing to get arrested or put in jail to prove your point? I would like to see you walk into an airport or a court house in Mi. and say it is your right under the 2nd A and you are not leaving. Please try it and let us know. Sorry but I think your above statement is BS. JMO but thank your for your point of view. PS Does your State have the Red Flag Law?

Just like we accept that there is a limit to the free speech , like yelling fire in a crowded theater and causing the injuries of those trampled.

Some limits on where you can carry , Airports beyond security and Court houses as well as privately owned buildings that are posted , Prisons , psychiatric facilities for the insane.
what most of these have in common is they provide security. Most court houses have metal detectors as do air ports.All are equally unarmed.

Private buildings that are posted because it infringes on the rights of the owner to whom he or she allows into their building. they could equally post a sign that all bears fans wearing bears apparel will be considered trespassing and asked to leave failure to leave will result in prosecution for trespassing. It depends on the state and their particular trespass law but in many states a no guns sign carried exactly the same weight as a no Bears apparel sign.

even if it is one day your goal to challenge court house and air port carry that is not where you start.

in Wisconsin people did almost exactly that, they went to parks , ate at restaurants and followed the law to the letter , recorded interactions with police and when they were prosecuted for an over reach of government authority they sued the department.

at the time disorderly conduct a misdemeanor was the catch all for any behavior the police didn't like.

you keep a society from becoming an unjust police state by challenging the unjust before it becomes a widely accepted norm.

had issuing a disorderly conduct ticket to a man planting a tree in his front yard on private property he owned with a holstered side arm making no threats or threatening actions become an acceptable norm . that would be the definition of an unjust police state.

you may laugh at the thought of that but it really did happen right here in WI.

the challenging of that , the declaration of innocence , and the following lawsuit to recover legal costs and damages for abuse of police authority , over and over and over served to to bring better living for all in Wisconsin.

the Pro gun movement learned a lot from MLKJ lead a peaceful protest , let the police abuse you , record everything , file suit when you have the perfect storm of a case.

many people don't know that Rosa parks was not an old lady , that is what you were taught in school , no she was a younger woman than portrayed , she even had a car , she was an activist with the NAACP. a young pregnant black woman who could not fight being moved to the back of the bus was an inspiration for the events they told you of in school.
so with lawyers ready to act they set up the perfect storm and changed the landscape of race and integration in this country forever.

America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6869272
05/11/20 10:09 AM
05/11/20 10:09 AM
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trapper20 Offline
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Ive heard and can see both sides. if its concealed the bad guy doesnt know if there is a gun or who has one. It doesnt make the crazies in public call for an outrage of some gun nut on the loose and cause unneeded law enforcement contact.

Open carry is a show of force just from the presence of it and will make the bad guy think twice. Its also easier to get to and draw your firearm if ever needed. it does though cause a lot more disturbances from the anti's and even the uneducated general public.

I feel its everyones right to carry as they see fit. IMO I carry concealed when out in public so I dont get all the unwanted attention and raised eyebrows

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #6869405
05/11/20 02:08 PM
05/11/20 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by GREENCOUNTYPETE
Originally Posted by Getting There


How man time are you willing to get arrested or put in jail to prove your point? I would like to see you walk into an airport or a court house in Mi. and say it is your right under the 2nd A and you are not leaving. Please try it and let us know. Sorry but I think your above statement is BS. JMO but thank your for your point of view. PS Does your State have the Red Flag Law?

Just like we accept that there is a limit to the free speech , like yelling fire in a crowded theater and causing the injuries of those trampled.

Some limits on where you can carry , Airports beyond security and Court houses as well as privately owned buildings that are posted , Prisons , psychiatric facilities for the insane.
what most of these have in common is they provide security. Most court houses have metal detectors as do air ports.All are equally unarmed.

Private buildings that are posted because it infringes on the rights of the owner to whom he or she allows into their building. they could equally post a sign that all bears fans wearing bears apparel will be considered trespassing and asked to leave failure to leave will result in prosecution for trespassing. It depends on the state and their particular trespass law but in many states a no guns sign carried exactly the same weight as a no Bears apparel sign.

even if it is one day your goal to challenge court house and air port carry that is not where you start.

in Wisconsin people did almost exactly that, they went to parks , ate at restaurants and followed the law to the letter , recorded interactions with police and when they were prosecuted for an over reach of government authority they sued the department.

at the time disorderly conduct a misdemeanor was the catch all for any behavior the police didn't like.

you keep a society from becoming an unjust police state by challenging the unjust before it becomes a widely accepted norm.

had issuing a disorderly conduct ticket to a man planting a tree in his front yard on private property he owned with a holstered side arm making no threats or threatening actions become an acceptable norm . that would be the definition of an unjust police state.

you may laugh at the thought of that but it really did happen right here in WI.

the challenging of that , the declaration of innocence , and the following lawsuit to recover legal costs and damages for abuse of police authority , over and over and over served to to bring better living for all in Wisconsin.

the Pro gun movement learned a lot from MLKJ lead a peaceful protest , let the police abuse you , record everything , file suit when you have the perfect storm of a case.

many people don't know that Rosa parks was not an old lady , that is what you were taught in school , no she was a younger woman than portrayed , she even had a car , she was an activist with the NAACP. a young pregnant black woman who could not fight being moved to the back of the bus was an inspiration for the events they told you of in school.
so with lawyers ready to act they set up the perfect storm and changed the landscape of race and integration in this country forever.

It's perfectly legal for me to go in to our county courthouse carrying. You statement isn't true in all states. Heck you even could come here and do the same without any permission slips from the state. We have constitutional carry, we are very, very pro 2nd in Kansas.

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6976978
08/28/20 11:41 PM
08/28/20 11:41 PM
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I like my new shirt

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I'm always trying to put a plug in for Wi Carry, Inc. smile

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6977003
08/29/20 12:21 AM
08/29/20 12:21 AM
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I'm going to carry any way I want. If you don't like it, you are free to pound sand. Clear enough?

"The voice of reason!"
Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6977013
08/29/20 12:35 AM
08/29/20 12:35 AM
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I think my wife would not have been harassed in the walmart parking lot by a car full of blm morons had she been open carrying today. Not everyone is trying to be a tough guy because they chose to open carry. It is a deterrent to people looking for easy victims.

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6977328
08/29/20 11:32 AM
08/29/20 11:32 AM
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“Why open carry.”

Because politicians have forgotten just how many citizens are armed.

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6977331
08/29/20 11:34 AM
08/29/20 11:34 AM
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A criminal testimony at a trial for robbing and killing a local here.

“He was dressed like he had money and didn’t look like a threat.”

Re: Why Open Carry! [Re: trapper234] #6977651
08/29/20 05:51 PM
08/29/20 05:51 PM
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